Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Saving Faith 10

Simple faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, in the fulness of time, was born of a Jewish virgin.  He came into this world as the Substitute for sinners.  The vengeance of God against human sin was poured out upon Christ; He suffered eternal death, so that lost sinners might not die forever.  The Lamb of God was slain in your place.  Jesus provided perfect satisfaction to the injured honor and broken law of God.  The despised and crucified Christ is the source of the sinner's Salvation.

Come to Jesus not to do, but to have all done for you.  Not to merit salvation, but to receive it as a gift of God's free favor.  If you had heart blockages, you would have to go to a heart surgeon, and yield yourself completely over into his hands, and let him do all for you.  You would not be able to help him with the surgery at all.  This is the same way with Jesus, He must repair your sinful heart all by Himself, without any of your help at all.  Simply and humbly yield your sinful heart over to the Great Physician of Heaven; He knows just how to save you from your sinfulness.

Come to the Cross just as you are, altogether without anything to plead before a holy God.  God in love gave His Son to die for sinners.  Believe in the great Propitiation which the Son of God offered for your sins.  You have nothing to trust to but Christ Jesus Himself.  Wholly, solely, heartily, and entirely fix your hope on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ whom God has set forth to be the Atonement for human sin.  Pardon is given freely through the Savior's precious blood, graciously granted freely without money and without price.

Simple faith in Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.  A simple trust int he merits of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Look to Jesus for all.  Firm reliance on Christ's Righteousness.  Pure and happy living for the glory of God.  Simple faith which depends for all on Christ.  Childlike faith upon the Son of God.  Cease from your own efforts, and your own righteousness.  Cease from resting in yourself, in simple faith receive and take the divine work of Christ, that is, His obedience and shed blood.  Faith is the simple act of obedience to God's words without seeing or feeling any evidence.

Abjure all your doings and rest and believe in Jesus, and be saved right now on the spot.  Resting upon the goodness and faithfulness of God.  The substitution of Christ in the place of the guilty sinner.  God forgives our sins simply for Jesus' name's sake.  There is abundant mercy and rich grace in the Blood of Jesus Christ.  We are not for the sake of any merits in us, but only for the sake of Christ Jesus and His Blood, Sacrifice, Atonement, Propitiation, and Righteousness.

Keep close to Christ's person, receiving life and strength from Him, living upon His power and presence.  The Gospel brings down the pride of men, and extinguishes carnal passions.  Live close to Jesus all the day long.  Give your helpless soul to Christ, place all your confidence in the person of the Lamb of God.  Faith in His Blood erases your sinful past.  The Invisible Blessed God took upon Himself our nature and became a man, and then at the Cross He took upon Himself our sins, He went up to the Cross loaded with sin, and there He suffered in our place to make amends for our guilt.  Away with self-righteousness, cling to Christ, down with self-trust and up with simple trust in Christ Jesus.  Have a single eye to God's glory and His promises.

Only the Crucified Creator can save sinners from divine justice.  Our sins, our lack of prayer and communion, our lack of love for God's words, is really our lack of love for Jesus. Your sins must be pardoned by Jesus Christ, or you will die in your sins, and face a dreadful Eternity.  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  I am resting all my soul upon Jesus; He is all my Salvation and all my desire.  His Precious Blood is all my confidence, and His Righteousness is my only Safety.