Friday, August 2, 2013

The Spirit vs the Flesh

The Holy Spirit's Graces:
* Godly sorrow over sins
* Private prayer, family prayer, public prayer
* Private Bible reading, enjoying Bible study
* Intense self-distrust
* Want to believe God
* Life of inward and practical godliness, inward purity, sincere obedience
* Careful walking, close walking, joyful walking
* Full assurance, desiring stronger faith, inward communion with Christ
* Desire after holiness
* True and transparent profession
* Utterly detesting hypocrisy and pretending
* Watchful avoidance of evil
* Hatred of the very appearance of evil
* Real, personal adoring love to Christ, thinking on the Holy Ghost
* Secret sacrifices of pure love to Jesus (secret love-tokens for Him alone)
* Heart searching
* Do justly (purity), love mercy (charity), walk humbly with God (humility)
* Live watchfully (private, family, business, house of God)
* Church attendance (fellowship and unity), Sunday School, prayer meeting, visiting the lost and helpless, desire for preaching and Bible study
* Eager to hear preaching
* Purity, honest, charity, discernment, common-sense
* Thinking on eternity, immortality of your soul, God, judgment to come
* Secret, heart fellowship with Christ
* Secret, real, humble, childlike, earnest, fervent, intense, yielding, importunate prayer
* True communion with God alone
* Close fellowship with Christ
* Repentance for sin
* Remember God's promises and warnings
* God-consciousness, seeking the Lord
* Live near to God
* Looking to Jesus, looking for Jesus
* Secret praise and adoration of Jesus
* Love and care for souls
* Adoring gratitude
* Hearty thankfulness to God
* Keeping yourself pure in the love of God
* Avoiding things that dampen your love for God
* Warmth, loving, friendly, affable
* Avoiding bad company that will deaden your spirituality
* Meditate upon what Christ has done for you
* Live in expectation of seeing Christ
* Staying pure privately and publicly for Jesus' sake
* Godliness with contentment, temperance
* Pursue character flaws
* Watch your temptation, failures, tendencies, impulses
* Seeking the increase of the kingdom of God
* Love for the brethren, Christian fellowship, Church, Lord's day
* Childlike and dependent spirit
* Prompt action
* Inventive to find out ways of honoring Christ, freshness
* Thankfulness, blessing the Lord
* Bible reading, study, meditation, memorization
* Daily self-denial
* Instant in prayer, acknowledging God
* Eagerness to benefit others (eager service)
* Godly sincerity, courage
* Personal, hearty service for Christ
* Watchfulness (Christ, heart)
* Lively, heartiness, enthusiastic
* Earnestness and zealous for Gospel
* Fearing the Lord (fearing lest I should go astray)
* Trembling at God's word (lest we should disobey)
* Grieved when I grieve Him
* Sincere motive (Christ and others first)
* Pleading the Blood of Christ
* Doing all things for the glory of God
* Singleness of heart
* Full and quick confession of sin, judging my sins
* Teachable, humble
* Tenderhearted, kind, sympathetic, upright
* Forgiving and forbearing
* Encouraging and helping
* Living for eternity, not here and now
* Going and giving cheerfully for Jesus' sake
* Waiting patiently
* Spending and being spent for Christ and His church
* Dependable, available, flexible
* Striving against besetting and secret sins
* Maintaining good works
* Desire for God's glory
* Holy expectancy
* Holiness is a pleasure, sin is a sorrow
* Broken, contrite, and humble spirit
* Refraining from sin
* Laying aside every weight, laying apart all filthiness
* Pure, gracious, useful life
* Delighting in God's word
* Entire dependence on the Holy Spirit
* Mission-minded, burden for souls, excited
* Faithfulness, dependable
* Patient in trials
* Bible reading, prayer, family, others
* Love the Cross, Glorying in the Cross
* Purity, charity, sincerity, importunity
* Childlike simplicity and transparent sincerity
* Tenderness and readiness to forgive others
* Care for perishing souls
* Longsuffering, gentleness, goodness
* Surrendered and submitted
* Having no confidence in the flesh
* Cheerful gratitude
* Simple love to Jesus
* Serving, sacrificing, caring
* Fellowship with Christ, communion with the Holy Ghost
* Secret mourning for sin
* Humble faith in Jesus
* Genuine change of life
* Good and tender conscience
* Secret devotion
* Desire for more grace
* The Lord's savor, unction, and utterance
* Trusting in the Lord's presence, voice, and drawing power
* Seeking God's restraining grace (yielding to righteousness)
* Make Christ the Lord of all we love, all we do, all we think (thoughts, tongue, temper, time, testimony)
* Striving to please Him in that I do
* Nothing without His smile
* Trusting, longing, loving
* Minding the Lord
* Determined, certain, sure
* Leaning hard on the Holy Ghost
* Go to God in prayer, go to Sunday School, go to Church
* Subservient to the Holy Spirit (will of God)
* Ask for mercy, Seek His face, Knock for wisdom
* Courtesy, concern, control, compassion
* Consistent in Christ's service
* Low thoughts of self, High thoughts of Christ
* Humble thoughts, forgiving thoughts toward others
* Admiring thoughts of God's goodness
* Adoring thoughts of God's greatness
* Thankful and trusting thoughts
* Thoughts of submission toward God
* Longing thoughts after Christ, to be with Him
* Public and private witnessing
* Remember God, your soul, others
* Seeking and searching for Christ
* Eye to the invisible God; living in His sight, dwelling close to Him; seeking fellowship with Him
Sin will keep you from prayer, or prayer will keep you from sin.

