Saturday, May 5, 2012

Rest Assured 4

God is a God of inflexible justice, you have great sins, not just little faults. God must punish all sin. Even a man demands justice and punishment for offenses against him, and so does the living God. A few good works of your own will not pacify God's wrath. Your human merit can never reverse the sentence of God's wrath on sin. The way of salvation is the great plan of satisfying God's divine justice. There is only one way of salvation - Acts 4:12. There are a thousand different inventions of human nature that lead a man to try and save himself. Human nature says, "All people who follow out their sincere religious convictions will undoubtedly be saved. If you obey and sincerely believe in your faith, you will be safe at the last." But there is no true salvation outside of Jesus Christ. The only Person in the entire universe that can convert a unregenerate sinner into a child of God is the Holy Ghost Himself.

Sinner, you are in God's sight guilty. God is just, and He will punish you for your sins. There is only one way you can escape the wrath of God your sins deserve. The only way is this - Christ Jesus must be your Substitute. Either you must die eternally for your sins, or Christ must die for them. Your soul's only refuge is simple faith in Jesus Christ's Finished Work. Christ did really and actually shed His Precious Blood especially for you. If you believe in Jesus Christ, that He died for your sins, that faith will cause you to hate your sins, to love Christ, and to serve Him with gratitude. The way of God in truth, the way of peace, the true grace of God, is found at Calvary. Even if you are wicked, filthy, depraved, degraded, you are still invited to come to Christ. Come to Jesus now, and obtain free Mercy.

The way of salvation - Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, He died for sinners, He rose again from the dead. Believe that He is able to save unto the uttermost the sinner that comes unto God by Christ Jesus. Believe the Gospel to be a fact, and then cast your soul upon that promise (fact) and trust to Christ Jesus alone. Cast your guilty soul upon the simple truth that Christ died for sinners, believing it and trusting in it to be your Anchor. Many are too good and too proud to be saved. The Cross is your only hope of escape from the wrath to come. If you die in your natural state without being born again in your soul, you will die in your sins and have to pay for them throughout all Eternity. The work of the Spirit draws and woos sinners to the finished work of Christ for free salvation. Trust your salvation to Him now. Fix all your hope on Him. Jesus is all my Salvation and all my desire. Rest your soul on Jesus' precious blood, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Trust Christ Jesus for your soul's entire salvation, and put all your hopes and expectations only in His Blood.

Don't be found wanting at the Judgment, bring with you only the Righteousness of Jesus Christ; that is a full weight. Bring with you Christ's full Atonement for human sin. Trust only to His Precious Blood and Divine Righteousness. How shall you escape if you neglect so great salvation? To believe is to trust in Jesus' Blood. The remedy for your sin problem is a simple one, it is just this - the blood of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh. There is no other way of Salvation to declare unto you. Even though you are covered with sin from head to toe, you are still welcome to come to the Cross and be washed in Jesus' blood now. Lay hold on nothing else. The way of salvation magnifies Jesus Christ, and glorifies Him alone. Cry out to God for His mercy through the Atoning Blood of Christ. The fact is, there is only one way to Heaven, there are not 50 ways. There is one gate into Heaven - and Christ is The Way. *John 14:6* Trusting in Jesus' blood and merits is the one strait gate into Paradise, the narrow path to New Jerusalem is through the Cross of Jesus Christ. He that believeth not in Jesus must surely be damned. Jesus Himself is the only Way to safely approach God when you die.

Biblical Christianity is intolerant - it never allows a second method of salvation. If you refuse to yield and submit to Christ's Righteousness, the Gospel threatens you with the direst penalty. Free-thinking doesn't work with the Gospel. Man cannot think and believe as he likes and go to Heaven. You must believe what God says in Scripture, and not alter one single word, take the Bible as it is, or else deny it, and take the consequences. You must offer God a full satisfaction , and only the Blood will satisfy Him. Divine justice, vengeance, and the Law is appeased at the Cross. God is now just, the punishment for human sin is accomplished by Jesus' bloody death. If you trust in the Lamb of God alone, you are accepted with certainty in the Beloved. Your guilt was laid on Jesus long ago, and now you are safe.

Christ's Blood makes full satisfaction for sin and works death to sinful lusts and withers old habits and evil corruptions; and then humility, godly sorrow, repentance, and love to purity begins. Rest assured - this is the only way of Salvation - Trust Jesus Himself - He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he believeth not on the Son of God. God saves sinners for HIs own love's sake. There's only one way of salvation for every sinful human soul. The most gracious Gospel of God is free, because Jesus suffered and bled and did for the ungodly. Only the Cross of Christ can satisfy your judgment, conscience, fears, and hopes. God is so terribly just that He will by no means clear the guilty, His divine justice was directed wholly toward Jesus who stood in the sinner's place. Your own conscience tells you that God must punish you, but Christ was punished instead of you, pillow your head on that promise.

There is no resting place for your guilty soul but at the Cross. Hide in the wounds of the Crucified God. Human nature becomes self-reliant early in life, and then self-suicidal later in life. Real faith is not just believing that a rope will hold you up while repelling. No, real faith is when you entrust your life with that rope and go over the side of the cliff trusting only to that rope. Jesus sets the ropes of His promises. You have to have faith in the rope to jump off a 200 foot cliff backwards. I believed the rope would hold me up, I tried and proved the rope. Real faith happens when you entrust your life to the sureness of the rope and dependability of the One who set the ropes. Real faith isn't just believing that Christ can save you, but its entrusting your whole soul (life) into Christ's hands. Will you now take the leap of faith and trust the dependability of the Savior and His promises?