Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Crucified Creator

The Mighty God who inhabits Eternity and reigns on high; He who makes the Heaven of heavens His throne came into this world to save sinners. *I Timothy 1:15* The Creator God stooped to see the things in Heaven, but He humbled Himself even lower still to visit the ungodly here below.  He laid aside His royal state and became a human being, so He could make poor sinners the sons of God, and pay the debt our sins owed to divine justice.  Jesus left the skies to come here and reconcile you back to God. He sighed and groaned beneath our load of sin, and willfully made our sorrows and wants His own.  Jesus bore all that an Incarnate God could bear.

The goodness of God's heart moved His infinite hand of Mercy to send Jesus to suffer the consequence due to our transgressions.  Divine vengeance pursued the sin-bearing Victim of Calvary.  Come now and adore the Incarnate God whose Precious Blood atones for human sin.  Now understand and hearken diligently, be wise and incline your ear - Christ Jesus, God Incarnate, still freely saves sinners from divine justice and the love of sin through faith in Blood Atonement.

Jesus' motive for dying for base, rebel sinners was all Bleeding Love.  The soldiers crowned His temples with thorns.  They lashed His back with knotted whips while His hands were tied.  They stretched Him out and nailed Him to the accursed tree; your sins also nailed Him there. Jesus hung there in naked shame bleeding, crying, groaning, gasping, slowly dying, suffering all the divine wrath of God in your place. The howling mob trampled on His precious blood around the Cross, they scoffed and railed on the Son of God, and sneered at the wounds of Incarnate God.  They gazed at His sufferings and were untouched; such were they all, and such are we.  Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can wipe your slate clean forever before God.

For love of my soul the Son of God shed every drop of His precious blood.  My God suffered and bled for my soul.  The Lord of Life experienced a bloody death for a sinful worm like me.  Jesus is the true Almighty God; He bought me from sin's bondage with the price of His own heart's blood.  Let Jesus make your peace with God through His atoning blood.  Trust in Jesus' atoning blood solely to clear your guilt before God.

You're a sinner, that's for sure, and someone must pay for all of your sins. You must have a Substitute to take your sin’s punishment before you die, or you must suffer for all your sins for eternity in Hell. You have an inward evil nature that is at full enmity to God and keeps you in Satan's captivity. You have offended God by your open and secret sins and rejection of Christ; God must punish sin, He could not be a just God unless He did; it is a fixed eternal law that all sin must be punished. Your own conscience tells you that God must punish your sins. You’re a sinner, the Bible says you are; you know it, and you feel it. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. There is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.  The Christ of God, the Son of the Blessed, suffered the punishment and wrath due to your iniquities. *Mark 14:61-62; Isaiah 53:5*

You’ve sinned and violated God’s laws and spurned God’s love and shed blood, you’re always sinning, and you must die an eternal death for it. All have sinned, and “the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” There is but a step between you and death; and even if your life is prolonged for a little season, yet it will soon be over. You have ran the roads of sin and death in extreme ignorance and with insane haste.  Your filthiness and foolishness you have enjoyed.  You have believed the dangerous lies of Satan.

You will die physically before long – it is inescapable, but the second death is eternal death in Hell, separation from God forever and ever.  Mercy divine is only for the miserable; grace is for those who are guilty and no good; pity is for the poor in spirit; and lovingkindness is for the lost soul.  God's mercy is great, rich, abundant, plenteous, and everlasting toward the soul who comes to Jesus for rest. *Matthew 11:28* Without the Cross and the Blood Atonement of God manifest in the flesh, there is no mercy for sinners.  God will only forgive a sinner for the sake of Jesus Christ, on account the Lamb of God's perfect, finished Atonement (John 19:30) which He made to divine justice.

Human sin is a devilish and hateful thing, which God’s justice must punish. The penalty for sin is eternal death. Your lies, lusts, greediness, and envy transgress God’s law daily. Your obscene and filthy thoughts condemn you every day.  You are in a sinful state that is so sad.  Your sin is on your soul right now and the wrath of God abides on you – and unless you repent, you must die in your sins and perish forever. Be sure your sin will find you out – God will bring every secret work of yours into Judgment. Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Christ is the Creator of the universe that was crucified in your place.

