Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Clock is Ticking

Life is so Short, Death is very Sure, Sin is the damning Curse, and Christ Jesus is the only Cure.  Life is fleeting, time is short, and Eternity is growing nearer to you every day.  Be wise - prepare for the inevitable meeting with your Maker.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam was created by God with a perfect nature, he was created without bias towards evil, he was surrounded with everything that would lead him to continue loyal to his Maker. But Eve was deceived by Satan, and she ate of the forbidden fruit, and Adam followed, and ate the fruit with her. Adam was a total failure. He was weighed in the balances and found wanting. The devil lied to Adam and Eve; he deceived them into thinking that they could sin against God without any consequences, and that they could be their own god, live independently of their Creator, and run their own life.  If you look back upon your whole life up to now, you should be ashamed of yourself.

You are under divine condemnation right now by reason of your transgressions against God. *John 3:18*  You reject Christ and the Gospel, because you like living independently of God, and you enjoy things that are not pleasing to God, and you don't want to give up your sin.  Pride keeps you from coming to Christ.  You have set your own standard of good, and you may be satisfied with your life, but God who is absolutely Good is not. We are all equally sinful before God.  Every man is a dead failure in the sight of God. You will get a just and holy trial.  You must have Jesus or perish.  

The devil cunningly insinuated to Eve that God was jealous of what man might become, and somehow that God was keeping Adam and Eve from a more excellent future. The devil said that God's warning was a mere threat, just to scare them so they wouldn't advance in a higher knowledge and position. The devil deceived Adam and Eve and left them both bankrupt of virtue, happiness, and hope. Atheism is a hellish falsehood. The devil promises pleasure and liberty, but you'll end up with misery and bondage. You have yielded to temptations and have become a bond-slave to sin.  If you think you can play around with religion, and think you can better yourself so that could spend eternity with God, you are in for a rude awakening.

You bear in your mind and body the scars of the devil's temptations. You have been eating out of the devil's vile plate, and now sin has deceived, captured and betrayed you. You have listened to and followed after the falsehoods of hell, and have rejected Christ and His Gospel. The Gospel is the sole hope of fallen man. Your foolish yielding to Satan's deceits have taken you far away from God. Romans 5:8-9. Christ died for the ungodly, that means He died for you.

Adam and Eve's guilt led them to gather leaves from a fig tree and make themselves aprons, for they realized they were naked. This false covering satisfied them for a little while, but then the voice of the Lord God was heard by them and they realized their self-made aprons were good for nothing. Adam and Eve hid themselves in the trees of the garden of Eden. Self-righteousness, presumption, pretended goodness, and natural efforts - all these things are like the green fig-leaves of Eden. Imaginary virtue soon fades and shrivels.

You have broken God's law, neglected His Son, and deserve His divine wrath. You are a naked sinner in the sight of God shivering in your own shame and conviction. When you have nothing left of your own, Jesus will come and offer you His robe of Righteousness freely. Adam threw the blame on God and Eve, Eve threw the blame on the devil. Human nature always tries to pass the buck of its guilt to someone else. The Gospel silences our excuses and makes us feel our guilt. No longer plead your innocence, or mention explanations, alibis, and excuses.

You are Guilty, willfully Guilty. Do not try to blame God, or your surroundings, companions, parents, physical weakness, or anything else. Just take all the blame for your own sins. You have sinned against God, your parents, your neighbors, against light and knowledge, against Christ, your conscience, and the Holy Ghost. When your excuses come to an end, Jesus will put your sins away with His own Blood.  If you think you can be good enough to live with God forever, you have another thing coming.

All man's religion is a failure. Christ-less religion is a mere sham. Your religion is broken down and cannot carry you to heaven. Rites, ceremonies, christening, conformation, sacraments, orthodoxy, performances, attendances - these are all worthless in Eternity. Sin will drive you to despair. Your religiousness is of no value. One breath from the Holy Ghost withers religiousness, all of its pride and conceit. You need something much better than Church-ianity. In fact, you need Christ Himself formed within your heart and soul. When a man is at his worst, Christ is at His best. All of your efforts, doings, and merits, all of them, at their very best, are a failure.

When you part with self, you will meet with Christ. The clock is ticking - You are muddling your life away. You are running great risk of losing your soul. Your own efforts, doings, feelings, thinkings must be laid aside, and Jesus alone must be your trust. He can do for your soul, what you cannot do. You cannot work yourself up to repentance and faith - Jesus will give you all you need. You have been your own confidence - your doing, thinking, and resolving. You can work yourself to death, but it will never add anything to your own salvation.

Who will pay all your sin debts? JESUS. Who will bear our sins? JESUS. Your awful debt of sin is fully discharged when you believe on Christ Jesus. Jesus took our sins upon Himself, He took the weight of sin and guilt and the burden of punishment, bore sin's penalty, and we go free. Christ instead of us - Jesus asks us to stand out of the way, and He fills our place as our Substitute. Jesus sets you where He stands, and then He stands where you have been. Jesus is the one and only Rest for our weary souls.

Fools in the Bible are not men that have no common sense or intellect. Fools in the Scriptures are immoral people, that have no understanding of divine and eternal things; fools lack the fear of God, the beginning of wisdom; fools have no true knowledge of God or His Son; fools say there is no God and place their happiness in sensual temporal pleasures; fools seek only the immediate gratification of their lust; they scoff at Christ and the Bible; fools make a mock at sin, and have no concern about the safety of their immortal soul.

You have altogether ruined your soul by your sinning, and you cannot undo the evil you have committed. You have done all you can, and it has come to nothing. You are steeped in sin up to your chin, the filth has gone over your head, you are drowning in the black waters of sin. No one can rescue you, but One, and that is JESUS. Set everything else aside and trust yourself solely with the Crucified Savior. Jesus is the way to Heaven - He is our Rest. Receive Christ at once, trust His Blood.

Is there any good in you at all? Is there any reason in you why Jesus should save you? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you are lost. Only His free, rich, almighty grace can save you. You are in need, Jesus is rich in mercy, He will come and save you, call upon His name. You need a Mediator between your soul and God. Filthiness, condemnation, hopelessness. Jesus comes not to ask of you, but He come to give you all things. He comes not to condemn, but to forgive. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be forgiven freely.

No assistance is needed from you. Christ does not come with half a salvation, and look to you to complete it. He does not offer you half a robe which you are to finish by your own efforts. No one can add anything to Christ's Righteousness. You could not make up the deficient ransom price. You don't have a penny's worth of righteousness to your name. Your dirt clods are nothing next to Christ's sapphires and rubies. Can you help Christ? Can a mouse help an elephant? Can a gnat help the space shuttle? You can't help Christ, but He can help you. The clock is ticking - trust Christ's blood right now, and your soul is safe immediately and forever.