Sunday, May 5, 2013

Glad Tidings 5

The Cross of Calvary is the only place where a thrice Holy God will meet with a guilty sinner. Be double careful with your immortal soul, give it over to Jesus before you lose it.  Your most precious possession is your soul.  Men and women today want to save the planet or a pet, but they could care less about their soul.  They want their bodies to be gluten-free, fat-free and sugar-free, but they don't want their bodies to be alcohol-free and drug-free, and they definitely don't want their souls to be sin-free. You have broken God's Law and neglected and rejected God's Son.  You are very guilty in the sight of God.  It is inevitable that God must punish someone for all your sinning; His eternal divine justice demands it. You are a slave to sin, and under the just sentence of divine justice and condemnation.  You are up to your nose in sin; you have defiled your soul by evil thinking, speaking, and doing.  By nature every man and woman is utterly, hopelessly lost in their sins until the Gospel via the Holy Ghost intervenes in their life.

Jesus Himself was the Lamb of God, the sinless Blood Sacrifice for sin.  His body was the altar, His soul was the offering; He was the Hight Priest and the Victim in one Person.  Turn your attention and focus to the Cross where God Incarnate died to pay for your sins.  On Calvary's tree, Jesus offered up Himself as the Substitute for human guilt, and He bore the crushing weight of JEHOVAH'S wrath in His own body on your behalf.  He was numbered with the transgressors, on Him were your sins laid.  Jesus suffered what was due to divine justice, and made Atonement to divine vengeance.  Bible faith has Jesus Himself as its object and home.  Any works of yours are needless and useless when it comes to your deliverance from sin. Faith is the open hand of the needy soul which receives God's gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.  You must consciously and deliberately receive and rest on Jesus. *John 1:12* *Matthew 11:28*

There is no remedy on earth for the sinful disease which rages within your being. You need Heavenly Help as soon as possible.  I was brought low; and He helped me. Only the Holy Ghost can reveal to you a true sense of sin and guilt, a realization of divine justice, your inability to help save yourself, and your need of free forgiveness of sin through the Blood of the crucified Creator, the Christ of God.  God Himself became the Son of man, so we could become the sons of God.  Jesus came to Earth on purpose to save the likes of you.  Christ Jesus became Sin itself, and absorbed the wrath of God due to you on the Cross. The one thing that is needful is that the Precious Blood of Jesus be applied to your sinful soul by the Holy Spirit. If you are pining for full and free forgiveness, come to the feet of Jesus with all your guilt.  The eye of Faith looks only to the Blood of Jesus for mercy.

True faith is reliance on Jesus for all of your Salvation.  Faith means to believe, to trust, to confide in, to entrust your spiritual wellbeing to Christ Jesus.  Reliance upon the crucified and living Savior is the only way of Salvation for a sinner like you.  Faith is His blood *Romans 3:25* is the sure way to Heaven. God makes Himself know to man through His words, and His words are conveyed to us by the Holy Ghost.

The only Remedy is from above - the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit.  In mercy Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners from the wrath to come.  Christ stood in the sinner's place with their sins upon Him, and was punished with the sinner's punishment, and bore the divine wrath of God for sinners, that means you.  Jesus is God, and He is the Atonement for human sin.  You are guilty, come now and trust to Him.  Trust your soul with Jesus, and your soul will be saved, and your sins will be forgiven and cease to be.  

God the Father devised the wondrous plan of Salvation of transference of my sins to Christ, and by the punishment of Christ as my Substitute, instead of me, and the transference of Christ's Righteousness to my soul through Faith in His atoning blood.  God the aggrieved party is now satisfied for Christ has finished the work on Calvary, and now God can justly forgive the ungodly sinner, for Jesus' sake, because Jesus accomplished all that was required for our Salvation.  The special message of the Gospel is *II Corinthians 5:21*, and the special command of the Gospel is *Acts 16:31*.  

Seek Jesus now, and trust to Him alone; find peace with God in His Precious Blood.  Jesus says to you, "Come unto Me, and take what I freely give - the forgiveness of sins and eternal life."  Build all your hope on Jesus' bleeding love.  Closely to Him cling.  Come now and trust your defenseless soul on Jesus' Atonement, and cast all your fears on the Savior.  With all your heart, receive Jesus as the Atonement for your sins.  Self-righteous, Christ-rejecting human nature says, "But surely I must do something to help save myself."  You must have done with your doings, and only trust to Christ's doings.  Jesus came only to save the vile.  Now understand - God's mercy is only for the guilty.

