Sunday, November 27, 2016

More Light 2

The entrance of Thy Words giveth Light, 
it giveth Understanding to the simple. 
*Psalm 119:130*  
The only person in the entire universe that can cause the words of God to truly enter into your mind and heart and soul, and effectually work there is the Holy Spirit Himself.  Without the moving and working of the Spirit of Christ in your mind and heart, there will be no Light whatsoever.  Your greatest needs are the Words of God, Divine Light, and Divine Understanding.  No Words, No Light; No Light, No Understanding - End of Story.  The words of God enlighten and illuminate the mind and heart of man like a flashlight lights up a dark cellar or attic.  Without Divine Light, the lost souls of unregenerate men and women continue to sit in the darkness of their natural state.  The words of God bring Light, and that Light brings Understanding.

The Understanding that the Holy Spirit first brings to us is about ourselves, that is, our lost and helpless state.  The Holy Spirit helps us see our sinfulness, danger, lostness, inability, and helplessness.  The mere hearing of the word of God with the physical ear will not help at all, the words of God must enter into the inward parts - the conscience, the mind and thoughts, and the spirit, soul and heart of man.  The words of God cannot find entrance in many hearts, because some hearts are blocked by pride, the love of sin, self-conceit, indifference, self-righteousness and prejudice.  Only the words of God which bring Light can dispel the thick darkness in the mind of the natural man.

Receiving understanding is similar to when you go to the Doctor for an annual checkup, and he does blood work on you. Until you get the blood work results back, you do not have a true understanding of your real health status.  You could feel just fine, but the blood work could reveal some real bad news about your current physical condition.  Likewise, until the Holy Spirit probes your inward parts and gives you His divine Diagnosis, you will never truly understand what you really are in the sight of God.  You need help from the outside before you can get understanding about your true physical condition, and this is also true for your true spiritual condition.

Second, after the Spirit of God gives you understanding about your sinful state, He will then begin to warn, persuade and woo you to the Lamb of God and His Precious Blood as the Remedy for your sin-sick soul.  Only the simple (meek, poor, broken and contrite in spirit) can receive divine Understanding.  The opposite of the simple are smart-alecks.  The simple are the meek and sincere souls that through the Help of the Holy Spirit sense their sinfulness and then sincerely seek the Lord Jesus Christ and His Blood as the Antidote for their sins.  The simple not only obtain a knowledge of God but a true Understanding of God's true holiness and free mercy.  The simple truly understand the simplicity of the Gospel.  The world counts the simple that have Understanding as fools and half-wits.  But the simple are those that are not high-minded or wise in their own eyes.  Christ Jesus shall give them Light.  Now understand - nothing on Earth could exist and grow without sunlight.  Likewise, there will be no Life in your heart without divine Light shining there through the Words of God and the Gospel of Christ.

There's absolutely no help or hope for the soul that avoids the Lord Jesus Christ.  Salvation is far from the wicked, for they seek not God's words.  Until you seek God's words, you cannot be given divine Light, and divine Light gives divine Understanding and excellent Wisdom.  You must receive the word of God, not as the word of men, but as it is in Truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh in the soul that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ.  But the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word of God, receive it, understand it, keep it, and bring forth fruit. The simple have good ground in their heart and receive the engrafted word with meekness which is able to save their soul.

The entrance of Thy Words giveth Light, 
it giveth Understanding to the simple. 
*Psalm 119:130*