Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Good Old Gospel

The Good Old Gospel is always new, because sinners need Christ Jesus’ love and blood every day. You have to live somewhere forever. Your soul must live on and on, like it or not. You have to live as long as God Almighty lives; you have to live until God your Creator dies. You better learn how to live. You can end your physical life, but not your soul. They will bury your body one day, but your soul won’t be there. You have to live on forever somewhere out in Eternity. There is a God, and you’re not Him. Prepare to meet God through childlike faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. A wise man always prepares for the inevitable. Only Jesus Christ can freely grant you Eternal Life and teach you how to really live. *John 10:10* Life comes from God, and God tells men how to live in the Holy Bible. Put first things first. *Matthew 6:33*

Your relationship to God must be first. If you’re not properly related to God, you’ll never be properly related to anyone or anything on this earth. Let God get a grip on you, so you can get a grip on God. The best way to live your life is to be a born-again Christian. If you depend upon human wisdom and intellect, you have no hope; you must have divine wisdom imparted to you by the Holy Spirit via the Holy Scriptures. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Your sinful past with all its stain and guilt and despair, Jesus took upon Himself on Calvary’s Cross, and suffered in your place, so you could escape the Judgment to come. He took the stripes, thorns, spit, and nails because of your sins. You can only find free forgiveness for your sins at the pierced feet of Jesus. Put your trust entirely upon Jesus' Blood right now.

The Holy Bible is so. Your Sin will damn you for sure. It’s always wrong to do wrong. Every sin you've ever committed throughout your entire life has been against God. Atheism deifies man, humanizes God, and minimizes sin. Holiness, godliness, and purity are the greatest terror to the mind of an ungodly atheist. Your love for sin will cost you your soul. An unsaved man is hopelessly lost in his sin, and he doesn’t even know it, that’s one of the saddest things in the world. By nature, every sinner by nature is on his way to hell, and dead in his trespasses and sins. You have disobeyed God; you think you know better than God. You think you can get away with your sins, but you can’t. You've believed the devil's lies found in atheism or religions. The devil always makes a man think he can get away with his sin. You must face the awful and solemn fact that you’re lost and Hell-bound, and have no ability or merit to save yourself. All that keeps you out of Hell right now is your heartbeat, and God Himself in mercy keeps your heart beating every moment.

The first thing you need to realize is that you're lost and under the wrath of God. *John 3:36* Every man without Christ is a poor, miserable lost sinner. You’re in a bad fix right now. You should be afraid of being a lost sinner. Men are afraid of the atomic bomb and cancer, but they’re not afraid of their Sins damning them. Men fear everything but their sins. God knows all that you do, think, and say every day. He knows everything that you've ever done. There’s no such thing as a little sin in God’s courtroom. It’s an awful thing to be Christ-rejecting sinner. It’s a terrible thing to sin against God. You’ve done something in your past life that you'd like to forget, but your memory and conscience just won’t let you. The guilt of your past sins haunt you every day. You need to trust Jesus Christ's atoning blood for the forgiveness of sins. Come clean with God, get things fixed up now with God at the Cross under Jesus’ blood, and God will freely forgive and forget all your sins immediately and forever.

Every man in the whole world has sinned against the infinitely holy God that created them. God cannot tolerate human sin. The purer you are, the more you will hate your sins. True Purity makes you intolerant toward sin. God will never wink at your sin. All sin must be punished. God is infinitely just and holy. When God wanted to save sinners; God Himself could only find one way to do it. Man’s sin debt had to be paid for by Someone's blood who was sinless. So God sent His Son to die for sinners at the Cross. You are so evil that God had to become a human being and die in you place. God Himself became a Jewish man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth and died for His enemies, so that God’s infinite holiness and justice could be satisfied through the shed blood, sufferings, and death of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. In the Holy Bible, this is called the *Atonement*. *Romans 5:11* A sinner can only approached and meet a holy God by faith at the Cross of Christ. Every sinner has to be saved by Precious Blood. The man that doesn’t believe in hell, and says there is no hell, and I'm too good to go to Hell, is the man that deserves Hell the most. Jesus is the only person who literally loved you to death.

Your sins are as black as a slice out of midnight, and your sin is as bad as Hell itself. There’s something bad wrong with you inside: it’s called Sin. Sin is the most evil and hateful thing on earth. You have committed all your sins in God’s sight; you sinned every time as God's eyes looked right at you. The eyes of your mother or your wife may not have seen you, but God saw you. Thou God seest me. Everything you’ve ever done, every thought that ever crawled across your mind, and every passion that ever moved your heart, God Almighty saw it all. God is holy, and He hates sin. The skeletons of your sins are rattling in the closets of your past. God sees you right now, He’s looking down on you. You might trick your mom, or wife, or your friends, but not God. You can’t mock a holy omnipresent God: God knows all about you, He knows when you’ve sinned, why you’ve sinned, where you’ve sinned, and how you’ve sinned. You may trick everyone else, but not your Omniscient Creator.

No man can have success in this world until he first wakes up to the fact that he is a complete failure. No man can go to heaven until he realizes he’s going to hell. No man can turn around without stopping. You don’t have to go a psychiatrist or college to figure out what’s wrong with you, just read Genesis 3, John 3, and Romans 3. You won’t ever evolve into anything that’s better. Face the fact that you’ve sinned against God, and that you are guilty and condemned in God’s sight. Any man in this world that lives like he wants to live will live a bad life. If you live your own life your own way, you’ll go straight to Hell when you die. There’s not one thing in the Holy Bible that tells you to try and save yourself.