You *must* be born again from above.  Human sin and misery is real.  God Himself was Incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.  Jesus spent His whole life as a servant.  He was unwelcome and unrecognized.  Christ Jesus rendered to divine justice a satisfaction for my sins with His own life blood.  The arrows of divine vengeance found their target in the Lamb of God on Calvary.  Jesus bore the punishment that should have fallen on you.  By simple faith come to the Savior.  

The Blood Atonement of Christ is the Propitiation (eternal satisfaction) for human sin.  Propitiation means that Jesus quenched God's fury toward my sins with His own life and blood.  Because of Jesus alone, I am rescued from the punishment due to me from the wrath of God.  God will only forgive the guilty through the merits of His Son's blood.  Bypass all of men's religions and go straight to Jesus, the God-man, the Mediator, the Redeemer, the Atonement, the Ransom, the Propitiation for human guilt.  If your guilty soul needs Rest, come straight to Christ immediately.  You must come to repentance, that is, to turn from your love for sinning, renounce your own righteousness, and then trust implicitly to the Blood of Jesus Christ, or you will die in your sinful, natural state and go straight to Hell. 

All sin has to be punished. If you remain in your sins, you will have to go to Hell for punishment.  A man hates his idea of God that the world, religion, and his own vain thoughts have helped him contrive. A man is afraid of God, and attempts to avoid God, because he knows he has sinned, and he loves his sins.  God will only save you by His mercy for His blood's sake. You are not worthy to be forgiven of your sins; but Christ is worthy to forgive all your sins, because He is God, and He died for all your sins.  Come now and rest under the shadow of God's wings of protection at the Cross.  

There are three births:  human birth, the virgin birth, and the new birth.  One birth for you is not enough.  The two parents of the New Birth are the Word of God and the Spirit of God. The word of God and Spirit of God must plant the incorruptible seed and conceive the new man by Faith within your heart.  The New Birth gives you a new nature within that loves God and His Son.  Being born again is getting Jesus into the heart of man by Faith in His blood.  You must be twice born in order to safely enter Heaven.  Here are some traits of the twice born - they love the Lord Jesus Christ, they abhor their sins, they have a desire for purity, they wish to glorify God, and they want to help win souls to Christ Jesus, the Incarnate Creator.  

When you are born again, your name is written in Heaven in the Lamb's book of life, and the pen that writes in the book of life doesn't have an eraser.  The moment you trust Jesus, your sins are cast away by God as far as east is from the west, and there is no east pole or west pole.  You can't grow up and then be born.  Put your faith where God put your sins, on the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  Whatever your past life may have been, look now to the atoning sacrifice on Calvary's bloody tree, and find an instant, eternal, free pardon for your many sins.  The only thing that real Faith needs is Jesus Christ.  You don't need luck; you need the LORD'S blessing.

Your natural birth is deficient and damning.  By human nature, you are a child of wrath.  By divine nature, you can be a child of God.  You feel within your conscience and mind that you have sinned, and that God must punish your sins.  A guilty criminal says, "But judge, look at the laws I haven't broken, I won't do it again, have mercy on me."  But justice knows no mercy.  The dirty well is your sin nature; and the dirty water are the sins you commit in thought, word, and deed.  

Stop scrubbing a dirty floor that you cannot get clean.  Religion and reformation cannot remove one sin from your soul.  You have been born into this natural world, you are bound to this sinful world, and you are blinded to the spiritual world.  You can be intellectually bright and still be ignorantly walking in darkness spiritually.  You have have 20/20 vision, and still be spiritually blind.  A blind man would be a fool that there is no such thing as light just because he cannot see it.  You need light and sight from God. Here is the Gospel in a nutshell - Trust to the Incarnate God's Atoning Blood.

Divine justice was satisfied, and now your sins can be freely pardoned.  Lost man is willfully blind; he doesn't want to see; because he loves his sinful lifestyle; he loves darkness rather than light.  Believe on Jesus now, and escape from your condemnation and guilt.  The way of salvation for a sinner is simply this - I am a sinner, and I do now put my trust in Christ Jesus, the Substitute for sinners.  God has set forth His crucified Son as the accepted Propitiation (satisfaction) for human sin.  Jesus is the Atonement for my sins, in which I place my sole reliance.  Jesus has lifted the yoke of sin from my shoulders, and now I rest from the burden of my guilt.  Salvation comes to me through faith in His Substitution for me on Calvary.  Divine justice was completely vindicated on my behalf by the Lamb of God.  Let His perfect and full Blood Atonement give rest to your guilty soul and troubled spirit.  God help you to trust to Jesus' Blood now.