Friday, August 9, 2013

Neutral You Cannot Be

We are faced with many decisions every day.  Go to work, or go broke.  Waste my money, or pay my bills.  Overeat, or watch my diet.  Keep my current job, or find another.  Love my family, or be selfish.  Ignore the symptoms, or go to the doctor.  Gossip about someone, or keep my mouth shut.  Do right, or yield to temptation.  Be proactive, or procrastinate.  Lose your sins, or lose your soul.  We make many important choices every day, but the most important decision facing you in this short life is this:  “What will you do with Jesus which is called Christ?”

100 years from now you will be somewhere out in Eternity.  What you do with Jesus Christ will determine where you will be 100 years from now.  You can make all the right decisions regarding everything else in your life, but if you make the wrong decision concerning Christ Jesus, you will lose everything worthwhile in time as well as Eternity.  Everyone who has ever lived has faced this all important decision.  Our ‘will’ is where the decision is made for or against Christ.  The Bible says:  “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”

There are only two alternatives - You must either receive Jesus Christ or reject Him - and to neglect Him is to reject Him.  “But,” you say, “I can be neutral.  I don’t have to take sides.  I am not going to receive Christ, but at the same time I am not going to reject Him.”  Listen dear friend, if I have a gift for you in my pocket, but I do not tell you anything about it.  Then, you can be neutral.  But the moment, that I take it out of my pocket and offer it to you, you are bound to make a decision.  You can no longer remain neutral.

Before you heard anything about the Lord Jesus Christ, you could be neutral.  But the very moment He was offered to you, you had to make a decision.  And from that day to this, you have never been neutral concerning Him, nor can you ever be neutral again.  Every time you hear the invitation to come to Christ and be saved, you have to make a decision.  Jesus said, “Ye will not come to Me that ye might have Life.”  Notice the word, “will”.  It’s all in the WILL.

If today you do not receive Jesus Christ, then you reject Him.  It's either one or the other.  You may not say or do anything, but you have thought something, and your ‘will’ inside your heart has made a definite decision ‘for Christ’ or ‘against Him.’  You need to do the ‘right thing’ with Jesus Christ.  A choice must be made.  There is no such thing as being neutral.  Death, dying in your sins, is a dark dead end without Jesus Christ.

You will never go to Hell because you’re a murderer, adulterer, or rapist.  God can forgive those sins.  You will never perish in hell, because you’re a drunkard or a thief.  God can forgive drunkards and thieves.  But there is one sin that God Himself cannot forgive, and this is the rejection of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you refuse or neglect to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, there is no hope for you, for God has no other plan.  You cut your own throat.

If you receive Jesus Christ freely, you will be a child of God the instant you do it.  But if you reject Jesus Christ, there is nothing else that you can do that will make you a child of God.  If you receive Jesus Christ’s mercy, you will have peace of conscience.   But if you reject Jesus Christ, there is nothing else that you can do that will bring you peace of conscience.  If you receive Jesus Christ Himself, God will receive you, no matter who you are, no matter what you have been, no matter what you have done.  But if you reject Jesus Christ (the apple of God’s eye), God will reject you, no matter whom you are, no matter how many good things you have done.

“What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” is the haunting question that every soul must answer.  Your response determines where you will spend Eternity.  Your acceptance before God depends entirely on what you decide to do with Jesus Christ.  There was one way you came into the world--you were born. There is one way you will get into Heaven--ye must be born again.  You have had a physical birth.  You must have a spiritual birth and that must come through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

What are you going to without Jesus in the hour of death, on Judgment Day, and in Eternity?  You will need Christ Jesus, the great Advocate and Mediator, to stand by your side and plead your case.  Jesus took your place on the Cross and died as your Substitute.  He rose again from the dead and lives today, and He is longing to save you by His grace.  His blood atoned for all your sins – that means His suffering paid your sin’s death penalty.  He hung there on the Cross naked and bled to death in your place, so you could be forgiven freely and escape the wrath of God (Hell itself) that you deserve.  God punished Him in your place to pay your sin debt.  His death on the Cross paid what every sinner owes.

What Jesus does with you at the Judgment will depend upon what you do with Him now.  What will you do?  You will have to do something.  Your thoughts determine your will.  A decision must be made.  What are you going to do with Him?  Be wise - Settle it now.  Tomorrow may be too late.  Death is inevitable and could be imminent for you.  Please take this advice:  Trust to His Precious Blood, Rely on His dying love, Receive Him into your heart, look to the bleeding Lamb of God on Calvary, cry out to God for His Mercy before it’s too late.  Please come to Jesus Now by Faith in His Precious Atoning Blood.