Saturday, June 2, 2012

Genuine Faith 1

Christ Jesus is able to save any sinner unto the uttermost that comes to Him by simple faith in His Precious Blood. Whosoever will, let him come and take the water of life freely. God will love you freely and forgive you graciously for Jesus' name sake. Exalt Christ, put down yourself. Give no heed to religiousness and vain traditions. Put the crown upon the head of Jesus, and exalt the Almighty Savior of sinners. Highly exalt the Creator, put down your sins. Nothing but the Holy Ghost and the Grace of God can keep your evil passions in check. Self-righteousness is a rotten product of human pride.

The Lord Jesus Christ is my strength and song, and He is become my Salvation; He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation, and I will exalt Him. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Salvation is by free grace through Atoning Blood. Love Jesus, delight in Him, extol His name. Glorify the Crucified Creator who is everlasting. Extol JEHOVAH JESUS only. *Acts 19:17* O how I love to hear Jesus praised! Reject and discard all human merit utterly. As a man's faith is, so is he. Put your faith in Jesus Christ, and have an ardent love towards Him. Believe the truth of the Gospel thoroughly. Fix your faith in Christ's Blood alone. Let Christ and His truth be woven into your being and nature, let Him become part of you. The Gospel saves me, comforts me, sustains me in my trials and temptations, helps me to conquer my sins, keeps down my evil passions and vile tendencies, and brings me near to my God. Only God's mercy in Christ saves a sinner.

God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son to die, that sinners might live through Him. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Trust Jesus Christ with your soul, and you are reconciled to God, your sins are blotted out forever for Christ's sake. Whosoever believeth on Jesus, the Son of God, hath everlasting life. Confess your guilt, trust in the sinner's Savior, and you are saved. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The chief part of wisdom is to live to please the Lord; to depart from evil, this is the essence of wisdom. These three things make up the Gospel - the Bible, the Blood of Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only Regenerator; He is the only converting and saving power that works in us to bring us to Christ.

Jesus will not make up the deficiency after you have done your best. Oh no, when a sinner comes to God, he must bring nothing but the Blood of Christ. Guilty sinners can only be pardoned by trusting to the Blood once shed by Christ. You can't come to God based on your good behavior, it must be only by what Jesus did. Self-righteousness is an egregious falsehood and damnable error. Come to Jesus in all your sin, come just as you are, in all your filthiness, weakness, poverty, insignificance, appealing only to the pity and mercy of God in Christ. There is no road to God's acceptance, but through Jesus, Jesus only. There is but a step between you and eternal death.

Lord Jesus, I have no merit, nothing to plead, nothing to offer but my guilt, be merciful to me, save my helpless soul, for I have sinned against you. Lord Jesus, be gracious unto me, pardon me freely, here is one sinner who needs Your grace and free pardon. You heal the sick, here is one sick sinner in need of your Remedy. Lord Jesus, I trust to You, I lay my sins on You, I lay my sin-sickness at Your dear feet.

If you cannot pay a penny, you will be frankly forgiven all your sins, but as long as try to do your best to pay what you owe to divine justice, there is no hope for you. Jesus will not make up the rest. Christ will not do the little you cannot do. Christ will be everything, or else He will be nothing, you must be saved wholly by Mercy, or else not at all. You cannot mingle your works with Christ's Finished Work. You have nothing to pay the terrible debt of sin, don't trust in your own righteousness. In order to saved by your own righteousness, you must be absolutely perfect in word, thought, and deed from birth to death. Your half-obedience can never be accepted by God. Never trust to your imaginary human goodness. If you are to be saved, Christ must do it all. Christ will never allow you to do what you can, and leave Him to make up the rest. What can you do that is not sinful? Christ planned it all, He did it all, He finished it all. The work of Redemption is all finished. Human sin can only be cancelled at Calvary.

Human nature says, "I can do anything I set my mind to, I can change my life." Be good as you ever can, and if there be a little bit you are lacking, trust Jesus to make up the rest. This is a gross and fatal delusion. If you are a good person and have a little sin, and have done no great wrong, and are as nearly as good as you ought to be, and only need Jesus a little, then Christ came not to save people like you. Nothing is more pleasing to human nature than the attempt to do something by which it may merit salvation at the hand of God.

Trust now at the foot of the Cross in Christ's full and perfect Atonement, and you are saved. Exalt Christ Crucified. Ask Jesus to save you from the love of sin. Trust to His Blood, Righteousness, and Atonement. Faith is coming to Christ in childlike trust. Fix your hope on Jesus; Set your heart on Him. Think of Jesus with fixed thought. Jesus is God, He is man; He is the crucified and risen Substitute for sinners. Jesus is willing to receive to receive all who trust to His blood and merits. He will save you, He will save you now, every sinner who will simply rely only upon Him.

Bring Jesus before your mind's eye, consider and admire Him. He who made heaven and earth came into this world as a helpless Jewish infant. The Word was made flesh. Read about and follow His life from Bethlehem till He goes to die on the Cross. Look to Jesus the Incarnate God suffering for sinners. Fix your heart's eye on Gospel promises. God be merciful to me a sinner, for Jesus' sake. Lord Jesus, renew me, cleanse me, purge me, I hate my sins, deliver from me from my sins' power, hold me up. In the unseen Savior I have joy unspeakable, I fix my trust and love on Him, from the unseen Savior I draw my Joy. On the Incarnate God I fix all my hope; I look only to His sinless, substitutionary Sacrifice. All my confidence is anchored on the complete Atonement of Christ. I am eternally reconciled to God by Precious Blood.

My spirit is fixed on Jesus as the center of my soul. Fix your thoughts on Jesus' Blood, make Him the only object of your trust. Fix your soul on Jesus, despise your doings, they cannot help you at all, look simply and wholly to Christ. All my trust on Christ is stayed. Come with nothing of your own to Christ Jesus. Christ has perfectly kept Law for you, His Righteousness must be your righteousness. Your fig-leaf righteousness will not cover your soul from God's divine justice in the day of wrath. Christ has suffered in your place. If you're weary and heavy laden, if you sense you have broken the Law and rejected Christ, and feel your guilt, leave your own trusts, and come to Jesus now. Down with your pride, away with your self-righteousness. Christ is the Mediator, put your faith in the Atonement of the Cross. *Romans 5:11*

Meekly cast your soul on the mercy of God in Christ. Let your imagination and affection be stayed and rested on Christ. When you think right, you'll believe right, and then you'll act right, and then you'll feel right. Genuine faith in the Lord Jesus Christ promotes godliness and purity in a man's heart and life. Let your hope, trust, and confidence be fixed upon Jesus the Christ of God. Let your heart be stayed on God, in the truth, on pure living. Make Christ's Atonement your trust, refuge, your All. A life vest on a sinking ship will not save anyone unless an individual takes the life preserver and straps it to his body, that will save the drowning man, or else he will sink and perish. If you know yourself to be a real, bona fide sinner, and you are convinced by the Holy Ghost of your guilt and lostness, come now and trust to Christ's Atoning Blood. The Atonement is the unaided finished work of Jesus Himself, He has done it wholly, and He needs nothing from you to supplement His Atoning Blood. Believe now that the man who died on Calvary was God, that He took your sins upon Himself, and that He suffered to pay the debt to divine justice for your sins. Your sins must be punished or pardoned. Which will it be for you?