Saturday, December 3, 2016

Take Special Care Of Your Soul

Men today care about everything but their soul; they care much about their hair, teeth, complexion, weight loss, cell phone, automobile, wardrobe; everything and anything but their soul.  You better be wise and take special care of your soul.  Time is hastening on, life's sun is quickly setting for you.  It's high time you put first things first.  *Matthew 6:33; I Corinthians 15:3*  The sands of time are sinking fast for you, and when your hourglass has run out, you won't get another chance. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment.  Take special care of your soul - for your soul is your true ego, your real self, your immortal being which will out-last time.

Your deteriorating flesh will soon die and be dropped into a grave, but within your flesh, you have an immortal soul which shall outlive the stars. Sin and Death runs in your family. Most men want to live as long as possible, so they can enjoy this life without God while indulging in their pride and sins. But without Jesus Christ, your death bed will be so lonely and frightening. You must soon bid this temporal world goodbye, and you must deal with an angry God that you have ignored and insulted, and whose Son you have slighted and rejected.

The main reason any man goes to Hell is because he has little thoughts of Christ Jesus and what He has done for sinners.  Don't make light of Christ Jesus your Crucified Creator. The grim reaper will come to visit you personally when the death's cold sweat is beading on your brow. You will see Death itself face to face, and you will shudder in terror. You will have no Christ to shelter your soul from hell’s unquenchable fire. You may laugh about the realities of eternity now, but you won't when it comes time for you to die and go the way of all the earth. Consider your way; it is time to seek the Lord. Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Acquaint now thyself with Christ and be at peace.

The gentle kindness of Almighty God sent Jesus Christ here to earth to die for your sins. The Blessed God in the person of Jesus Christ in the fulness of time was born of a Jewish virgin. He came into this world for one reason - to be the Substitute for sinners.  By the grace of God, Jesus tasted death for every man.  Christ took upon Himself human sin, He went up to the Cross loaded with your sins, and there He suffered in your place to make amends for your guilt. The vengeance of God against human sin was poured out upon Christ, He suffered eternal death on the Cross so that lost sinners might not die in their sins. 

The Lamb of God was slain in your place. Jesus provided satisfaction to the injured and broken law of God. The despised and crucified Christ is the only source of the sinner's salvation. Come to Jesus not to do, but to have all done for you. Not to merit salvation, but to receive it as a gift of God's free favor. Come just as you are, altogether without anything to plead before God. God in everlasting love gave His Son to die for the ungodly.

Believe in the great Propitiation which Jesus offered for your sins. You have nothing to trust to but Christ Himself. Wholly, solely, heartily, and entirely fix your hope on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ whom God has set forth to be the Propitiation for human sin. Pardon is given freely through the Savior's Precious Blood, graciously granted without human works. Simple faith in Jesus who loved you and gave Himself for you. Look to Jesus for all. Firm reliance on Christ. Cease from your own works and your own righteousness, stop resting in yourself. Be still and Rest upon the Savior, let Him be all your salvation and your only Safety. The way of Salvation in Christ is by heavenly mercy, not human merit; by faith, not works; by divine grace, not human efforts. Simple faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is the way to Glory.

You must die – it is inevitable; you will not be late for your appointment with death and your Maker. What will you do then without a Savior? You will desperately need Him then. Your soul will soon float down the black stream of death, and then over the roaring brink of eternity into the Lake of Fire to burn forever. There is a Hell, and you are headed there without Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Life is short, eternity is long. You think much about your work, career, income, pet, pleasures, retirement, but rarely about your priceless soul. 

Your soul should have your most serious and best thoughts continually. You should seek above all things that your soul may prosper and be in health, and that your inner man be in a living state. The neglect of Christ has brought your soul into a most hazardous condition. If you continue to reject Christ, your soul will inevitably spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. At the White Throne Judgment your soul will stand quivering on the brink of the dark bottomless pit. Each time your heart beats your soul is brought nearer and nearer to eternity. If you lose your soul, it will be lost and damned forever. Ye must be born again. Plunge your soul in the Blood of the Lamb of God by faith.

If you continue on in your sinful way, your soul will perish forever in everlasting burnings. The things of time are not worth the things of eternity and Heaven. You will soon lie down in torment in the flames of Hell. Do not risk your soul's eternal welfare. Come and humble your soul at Jesus' feet. Look to Calvary’s Cross alone; Turn your eye to the Bleeding Lamb of God. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Don't run the risk of an eternity of woe for an hour of sinful pleasure. God has continually spared your life in His tender mercy. God could have let your soul descend into Hell years ago, but here you are still breathing God's air on His earth. You laugh and jest while your soul is in eternal peril. Satan is waiting to pounce on you, the Law is ready to condemn you, your sins are as black as hell, God's wrath abides on you, Hell is waiting to devour you. Believe in Jesus Christ, that is, look to His dear Cross, trust your soul with Him alone. Trust in Christ, He will never deceive you. Take special care of your soul. Look carefully to your soul's eternal needs, not just your body. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read.

Where will you spend forever? Deep down in your heart, you fear dying and facing reality, your conscience continues to prick and alarm you. You are so vile and sinful, but Christ died for ungodly sinners. As long as you continue to be self-righteous and self-sufficient, your soul in extreme danger of Hell fire. Sinner friend, don't mess around and ruin your soul forever. Come now, believe only in Jesus Christ, you cannot pay your redemption money, you cannot get your soul out of pawn with your own works, don’t bring a single penny with you, bring none of your counterfeit money to pay for your soul. Christ paid all the money for your soul long ago with His own blood on Calvary's tree. Find all your salvation in the veins of Jesus, God manifest in the flesh. The Blood of Jesus Christ alone will cleanse you from all sin. The Blood that flowed from the veins of the Incarnate God, Jesus Christ, is your soul's only hope. Christ finished salvation on Calvary; look to Him alone, and you are saved. Trust your soul with Christ; He will save you. Don’t be a fool and bet your immortal soul on some religious nonsense – go directly to Christ Jesus Himself, the living Savior, and ask HIM to save your soul.

True faith in Christ is when you have no faith in yourself at all. Atonement for human sin is the work of Jesus alone; He doesn't need to be aided by you at all. Believe will all your heart that the Man Christ Jesus who died on Mount Calvary was God, and that He took your sins upon Himself and died in your place. Humbly yield to Christ, submit to His Righteousness, abhor and reject your own righteousness. Put all your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ; let Him sprinkle your soul with His Precious Blood. Ask Christ's Spirit to come and dwell in your mortal body. Christ was punished for 'your sins,' if you trust Christ's atoning Blood, God cannot punish the same offense twice. Believe in Christ; cast your soul on the Blood Atonement that Jesus made for you; Trust your soul with Jesus Christ, and He will save it. Take special care of your soul. Seek Him, Pray to Him, Call upon Him, Trust to Him.