Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bob Jones Sr Quotes 7

* You can't earn salvation, and you can't help pay for it after you get it.
* Do what you ought to do today.
* No man has ever been saved until he told God, "I am not worthy." The hottest place in Hell is for the fellow that thinks he's too decent to go there.
* Jesus is God, He's all the God I want, He's a big enough God to save a sinner.
* Men doctor Jesus up and trim Him down to suit their tastes.
* Don't dodge or trim, be a well-rounded Christian, live right, shoot straight, be practical, down to earth.
* God is looking for little people that are willing to let Him do something big in their lives. God is looking for plain ordinary people that won't strut.
* The thing that's first in your life is your 'god'.
* It's never been easy to do right.
* Stay in contact with the risen Christ.
* The measure of your responsibility is the measure of your opportunity.
* There's not enough character in America today to stand another depression.
* If you want for yourself more than the will of God for your life, you'll be frustrated, and you'll frustrate everybody around you.
* But remember this now - all the pages of all the tomorrows God has kept clean for you. You don't have to soil any of them, from this day as long as you live in this world you can be what God wants you to be, for His grace is sufficient.
* Always give God the benefit of the doubt.
* Every time you get discontented with decency for the right thing, that's the first step towards the hog pen.
* No man thinks through life's problems aright who doesn't know Jesus Christ. Let Jesus harness your thinking.
* The greatest moral monstrosity on earth is a woman who rejects Jesus Christ.
* Beware of men who try to get you to turn your conscience over to them.
* Prayer is no substitute for studying.
* The purer you live, the holier your life, the truer you are to Jesus Christ, the less you will be understood, and the more you will be hated; Wickedness hates goodness; Lying hates honesty; Darkness hates light.
* Don't ever want anything that God doesn't want you to have, and just want what God wants you to have, and you'll find rest for soul and be happy.
* A Christian is not in this world for what he can get; a Christian is in this world for what he can give.
* You need to agree with God, don't try to get God to agree with you.
* You're never right until God's way becomes your way; God's way is to deny yourself.
* If you want Jesus Christ more than anything else, you will find Him; if not, you'll go to Hell. You can't want Jesus Christ and something else at the same time, and have Jesus Christ.
* There's only one solution to your sin problem, get nearer to Jesus Christ.
* If you have Christ, you'll go to Heaven; if you don't have Christ, you'll go to Hell.
* The only problem with America today, is that we've walked out on the word of God.
* Man prefers darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. Man is bad, and the Bible tells on him; that's why men don't like the Bible. Men don't want the Bible light on.
* The test of your character is what you would do if you knew nobody would ever know.
* The world sees what we do, God sees what we are that makes us do what we do.
* Your character is what God knows you to be, your reputation is what men think you are.
* Men don't like to have God too near to them. Folks don't like God around. No sinner is ever satisfied without Jesus Christ. The world will take any man before they will have Jesus Christ.
* You can judge a church by the type of preacher it chooses.
* God will let you go to Hell, if you want to go; God doesn't want anybody in Heaven He has to pull in by the hair of the head.
* The closer you get to God, the more miserable you'll get, till you get right with Him.
* Religion today is trying to trim down Jesus Christ down to their level, so men will accept Him.
* When God moves, Satan organizes his forces and persecution arises.
* Loose thinking leads to loose living.
* The church today is not attacking; the church is under attack.
* The tendency of man is to exalt man, not God. The world will deify a man one day; his name is the antichrist. The antichrist will be man's choice, instead of God.
* Don't expose yourself to unnecessary temptation.
* There isn't a government that ever lived that accepted Jesus Christ. There is no Christian government on Earth.
* If you're doing what God wants you to do, you have an important job.
* We are in danger today of over emphasis of non-essentials.
* If you wonder if something is not right, then don't do it. If you're not sure, don't take any chances, be as faithful to God as you can, live in all good conscience before God.
* Listen to the right things, and refuse the wrong things.
* God sees me as I am, men see me as they think I am, what a difference.
* What would you do if you knew nobody would ever know? That's the test of what you really are.
* There's work for you to do for Jesus that no one else can do.
* Don't take any chances with your soul, play it safe, only trust Jesus' Precious Blood now.
* You're accountable to God for your character, not for your reputation.
* A Christian is a person that has Christ in his heart, that's all.
* Men are against the Bible, because its good, and man is bad. The Bible turns the light on, that's the reason folks are against the Bible. The word of God is against sin, self-righteousness, and the whole system of man. Whatever the Bible says is so. Man is against the Bible, because he prefer darkness rather than light.
* Do you think you can earn a thing as valuable as Eternal Life?
* There's one thing you better be sure of and that's your Salvation; you better be dead sure of your Salvation; you better play it safe, trust Jesus' blood, that's all.
* Are you as good a Christian as you ought to be?
* There's never been but one sinless person that ever lived on this earth, and the world spit in His face.
* You can have a lot of Church-ianity, and never know Jesus Christ.
* Keep true to God, keep sowing to the Spirit, keep planting the seed of the word of God.
* Don't take the popular side, take the right side.
* There's greater danger in prosperity than there is in adversity.