God Almighty in the person of Jesus Christ made a free way for you to escape the damnation of Hell. There is only one way – Substitution – that is the word! And there is only one Substitute for the ungodly sinner: The Lamb of God sent from Heaven is the only Substitute for sinners. God became a human being in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, and suffered for sinners what they ought to have suffered. Christ Jesus came into the world to seek and save lost sinners just like you. He is the one and only Substitute for your guilt.  Jesus deserves all your attention and glory.

Jesus Christ, the God-Man, lived a sinless life and glorified the law of God. He kept the law of God perfectly for you; the law of God that you have broken all your life. Christ Jesus went to the Cross of Calvary, and offered up Himself as a sinless blood sacrifice in your place. “The blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son cleanseth us from all sin.” God laid your sin on Jesus, and He bled to death for you. Jesus Christ bore your sins in His own body and suffered the wrath of God in your place. Christ died for the ungodly, not the good and respectable. Your good works are good-for-nothing.

This is the most beautiful thing you’ll ever hear: One day 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem’s manager, God became a Jewish man, Christ Jesus was His name. He died to save sinful men just like you. He was bruised, beaten, spit upon, and then spilt His blood for your sins. Judas Iscariot betrayed Him; Pontius Pilate falsely condemned Him. On His precious head was placed the crown of thorns you deserved, and the lips of the angry mob cursed Him and cried out in their scorn as He bore the Cross. JESUS was the Holy Sacrifice required for your sins.  Only by faith in Jesus' blood can a sinner be rescued from the danger of sin; no other Sacrifice for sin will God accept but the wounds of His dear Son.  No one else deserves esteem but Jesus, I value nothing but Him.  God's stern justice was all inflicted on Jesus for my sake.

Immanuel's Divine Blood Sacrifice alone pleased the justice and vengeance of God. The weight of your sin bowed Him down on Calvary's tree. Your sins were the nails in His hands and feet. The unbelief of your vile heart was the spear in His side. Christ cried out in anguish as He bled there for you. The wrath of Almighty God was poured out that day on the Sinless Lamb of God, God's dear Son. God the Father turned His face away and forsook Jesus that day because of your sins. Christ was made SIN for you, and suffered untold agony in your place - He was God's Sacrifice of Love for you personally. Then He was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures. Ye must be born again.

If you take Christ, He’ll take you. Your human goodness and morals can never save you. You have transgressed God’s law – you need the Substitute. Don’t toy with sin – repent and trust Christ’s precious blood before it’s too late. You must have the Substitute before you die – nothing else will do. Jesus is God, but He is man, He is the Substitute for real sinners; He is willing to receive all who trust Him. He will save you right now, if you will simply rely on Him. Now, you can never be saved from your sins until first you come to the Cross, and see Jesus Christ dying there for you, as your Substitute.

You must trust to Jesus alone — the moment you do, all your sins are laid on Him, you are eternally saved and clear of the penalty for your sin. The sinner who rejects the Bleeding Substitute who died upon the Cross will bring eternal ruin to his soul. Please don’t reject the Bleeding Substitute, for if you do, you must perish in your sins without hope.  Poor dejected sinner, come to Jesus for the free forgiveness of sins; He fully satisfies and joy He supplies.  This brief earthly life is worthless without Him.  Only Jesus can destroy the power that sin has over you now in your thoughts, habits, words and deeds.  Jesus the perfect Savior is the Source of all that is Good.  Ask Jesus for true Repentance and genuine Faith; ask Him for pure affections and clean desires.

You can only come to know Christ personally through trusting to His blood, or simply believing like a little child. Simply rest on Christ’s Blood Atonement alone. Stake your soul's eternal destiny on Christ's finished work; leave your sins with Him for time and Eternity. God’s way of Salvation is for you to rest and rely on Christ alone. The Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself to God as your Substitute: through faith you receive Him: and from that moment on God accepts you. Believe in the finished work of Christ alone for yourself.

The Blood of God will certainly save you if you place a simple childlike trust in the Substitute for sinners. Come now and believe on God’s precious blood! You have God’s word on it; He will save you freely now by His grace.  Don't die in your sins when you don't have to.  If your sins are distressing you, come now and sincerely confide in the blood of the Lamb of God.  Trust His gracious promises to save sinners. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. God be merciful to me a sinner for Jesus’ sake!