Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Pure Gospel 3

Without shedding of blood is no remission.  Remission is the canceling of a sin debt.  A sinner will be granted eternal life and the forgiveness of sins only when he comes in contact with the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith.  A Blood Atonement is absolutely necessary in order for a holy God to come into contact with guilty sinners.  An Atonement must be made by Blood for human sin, by the Sacrifice of an innocent life.  The Blood of the Savior must be applied to the conscience and soul of man by the Holy Spirit. You should be shocked that your sins should require such a Sacrifice as God's Son.  You're a sinner; you need supernatural help from the Holy Spirit in order to be born again.  Earthly religion will leave you lost and confounded, but the Gospel will quicken and redeem.

The Crucified Creator poured out His heart's life-blood for the ungodly.  Your sins required such a dreadful Atonement.  You are so guilty before God that His own Son must bleed in order for your transgressions to be blotted out.  The Cross should produce a shocking horror in you concerning your sins.  The God of the Bible cannot be approached without Precious Blood, by a sinless sacrificial death.  There is something horrible about human sin that only a sinless bloody death can hide.  Come to Calvary and look with your mind's eye to Christ Jesus Himself being offered up as an Atoning Sacrifice for guilty men and women.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, which is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

You'll never hear a peep out of a religionist today concerning these precious truths:  Free Justification by His Perfect Righteousness; Instantaneous, Irreversible Pardon by His Precious Blood; Full Atonement by His Great Sinless Substitution; Complete Satisfaction of Divine Justice by His Atoning Sacrifice; Immediate Reconciliation by the Cross; Continual Sanctification by His Spirit.

God Himself became a man like us, and being found in fashion as a man, He became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross.  The gift of Jesus for sinners is the proof of God's infinite goodness and love.  God Incarnate on our behalf vindicated the Law we had broken, and His sinless obedience honored the Law which we had greatly violated.  The Lamb of God gave His life for rebellious lawbreakers.  Jesus can really forgive all your sins.  Christ Jesus is the center of God's heart, and the apple of God's eye.  God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

There is nothing lovable in you; you are a real enemy to God, you are polluted with sin through and through, and you are polluting others with your sins.  God so loved my soul that He gave Jesus Himself to die on my behalf.  Jesus died in unspeakable agony so that guilty sinners like me could be freely pardoned.  Listen closely - Seek peace with God through the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Trust your soul with the Great Atoner of human sin.

Sin brings with it a penalty, pollution and power over you.  What is Sin anyway?  Whatever happened to Sin?  Where are your sins right now?  What can be done about all your sins?  Who will answer for your sins in Eternity?  Someone has to, that's for sure.  Men today think sin is a light thing, just blunders and errors of those who cannot help making mistakes.  Sin is only an error today, or a misjudgment or glandular malfunction. They do not think sin should be punished forever in Eternity.  God with His commandments and statutes has set up barriers against evil, but we have crossed the line.   Sin is not a mistake, it is an intentional crime against your Maker.  The atheist says that Sin is the invention of the church to keep everyone in line.  Sin is a clinched fist in the face of Almighty God.  Remember when you cheated on that test, stole the answer so you could pass, told that lie to get out of trouble, stole stuff from the job to save a buck, or when you deceived your mother.  The Bad News of your sinful condition makes the Good News of Gospel so good.

My sins were so heinous and evil that nothing else would do but that God Himself should become incarnate and be nailed to a cross to bleed and die like a criminal in order to pay the consequences due to my sins.  My sin was so deadly that Jesus had to die.  Sin is such a detestable and horrible thing that it could only be put away by the Sacrifice of Christ's perfect life and blood.  The innocent life of the eternal Son of God, God manifest in the flesh, was laid down on my soul's behalf.  He offered up His own spotless life to put away the filth and penalty of my transgressions.  Your sins should sicken you, because they crucified the Son of God.

Christ was perfectly innocent, He stood condemned in my place, and the punishment due to my transgressions was so dreadful that only God's Son could pay the penalty.  Jesus said that He was God in the flesh - He was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord of glory; He was either deceived, a deceiver, or Deity.  Trust Christ - lose your sins; trust yourself - lose your soul.

