Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Gospel ER

They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. Only miserable sick sinners that cannot help themselves are admitted into the Hospital of Mercy.  The Hospital of Mercy only has one Physician - His name is The Lord Jesus Christ.  He only offers His services for free.  Your money is no good there.  All of His patients are served and helped freely.  The age of his patients does not matter.  The sickest patients are always accepted into the Gospel Emergency Room (ER) first.  Go down now to the Gospel ER; it is open 24/7.  Only sick folks get hep at the ER. The Great Physician is always on call.

A man who is seriously injured in a car wreck would be a fool to try and fix himself up before he gets to the Emergency Room.  If he makes himself better, the ER will not accept him.  Only needy sinners get admitted at the Gospel ER.  If a heart surgeon has to complete a triple bypass on your heart, he would never let you complete one of the bypasses yourself.  The heart surgeon will either do all of the surgery for you, or nothing.  Likewise with Jesus, He must fix you completely within, or He will turn you away.  Jesus doesn't need your help at all, He only requires you bring sins and misery to the Cross, and He will do the rest.

When a patient comes to a doctor for help, the doctor’s first work is to find out all he can about the patient’s disease, so he begins by asking questions concerning the various symptoms that have been noticed. The doctor is sure to look at the sick man’s tongue, and look into his eyes and ears.  The LORD learns a great deal of the condition of a man’s heart spiritually from the state of his tongue, eyes, and ears. The doctor will also listen to the patient’s lungs, test his heart, and take his temperature, and ask him a great many questions, not merely about what appears on the surface, but about his inmost self.

Only really sick and seriously injured folks are taken in at the Gospel ER.  All men seriously injure their souls by sinning against God, and then they foolishly try to make themselves better before coming to Doctor Jesus.  Many an idle word have you uttered, many a wrong act have you done, you have broken God's law and heart all of your life.  It is clear that you cannot live without sinning.  You may try to do your best, but all the Law will ever give you is a Curse.

Without Christ as your Savior, you are in a truly terrible condition. Have you any hope after death?  Don't be a fool - Come to the Hospital of Mercy and prove to the triage nurse that your sickness which is called Sin is deadly.  If you have real sin trouble, the Doctor will see you immediately.  Sin has wounded your spirit deeply.  And who can bear a wounded spirit?

Tell the ER nurse all of your Sin symptoms - guilt, addictions, despondency, evil habits, dread of hell, sorrow, doubts, misery, emptiness, out-of-the-way, impure thoughts, despair, wretchedness, fear of death, badly broken heart, vile imaginations, hopelessness, and loneliness.  Jesus is the Physician of the soul with infallible Wisdom, unerring Skill, loving Tenderness, and infinite Power.  Don't think of yourself and despair, think of Jesus and take heart. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the mainstay of the Gospel; when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay.

Knock at the Doctor's door, and He will let you in.  You must convince the Doctor that you need His help now.  Cry out for Him.  Then the nurse will take you directly back to Doctor Grace for help. Come right back sir, first door on the right, the Doctor will see you right away.  Jesus delights in saving the worst of sinners. When you are guilty and need Help right away, the only place for a sinner to go is directly to the Cross. If a man has an incurable disease, he will search the world over for a cure to save his body from death, for he desperately seeks to live on this earth a few years or months longer, for if he is an unsaved man, this earth is the only Heaven he will ever see.

The human heart needs more than human skill to cure it of its sin problem. Jesus is able to save to the uttermost - He heals the broken in heart. He has never lost a case yet.  Resort to Jesus now for divine aid. Remember - Needy sinners are always welcome at the Cross.  Him that cometh to Jesus, He will in no wise cast out. He is mighty to heal the sin-sick soul. His chief medicine is His own Blood - there is no cure for Sin like it. Healing for a sinful heart comes only by Atonement by Substitution.  Christ Jesus suffered in my place, so I could take His place.  Jesus said, "They that are whole have no need of the Physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to Repentance."

