Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Heart Attack Facts

According to the American Heart Association, someone suffers from a heart attack every 20 seconds and someone dies from a heart attack every minute in the USA. It’s America’s number-one killer. 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the USA each year with 500,000 deaths. Studies show the most common time for a heart attack to occur is Monday morning. Saturday morning ranks second. Another common time is during the early morning hours, when blood platelets are stickier. Chewing an uncoated aspirin right away, at the first sign of chest discomfort or distress, can reduce the amount of damage to the heart muscle during a heart attack.  Costs related to heart attack exceed 60 billion dollars per year in the USA.

The heart of a grown man is about the size of two fists. It pumps 100,000 times a day, moving 75 gallons of blood through the body every hour with a work expectancy of 75 years, without ever shutting down for maintenance.  In an average life span, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times, and pump 1 million barrels of blood; that's enough to fill three super tankers.  The heart pumps blood to almost all of the body's 75 trillion cells, only the corneas receive no blood supply.  The heart of an unborn baby begins beating 18 days after conception, and by 21 days the heart is pumping blood through a closed circulatory system.

The risk factors for coronary artery disease and heart attack include: stress, smoking, alcohol, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, too much fat in diet, high blood cholesterol, heredity, elevated homocysteine levels, age, and others. Heart attack warning signs are chest discomfort (uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, pain), discomfort in other areas of the upper body (one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach), shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness. Don’t procrastinate if you feel these signs.
As with men, women's most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, and back or jaw pain. Sudden death is more common among women with heart attack. If you or someone you’re with has chest discomfort, especially with one or more of the other signs, don’t wait longer than a few minutes (no more than 5) before calling help. Call 9-1-1 and get to a hospital right away. Cardiac arrests strike immediately and without warning. The keys to preventing heart disease is reduce stress, avoid tobacco, be more physically active, and choose good nutrition.

What is your plan if you do have a heart attack? Are your family members CPR qualified? Do you carry aspirin in your car? Remember, heart attacks are the #1 killer in America and you need to prepare.  You need to live right and eat healthy, but you also need to plan for the inevitable - Death. What preparations have you made to enter Eternity? Our hearts will only last so long and then we will have to leave this body and face God at the judgment.

In order to be prepared to die, you must first realize you are a Sinner. God’s Ten Commandments demand moral perfection from us. Let’s see if you have broken God’s Law: Is God first in your life? Have you made a god to suit yourself and your sins that you love? Listen closely to your conscience. Have you ever taken God’s holy name in vain? Have you always honored your parents? Have you ever hated anyone? Have you had sex outside of marriage? If you have, you are a fornicator and cannot enter Heaven.  Jesus said, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart.”  Have you ever lusted? Have you ever stolen something? Then, you’re a thief.  Have you lied or exaggerated? If so, then you’re a liar and cannot enter Heaven. The Holy Bible says, “All liars will have their part in the lake of fire.” Hell is a real place.
The Law of God leaves us all sinners in God’s sight.  If you die in your natural state, on Judgment Day, you will be found guilty, and end up in Hell and the Lake of Fire forever.  But there’s Good News: The Lord Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh) paid your fine on the Cross 2,000 years ago with His own life's blood. God can only forgive you through Jesus’ precious blood.  God will only accept you at the Cross. “God commendeth [proved] His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, and ascended on high. If you Repent (stop rejecting Christ, stop working to get to heaven, and loving your sinful ways), and Trust to the Lord Jesus and fix your faith in His atoning blood, God will forgive your sins freely and instantly, and give you the gift of eternal life. How about it, Do you realize you’re a sinner? Are you fearing death and the grave? Is your heart aching and in need of forgiveness?  Flee from the wrath to come - turn to Christ Jesus, the living Creator Savior God. Life is short, death is sure, sin the curse, Christ is the cure.  It is Finished, Through His Blood, Believe on His Name.  Please don’t turn Jesus away today.

"Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I have rejected your Son and broken Your law many times. I am so sorry for offending and insulting You. I am no good, I repent towards You and turn from my self-righteousness and sinful ways. I believe Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, and He died to pay for my awful sin debt. This day I receive your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into my heart and put my trust in His Precious Blood and Perfect Righteousness alone. God be merciful to me a sinner, and save my guilty soul for Jesus' sake. Please forgive me, save me from the love of sin, and give me your Gift of eternal life. Help me to serve you and confess you openly. In JESUS’ Name, Amen.”