You are so sinful that it required a dying God to save you.  The more and more you understand the evil of your sins against God, the more precious the Blood of Jesus will become.  Only the Holy Spirit can show you what your sins really deserve.  The Holy Spirit must send His light down into the dark cellar of your heart, and then you will begin to discern how evil you really are.  You will then realize that nothing else but Jesus' blood could ever cleanse and change you within.  Divine Love led the Savior to give Himself as a Ransom for your sins, so the Justice of God could be fully satisfied, and so the Mercy of God could be freely bestowed on sinners.  Jesus suffered all the penalty on our behalf because of our offenses against God's Law.  Religion tries to trim, change, or amend the Gospel message to satisfy man's sinful tastes or self-righteousness.

Salvation is not by human merit.  Poor sinner, you have nothing to do but to come and take Christ as your Sin-Bearer; put your trust in Him.  He loved you, and gave Himself for you.  By faith come and rest in His finished work.  Water baptism and religiousness can never help take away a single one of your sins; your self-righteousness will never make amends for what you have done.  You can work your fingers to the bone, but you will never attain to a righteousness that will cover your naked soul before the all-seeing God.

Once a lost soul departs Satan's kingdom of gross darkness and enters into Christ's kingdom of marvelous light by the grace of God; that soul goes from being unwanted to adopted, from worthless to precious, from enemy to child of the family, from outcast to accepted in the Beloved.  The grace of God is unearned, undeserved, and unrepayable.  A sinner can never obtain the grace of God because he earned it, and he can never do anything to repay the Giver of Grace.  It is an impossibility to deserve the mercy and kindness of God found in Christ Jesus.  A sinner can only be freed from sin by the grace and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ - freed for free for Jesus's sake.

The only hope for any sinner is to come to the Cross and trust what Jesus Christ has done for him, depending only upon the blood, wounds, agonies, and death of the Crucified Creator, who suffered in his place, that he might escape the wrath of God. Trust Christ, and your soul shall live.  The bloody Sacrifice of Calvary is the only hope for the ungodly.  If you reject Christ, you have sealed your soul's doom.  You either have Christ's blood on your hands, and you are guilty; or you have His blood on your heart, and you are forgiven.

Your soul cannot be safe for Eternity unless the Blood of Lamb has redeemed you.  Your so-called morality, outward religiousness, and good intentions could never make you acceptable with God's divine justice.  If you reject the Blood of Christ, you have rejected the one thing which can save your soul from your sins.  You need Christ's sin-atoning Sacrifice, the Atonement by Precious Blood.  Jesus gave Himself and all that He had to save poor, needy, guilty sinners such as we are.  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, I am a sinner, and my soul rests alone on Him for all my Salvation.  The Blood of Jesus takes away the condemning guilt of sin, and the enslaving power of sin.  The Blood of Jesus gives you a new heart, a new love, and a new desire; you begin to search and love God's words; you begin to love God's people; your desires become pure, your sin begins to bother you, and you long for the time when you will be rid of all your sins; and you wish for the coming day when you will be caught away to be forever with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Once Christ enters your heart, He will begin to slowly drive out the sins that are there.

Come to the Cross now and accept Jesus' Atonement.  Trust to His Blood alone.  Whosoever believeth in Jesus is not condemned.  When the Blood of Jesus is trusted, years of sins will be forgiven in a single instant.  The Blood of Jesus kills the love of sin within.  Only the Cross can kill the love of sin and nourish purity within you.  When you begin to hate your sins and try to forsake them for Jesus' sake, that is when you know you've been born again.  When the Precious Blood begins operating within your soul, you will have a growing strength against temptations, and a growing hatred of your inward evil, and you will begin to grow in grace and become more like Christ in your daily thoughts and behavior.

Flee to the Cross for the Savior's help. Trust Jesus now, and you shall be saved on the spot.  God manifest in the flesh suffered and bled instead of you. Completely depend upon the Christ of God.  The acceptance of the Atonement is the great source of virtue and piety within.  The Blood of Jesus leads us to obey God out of gratitude and aspire after purity for Jesus' sake.  The more a man understands about the Blood of Jesus, the more he will hate and forsake his sins.  The work of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God in our hearts helps us to detect and deny the motions of sin. Fix your trust in the Atoning Blood of the Lamb of God.  A saved man has been bought with a price, the blood of Jesus, and after he is born again, he is the property of Jesus for time and Eternity.  All he has belongs to Jesus and he is set apart to be Jesus' servant.  Dignus Est Agnus Dei!