Believe the Bible, whatever it says is so. Take Jesus at His word, trust His sinless character. If you come to Jesus, He'll take you. If you don't have Jesus, you don't have any hope. The way of the transgressors is hard. I only know I'm saved, because God's word tells me so. If you are neglecting Jesus Christ, you're all wrong. Without the shedding of the blood, there is no remission of sins. The only way to get back to God is through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. He was wounded for our transgressions. *II Corinthians 5:21* If you ever go to Heaven, you'll have to go by way of the Cross, the Atonement, Precious Blood, Substitution.

Why don't you trust Jesus Christ? You know you've sinned. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Have you ever done anything wrong? If you have, you've sinned against a holy God. Jesus Christ paid your sin debt on the Cross. If you're trusting what you can do in any way, you're lost. You need a new nature from the Holy Ghost. *Acts 16:31* You better be sure about your salvation. You better play it safe with your immortal soul, put your case in Jesus' hands, come to Him by simple faith, trusting your guilty soul with Him. *Acts 4:12* You can't save yourself, you can't earn your salvation.

You cannot deceive God. You cannot hide from God. God can see through every wall, you can't get away from Him. God's eyes run to and fro throughout all the earth, and behold the evil and the good. God sees you, that's a solemn thought. God has seen everything that you've ever done. Every word you've ever uttered, every thought that ever crawled across your mind, God saw it all. You cannot deceive an all wise God. Man may live in sin without getting caught, but God sees you.

Real Christians experience Satanic opposition. The devil deceives you into thinking that you can sow sin and not reap it. Man left to himself will always end up corrupt. There is in man a tendency to evil. You have evil in your heart, and you know it. You don't have to do anything to be bad, but you have to fight to be good. All you have to do to go to Hell is nothing, just let go, and you'll wind up in Hell. Within you, dwells no good thing. Don't fool yourself, you are sinful and in need of a Savior. The devil tries to make a man believe that he can fix himself up in his own strength. Music, art, literature, science, and technology are empty things without God.

You can't make yourself all right. Only Christ Himself can make you right with God. Trust Christ, not yourself. Keep true to God, keep sowing to the Spirit, keep planting the seed of the word of God. You can count on God, trust what He says, not what you feel. Listen to God, line up with God, go through life and death with God. The world says, "Have a good time, go with the crowd, you only live one time, let go, enjoy life, everyone else is doing it." If you sow the wind, you'll reap the whirlwind. If you sow sin, you'll reap bitter tears, sorrows, heartaches, troubled conscience and tormenting memories.

The ‘Flesh’ in the Holy Bible sense is what you are unregenerated; the Flesh is raw human nature; the Flesh is what you are naturally without God; The Flesh always leads you away from God and into darkness. You’re a sinner, and that’s all. Human sin is destructive, deceiving, and damning. You can’t trust yourself at all. You’re just not right; you have evil propensities and vile tendencies that draw you away from God. The old Adamic nature’s pull and tendency is always downward. You can’t help save yourself from your sins. Human nature always tries to find excuses and alibis for its favorite sins. Never excuse yourself from sinning against God.

You need forgiveness, mercy, help, cleansing, freedom, and purity through the shed blood of the Son of God. God’s standard is a standard of a sinless life, and Christ lived a sinless life especially for you. God never lets anyone get away with their sins. No man ever wins doing wrong, and no man ever loses by doing Right. The Holy Bible will never condone your sin, that’s why you don’t read it. God knows all about you. You do what you do, because you are what you are. You need God’s divine grace to quit your sinning. Only Jesus can comb the rats out of the hair of your character. You will remain to be wretched and miserable about your sinful past until Jesus saves your soul through His Precious Blood. Don’t try to dodge and duck the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Religion will run you crazy, but Jesus Christ will give you a sound mind.

Religion is the thing in which human nature endeavors to rely upon for salvation from human sin and guilt. Religion is the stuff that you do to make you feel better about yourself without trusting Jesus Christ. You need a right relationship to Jesus Christ; trust your sin-laden soul to Him now. Sin will drive you to insanity, if you don’t watch it. Every one of sins are directly against God; that is the most terrible thing about human sin. Man is naturally wrong. Human nature is filled with sordid ambitions, sinful impulses, an arrogant strut, and self-righteous delusion.

You were born in sin, you've lived in sin, and if you're not careful, you're going to die in your sins. The New Birth from the Holy Ghost is absolutely necessary in order for you to escape from your sinful nature. Come out of your sinful darkness into the marvelous Light of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t been born again, you’re a hopelessly lost sinner, because you were born in sin. There is nothing good in you at all. Only a new creature will do. It’s terrible thing to be a lost sinner. You’ve let sin have right of way and reign in your life, sin has degraded you, and sin will soon damn you forever if you keep messing around with it. There’s something wrong with you naturally. You need the life and righteousness of Jesus Christ imparted to your dead soul by the New Birth through the Blood and Spirit of Christ. Ask for Faith, Seek for Mercy, Knock for Wisdom. *Matthew 7:7*

The Good Old Gospel says that you are helpless to save yourself, or bring yourself back to God. Christ Jesus came to reconcile you back to God through His Atoning Blood. Christ took those sins of yours, which are enough to sink you down into Hell, and He bore them all in His own body on the Cross, He took the punishment and wrath due to your sins, that He might bring you to Heaven by His grace. If you will but simply trust HIM, even now, He will deliver you from the curse of the Law; for it is written, “He that believeth on Christ is not condemned.” Christ Jesus will give you Eternal Life freely, for it is written, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.”