Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Best Friendship

The Lord Jesus Christ is beyond all comparison the best of friends: He is a friend in need, and a friend indeed. The sinner has no real friend, except the Crucified and Risen Savior. Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. Jesus died in agony and was put to shame for His enemies. Jesus is THE Friend of sinners, but sinners are not His friends until their hearts are changed. Friendship cannot be all on one side: one-sided friendship is better called mercy, grace, or benevolence.  Friendship in its full sense is mutual. Friendship can only exist where there is a response. Jesus had a great love wherewith He loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sins. Jesus befriended us when we were His enemies. There must be an intimacy in true mutual friendship. Zabud the son of Nathan was principal officer, and the king's friend (I Kings 4:5). He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend (Proverbs 22:11).

Friendship is like a pair of scales, there must be something to balance on the other side; there must be a return of kindly feeling from the person loved. We must do what Jesus tells us out of love to Him. It is the highest honor in the world to be called the friend of Jesus Christ. Are you a friend of Christ? Some forget their lowly friends if they rise to a position of power and respectability among men, but Jesus, the Most High God, will never forget you if you want to be His friend. Obedience to Jesus is better than this earth's wealth and rank. Jesus values His friends not by what they have, or what they wear, but by what they do in private when no one is watching but Him. Aspire to the high dignity of being contained within the circle of Jesus' personal friendship. Yield sincere, hearty obedience to Christ Jesus, be eager to do it, this is life's one essential need. Make Christ your only joy and delight. 

Love + Forgiveness + Friendship + Joy + Hope + Safety = Christ Jesus

True friends are eager to know what they can do to please their friend. Jesus asks obedience of all of us.  None of us are exempt from doing His will and obeying His words; no matter how high or low our earthly condition, we must all obey cheerfully. We must use our talents for His glory. Prove the sincerity of your love. Be willing to yield Him hearty, loyal service. Be careful about your own personal active obedience to His blessed will. Avoid what Jesus forbids. Do helpful acts for Jesus, this proves sincerity. Words are only wind, they must be backed up with deeds of kindness. Friendship only lives on the bread of matter of fact. Jesus says, "Show me a proof of your love."

The friendship Christ expects from us is continuous friendship. Not just on Sunday, but all through the week; not just in public, but in private; not just in word, but in deed. Well doing is the evidence of friendship with Jesus. Seek in every place, at all times, under all circumstances, to do as Jesus bids you, out of a cheerful spirit of gratitude to Him for bleeding and dying for you. Tender, loving subjection to His will and way is what this friendship requires.

We must not pick and choose what command we will keep, this is self-will and not true obedience. Don't become a self-righteous gnat strainer or a camel swallower. Religionists think that misery and merit go together, so they abuse themselves that they might please God. The Lord will be never be pleased by self-inflicted, self-invented carnal abuse and efforts. This is religious will-worship. But grace always teaches cheerful obedience. The smallest command from Christ is most important. Do small things for Jesus - do those things no human tongue will ever praise. Religious professors love to attend to public things that men can see, but the friends of Jesus never neglect the private matters which only Jesus sees. Live alone for Jesus, give yourself up entirely and wholly to His cause and work. Worship God according to His will, according to the Scriptures. There is no grace in apparel; excellence lies in doing what Christ has commanded. Attending religious services in a consecrated 'building' is not a proof of friendship with Christ.

Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it. Earnestly endeavor to carry out His will and live in happy fellowship with Him, be His friend indeed. Do things simply because Jesus commands them. Rebels can never be the King's friend. We must love to do His pleasure and think and act rightly. Never perform duties out of fear of punishment or love of a reward - that is not the fruit of real love. Make Jesus' person your delight and His will your law. Lovingly follow Him, obey Him out of a friendly cheerful spirit. Religious professors must be whipped by harsh sermons, or stirred by exciting meetings, to do their duties. Religionists always live under pressure. But the love of Christ constraineth us. True hearts do what Jesus says without warnings, dogging, urging, threatening, and forcing. At the Cross, duty becomes delight, and precepts are as sweet as promises.

