Sunday, March 9, 2014

Your Main Problem

We're going to get down to bare metal now, and the sparks are gonna fly.  Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. The impure heart of an unregenerate man can't see God, their vision is darkened by their sins. The love of sin blurs and dims the vision of every godless man. Selfish men can't see their selfishness. Impure men can't see purity. Man looks on the outward, but God looks on the heart. God is looking on your heart right now. Your sins won't give you any rest, but Jesus will.  *Matthew 11:28* Every Christ-rejecting atheist is gone to the devil.

If you have the right kind of heart, you'll have the right kind of life. A foul mouth comes from a foul heart; dirty thoughts are the result of a dirty heart.  The mind doesn't make the heart dirty, it's the other way around, the heart makes the mind dirty. You need a change of heart, and only the Holy Spirit can do that for you.  Men are not wrong because they do wrong; they do wrong, because they are wrong. You do what you do, because you are what you are.  Only God's regenerating grace and cleansing blood can save you 'from' your sinful ways today.  Down deep within you where no religion can reach, ye must born again by the regenerating power of God the Holy Ghost.

You may have been strutting your doubts around for a long time, but the only thing really the matter with you is the sins you are committing and loving behind closed doors. You see, sin always works undercover, never out in the open. If you take a sinner and put him in heaven, he wouldn't be happy there at all with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and purity. A man that isn't right with God is very miserable around the things of Christ. There's only one thing that's really wrong with you, and that's your Sin. The problem is not in your head, the root problem is in your old dirty sinful heart. The Gospel gun always fills sinful men with holes, you just need to keep shooting, and they will either fall or run for the bushes. Again, there's nothing the matter with you, but Sin. By the way, your main problem will always be your Sins.

Focus now - Your chief problem is that you love darkness rather than light, because your deeds are evil. *John 3:19* The way of least resistance is Satanic, and that is the way of Sin.  Self-control and self-restraint is hated today.  If you're wondering if a thing is not right, then it's not right. Everything in this universe that's worth anything cost somebody something. Salvation from sin cost Jesus Christ His priceless life and blood.

You see, Jesus is my Hope; my Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness.  When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay.  When Jesus shall come with trumpet sound, I will then in Him be found; dressed in His Righteousness alone, faultless to stand before God's great white throne.

Find out what's right and make up your mind to do it. The easy way is never the right way. If you get money the easy way, it usually curses you. There's no easy road for those who would be what God would have them to be. Real success for any man is finding out what God wants him to do, and then doing it - that's real success. Any man outside the will of God is a failure in this world. The devil is opposed to the will of God, and to all who would do God's will. The door to the room of success always swings on the hinges of opposition.

The lost man that wants to know the Truth (John 14:6) can know Him. You have trouble believing on Christ, because you love your secret sins. Go and try to fool your grandmother, but not us. If you'll pull up the old weeds of your doubts, you'll see they all have sinful roots. There's only one thing the matter with anybody, and that's sin, that's all, just the love of sin. Sin damns people, sin blinds sinners, sin makes you hate God and His words. Intellectual pride, secret sins, self-justification, an evil companion, or something in your past that you just won't get right; these are the things that will send you on to Hell where you belong. You deserve hell, but you don't have to go there. You're going to get what you deserve if you don't watch it. If you follow the bend and course of your sinful nature, it will destroy you morally and lead you into hell fire.

Jesus said what He meant, and meant what He said. You can be saved the moment you're willing to trust Jesus Christ and turn your back on your sins. You'll never get rid of your doubts, until you settle the sin question. When the sin question is settled, all your doubt questions will be settled. You need to be an honest truster, you need to tell Jesus Christ you know you're a sinner, ask Him to have mercy on you and forgive you. Come clean with the Man Christ Jesus who died for you. Draw nigh to God and ask Jesus to put your heart in a right relationship with Him, or you're a goner. You can be saved by Jesus Christ freely, because He suffered, bled, and died for you. And always remember, your main problem is your sins, not your neighbor's.