Saturday, May 11, 2013

Heavenly Help 1

Every man has sinned against God's person and Law.  Each and every one of these transgressions against your Maker must be punished.  Divine justice requires that a man must pay for sin, so God Himself became a human being, the man Christ Jesus.  If you are unconverted, you are now in extreme danger on account of your treatment of God and rejecting of Christ.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the seriousness of sin and the dread reality of your sinful condition before God. You are an out-and-out enemy to Him; and He will surely visit you in unflinching justice and punish you for your many transgressions.

You are going to die, Judgment is coming, and God has commanded you to take shelter; that is, to trust to His Son's Blood.  In your natural state, you are living at odds with God every day. The audacious sinner yawns in the face of an angry, holy Judge.  The Lamb of God was offered to satisfy the holy, divine justice of God.  God's wrath toward you can only be appeased by your personal trusting to His Son's Blood for your protection; the Blood of Jesus alone can preserve you from the wrath to come.  Fix and anchor your hope and faith on a sinless Person who died for you, and was buried, and three days later He rose from the dead, and who is now alive forever more - His name is above above every name - The Lord Jesus Christ.  Pin your faith to the Cross.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, yes He did.  The Good (Jesus) died for the bad (me). I just can't thank Him enough.  Jesus cared so much for my soul when He bled and died on Golgotha.  I trusted Jesus' blood and mercy, and now I know Him; He is my constant Friend and Helper.  Thanks be unto God, Christ Jesus is the Atoning Sacrifice for me, the perfect Savior my soul needs. The Lord Jesus Christ is my sure Foundation; there are no cracks in Him at all; my soul rests securely on His holy words and atoning blood.  His grace is greater than all my sins.  His goodness and mercy follow me daily, and will endure toward me forever. 

God is just, and every sin you've ever committed against God is recorded in His books.  Your secrets are recorded there till the coming Judgment Day.  Man must make reparation for the injury done to God's perfect justice.  JEHOVAH became a Jewish man to make amends for your human sin and guilt.  Jesus stepped in between you and God, and He suffered the retribution that was due to you, and made amends to the injured justice of God, and then sets you free.  Jesus' Blood is necessary for your protection from God's divine wrath on sin.  Judgment must either fall on you or the Lamb of God. You need to personally flee to the Lamb of God; cast yourself on His atoning, finished work.  Jesus' Propitiation turns God's wrath from us, and His Atonement washes away our sins forever.

Your sins were actually laid on the innocent Lamb of God; He was numbered with the transgressors, and He willingly took the deadly blows of divine justice your sins now deserve.  You must stand before God's bar of divine justice.  Against God your sins have been committed, and in order to blot out the your crimes against divine justice, it is imperative that the penalty be exacted and the criminal should die eternally.  Jesus took the place of a criminal, so you could be freed eternally.  The good God of heaven who was offended took the place of the guilty offender and died a bloody substitutionary death, so that your debt to divine justice could be paid in full.  The merciful Judge bore the penalty, that He could have pronounced upon the culprit.  Divine justice was visited upon Jesus' head because of you.  Jesus vindicated His own Law, and bore all the penalty you had coming.  Jesus rendered a full recompense to divine justice.  There is joy and peace in believing on His Precious Blood.

No man troubles himself about a bill when it is paid in full.  I have not paid a penny for my sins.  I never contributed a red cent toward any of my sin debt.  I am perfectly at ease now under the Blood of Jesus Christ.  Only because He bore all my sins in His own body on the tree.  He took all my debts and paid them in full for me with His own life blood.  My sin debts are gone forever, only because of what Jesus has done for me.  Christ Jesus the Lord suffered instead of me.  I had absolutely nothing to do with paying my sin debts.  My sins are now gone as if I had never had them.  I have nothing to do now but be thankful to Jesus for being so merciful to me.  All my hope is stayed on His Blood Atonement  for human sin.  

Place all your confidence on Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, who has made Atonement for all your sins with the shedding of His Precious Blood.  The Precious Blood shelters me from the wrath of God.  Whosoever believeth on Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life.  I do trust in Him now, and rest my soul alone on Him.  You are saved freely by entirely rejecting your own righteousness, and then receiving Christ's Righteousness.  The Atoning Blood of the Son of God redeems us from the avenging justice of God. Jesus' bloody death has forever rendered compensation and satisfaction to injured divine justice.  The Law can ask no more for Christ has paid to the Law all that unbending divine justice could demand.  

Jesus' death for your sins was most terrible.  He was condemned to a criminal's cross.  He was crucified amid a mob of jesters; He bore the gaze of malice and glances of scorn; He was hooted through the streets, and jeered by a vulgar throng while being nailed to the cruel tree; He endured all their cruel taunts and vicious blasphemies.  He was nailed in your place and hung up to die naked for your sake - bleeding, wounded, thirsty, forsaken, sweating, suffering in agony a most deadly death because of your sins.  

Jesus loved His enemies who offended His laws and grieved His holiness.  A sense of your sin and guilt is a painful but blessed thing that comes from the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart and soul.  Every man's self-righteousness must be broken down by the Holy Spirit before the Law and Divine Justice of the Most High God.  Jesus will never wash you until you acknowledge you are filthy with sin.  He will never clothe you with His Robe of Righteousness until you admit you are naked in His sight, with no righteousness of your own.  He will never give you His eternal life until you recognize you are dead in your sins.  Human religions flatter human goodness and ability, but the Gospel reveals your sins, inability, danger and misery.  No sins can ever condemn a believer in Jesus Christ, for Jesus has paid that person's sins in full.  

You are an immortal soul that inhabits a temporal body.  The forever part of you is your soul.  Your soul must be born again. You are not a body which has a soul; you are a soul has a body.  God Himself came to down to earth and inhabited flesh, so His Blood could be shed to pay the price for your sins against God's justice.  Jesus suffered what was due to you for sinning against God, and made perfect Atonement to divine vengeance on your behalf.  Jesus fully satisfied God's holy and perfect justice and turns away God's wrath from those who believe on Him with His atoning work on the Cross.  The only answer for your sin problem is the cleansing blood of Christ. *I John 1:7*

Jesus, the Son of God, was made a curse for you, and put to an accursed death, by being nailed upon the Cross, and all because human sin wherever it may be is hateful to God.  All of your sins were laid on Jesus, and He took God's indignation toward sin in your place - that is Substitution.  The full load of divine wrath fell directly upon the Lamb of God, and He was utterly consumed with anguish, and finally said when He gave up the ghost, "It is finished!"  This is the only way sin can be put away from your soul.  

Your sins were laid upon Another, and that sinless Substitute was made to suffer as if your sins belonged to Him.  Sin cannot be in two places at one time, and the same sins cannot be punished twice.  The offender becomes clear of his sins; he is pardoned and accepted, because his Substitute has been punished instead of him, the criminal.  It pleased God the Father to bruise Jesus, He put Jesus to grief for your sake.  

God made Jesus' soul a sacrifice for sin; the thunderbolts of divine justice fell upon the Victim, and now the Sacrifice is finished, and Christ was made the accepted Atonement for all your sins.  For your transgressions, the Savior bore the wrath of God. A man can give mental assent to facts of Jesus and never receive Him inwardly as his personal Sin-Bearer and Substitute.  Now come up close and listen - Jesus is the true blood Sacrifice for your sins, trust only to Him now.