The Flesh and other hindrances:
* Light thoughts of sin, excusing sins
* Prayerlessness, slackened private-prayer, want of prayer, forsaken or neglected prayer-closet
* Dusty Bible
* Having too much to do
* Having too little to do
* Lack of order and priority
* Forsake the assembly of the saint
* Indulgence in secret sin
* Broken family relationships
* Misery to serve God
* Oughts, Offended brothers unreconciled
* Unconfessed, unrepented, and unforsaken sins
* Self-will and rebellion
* Allowing bodily appetites to rule you
* Inconsistency of life
* Delighting in self
* Worldly care, pleasures, and gain
* Pride and arrogancy, proud thoughts
* Vain-glory (regard for fame, dignity, position, ease, honor, attention)
* Worldly amusements, lukewarmness
* Harsh thoughts, unkind words, selfish acts
* Faultfinding, doubting, suspicions
* Murmuring thoughts and words
* Judging, criticizing, competing
* Wanderings of heart
* Coldness of love toward God, distracted thoughts
* Hard thoughts of God, acts of rebellion
* Timidness and hesitancy in witnessing
* Unbelieving, procrastinating, wandering thoughts
* Proud, boastful, vain-glorious self-seeking thoughts
* Lustful glances and indulgence
* Anxious care (livelihood, business, family, church, past sins, present temptations, future trials, carrying out God's work, the success of God's work)
* Uprisings of corruption
* Self-righteous thoughts, low thoughts of others
* Careless, fruitless, castaway, shipwreck
* Low thoughts of church or pastors
* Worldly prosperity
* Self-aggrandizement (pride of life)
* Strange doctrines, strange conceits
* Doctrines of men and devils
* New gospels
* Cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, lusts of other things
* Covetousness
* Tendency to leave God out or forget Him
* Satanic decoys and distractions, old habits
* Self-sufficiency, fretful
* Offended or ashamed of Christ
* Affections on things of the earth
* Envy, strife, division
* Respect for public opinion
* Unforgiving spirit, grudges, resentment, bitterness, isolation
* Affectation, deceit, dissimulation
* Focusing on the frivolous
* Dirty, selfish, useless living
* Careless, carnal, cold, cruel
* Aimless, useless, thoughtless, careless, senseless, idleness
* Corrupt imaginations, filthy desires, lustful affections, hard thoughts of God
* Dishonesty
* Discouragement, persecution, reproach, sickness, death
* Yielding to temptation
* Wasting time and resources
* Apathy, impurity, laziness, carelessness
* Aimless living
* Worldly prosperity
* Procrastination, double-minded,
* Going your own way, doing your own thing