Your life is flying by quickly - it is high time for you to trust your soul with Jesus Christ. To rely upon Christ in part is to be deadly mistaken, your Faith must be altogether unmixed.  Jesus must be your whole Savior, or not your Savior at all.  Throw your whole weight upon His Atonement for human sin, cling to Him alone, for none other can rescue you from eternal destruction.  Beware of the mixing of self-confidence with Faith in Jesus.  Only the Gospel can slay the deadly sins lurking in your heart and mind.  Religion only makes you more self-righteous, and makes you harder to be saved freely by His Grace.  Self-righteousness is so deceitful and deadly.

The darling sins you indulge in are deadly. Your doubts about the Lamb of God are deadly.  You have a deadly tendency to love your sins.  Believe in Christ's Deity and Atoning Sacrifice now.  Sin is the deadliest thing in the universe; it will your destroy your soul both now and forever.  You have a deadly sinful nature, a heinous character bent to evil, and a horrible appetite for sins.  Now understand - The evil of your sin is a deadly attack against God Himself.  Your deadly slumber will soon lead you to eternal destruction.  Snap out of the suicidal slumber of sin and look to Jesus for mercy through His Blood.

Here is the Precious Gospel of Jesus Christ - the Plan of Redemption by which God freely grants His Salvation to sinners:  Jesus who created the heavens and the earth was made flesh and was born in a cattle shed. The LORD of hosts became a human being just for you.  The King of Heaven came down to be the Victim of all men's sin and misery.  He came to Bethlehem-Judah, and dwelt among sinful men in selfless, toilsome obedience to His Father's will.  The only begotten Son of God shed His heart's blood for the ungodly. He was despised and rejected of men. He who only hath immortality hung nailed on a tree naked and bled and died for me.  His groans, drops of bloody sweat, stripes, bruises, wounds, and bloody death agonies have a power in them to save sinners altogether from the divine justice of God.  Immanuel, God with us, voluntarily and lovingly offered Himself up as a Sacrifice for human sins.

Believe the Gospel, act upon the truth of it, and you are saved, saved the very moment you accept the witness of God concerning His Son Jesus Christ.  Believe and live is the sole Gospel precept.  The only fitness for grace is the heart need of the Savior.  If you believe in Jesus, you are instantly in the favor of God.  Jesus is the only Savior of sinners, believe in Him and live, at your peril you reject Christ.   Moral evil (sin) can only be put to death and swept away by receiving Christ Himself.  What would you do with an empty cup if you were thirsty?  Would you not hold it under a Fountain until it was full?  Bring your empty soul and receive Jesus now.  Hold your empty cup under the stream of His divine love which flows from Him freely to the guilty.

Have done with everything but Christ, drops helplessly into His arms.  You have committed evil and brought ruin upon yourself, and you are liable to divine wrath. The atoning blood of Jesus is the only way of Salvation.  Your sins were punished in Christ.  God is now able to put away your sins, because Jesus bore your sins in His own body, and then suffered and died for your sins.  Jesus actually became Sin, so you could become the Righteousness of God. *II Corinthians 5:21* The Lord is ready and able to forgive you.  Only the Precious Blood and Holy Spirit can break you loose from the dominion of the devil and the bondage of your sins.

Misery always follows sin.  Guilt always follows the transgression of God's commandments.  There is no good in you at all - you are only one big mass of sin and misery.  Sin is a direct intentional breach of God's divine commands.  God is true, and every man is a lie.  The only way to be saved from guilt and sin is to come to Christ by trusting to His blood in simple childlike faith.  Christ Jesus is a real living Person, He is full of power to save sinners.  He is the one and only source of eternal Mercy.  You must actually come to Him.  There must be a personal contact established between the Lord Jesus Christ and your spirit.

Go now to the Lord in prayer, flee to the Gospel ER, fall down at heavenly Doctor's feet, tell Him what you need inside, believe that Jesus can save you, trust the Great Physician to do it, intensely seek His Blood's cleansing. Simple Faith applies the healing balm to your wounded heart. I believe Jesus can save me, I must be saved by Him, I will look nowhere else for the Free Forgiveness of my sins.

After you are born again, serve the Lord humbly and cheerfully out of adoring gratitude to Him, praise and thank Him, tell others about the Gracious Physician and His Gospel ER.  Live to the praise of the glory of His grace. Remember - Only the Holy Spirit can mortify our lusts, change our heart, purify our appetites, and make us to partakers of the divine nature.