The worldlings and religionists who do not obey Jesus are no friends of His. Nothing burns Christ's cheek like a Judas kiss. A man who does not obey Christ doesn't give the Savior His proper place. Jesus deserves honor and due respect from all of us. Joyful submission to each other is part of obedience to Christ. The man that does not do Christ's commandments cannot be His friend. Can two walk together except they be agreed? The will of Christ is obnoxious to the worldling, and His gracious commands are wearisome. Christ is for purity, human nature is for sin. Christ is for spiritual-mindedness; human nature is carnally-minded. Christ is for love, human nature is for self. Christ is for glorifying the Father, human wisdom is for honoring self.

A man is known by the company he keeps. Loose morals and unrighteous practices are not traits of Jesus' friends. Go among sinners for their eternal good, but beware of men. Always stay on good terms with Christ. Live near to Him, enjoy practical personal friendship and daily communion with Him. Our hearts often break because we have grieved our loving Redeemer, we often go and tell Him our misery and grief, confessing our sin, He knows all our weaknesses and faults. Fellowship and familiarity with Jesus ceases when we begin to become familiar with known sin. There cannot be happy friendship between us and God our Savior if we persevere in any known wrong act. Conscience often reminds us that such and such a thing ought to be given up. If sin lies at the door, the Lord will not smile upon us. Secret sin always poisons our communion with Christ. We cannot hug what Christ abhors.

Study God's word and search out His will. What is the rule of Christ? Search the Scriptures for yourself - every man must bear his own burden and render his own account to God. Be loyal to Christ - try and find out what His will is for your life. Let there be no question, no hesitation, no delay. Resolutely seek to please God in all things. Sin will always try to disturb the intimacy between you and Christ - watch and pray. Jesus IS our Best Friend; therefore, He will not tolerate sin in our lives. Do the Lord's will no matter what crosses, losses, and trials of life may come your way. Bravely bear shame for His name. Losses borne in defense of the Gospel are really gains. Jesus is the Companion of those who are cast out for the truth's sake. The honor of being Christ's friend infinitely outweighs the world's opinion. Follow the Lamb, and let Him be responsible for any results. Right is always right, and will always end in God's blessing; and wrong is wrong, and will always end in a curse even though for a while it may seem like things are going well. The devil will deceive us into thinking that great benefit will arise out of our disobedience. Many people sin because of promised gain or worldly advantage, and they think it will all turn out well in the end, but it will not. If you do evil that good may come, you cannot walk with Christ and be His friend.

Jesus doesn't ask for lavish spending, but ourselves, our heart's obedience. To obey is better than sacrifice. Personal private obeying, and then cheerful giving - this is the order of true friendship. Giving money without the heart is like giving the chaff and keeping the wheat. You must be saved from your sins first, you must be cleansed within by the Atoning Blood of Christ before anything of yours will be accepted. God will not accept any works from a leprous hand. Your heart and hand must both be changed before your offerings and friendship can be pure in God's sight. Steadily, carefully, persistently, cheerfully, do the will of God from the heart in daily life, from your first waking moment till your eyes close in the evening. Always set the example of honesty, uprightness, and piety. Do all things as to Christ because He has saved you.

True friendship with Christ is worth a thousand kingdoms. Let all your actions be friendly towards Christ your Redeemer, always think and act as Christ's friend, let your conduct always honor Him. If something will dishonor Christ, have nothing to do with it. Live as if Jesus was always present, because He IS. Behave as you would act under the actual presence of Christ. You would never do anything unkind or dishonest in His actual presence. Keep Christ always before your thoughts, set the Lord always before you. Live as if Christ could come at once and detect you in the very act. Hearty sincere obedience will gladden you with the presence of the Lord, and in His presence there is always fulness of joy. It is always safe to be Jesus' friend, for He never leaves His friends. This is the Best Friendship.