Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Essence of Truth 3

The root of the matter lies in this - "My God". This means that we have appropriated Him to ourselves by faith in His Son. There was born into this world a man who is also God - His name is Jesus of Nazareth. Wholly lean on Jesus' name and blood. He loved me and gave Himself for me. God lives, Christ pleads, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Praise to God is the essence of godliness and holiness. Take hold of God by faith in Jesus' name. The sum total of wisdom is to know and love the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent.

Justification by Faith in Jesus' Blood is the heart of the Gospel. God's written words are the Truth. To know Jesus, to believe Him, to love and follow Him is the very essence of Christianity. Christ died in the sinner's stead. Christ is the Surety, the Sacrifice, the Substitute, the only Savior for guilty men. The essence of Faith lies in believing that God speaks the truth, and acting upon His words because they are the Truth. God hath said it, it is true, I will act upon it: He said that Christ died for sinners, and that He saves all that trust Him. I will trust Him, and I shall be saved.

The essence of prayer lies in the heart drawing nigh to God without works. Prayer is the desire of the soul to come near to Him, desiring Jesus, to know His love, to partake of His nature, to be conformed to His will. The very essence of prayer is to get the ear of God, communion with God Himself. Love to God, gratitude to Christ, pleasing the Holy Spirit, hatred to all my sins, this is the heart and very core of Salvation. Christ Jesus saves from sin - from the power, dominion, tyranny, bondage, mastery of sin and corruption. Self-righteousness is always afraid of the free Gospel. The doctrine of Justification by Faith alone is the essence and soul of the Gospel. *I Timothy 1:15* Salvation is not by works of righteousness which we have done, but by the free grace of God who passeth by transgression, iniquity and sin.

This is the great truth of the Gospel - Christ's blood freely forgives and grants eternal life. Absorption of the truth into yourself, carrying the truth into practice, is the main matter. Jesus Christ Himself is the very essence of the Gospel. Jesus Himself is the good news. The good news is that God sent His only begotten Son into this world that we might live through Him, that is, He shed His blood, and gave His life to rescue me from my sins. Eternal redemption is now available through His life, death, blood, and resurrection. There is free pardon through His blood, justification through His Righteousness, sanctification through His Spirit. Complete salvation is provided freely to sinners through Jesus.

Salvation is stored up in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the sum and substance, the crown and glory of the Gospel. The one good news is this - *II Corinthians 5:19-21*. We preach Christ Crucified. The invitation is still open to all sinners - whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely. Teach nothing apart from Christ. Abound in good works, but never trust to them. Human merit is a foundation of sand. Go directly to Jesus Christ and rest in Him. Rest on the sure word of testimony. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and whosoever believeth in Him is not condemned.

Come now and rest your whole soul upon Christ Jesus for eternal salvation. *Matthew 11:28* There must be no mixing of the merits of Jesus and your merits. Christ for me. Christ everything for me, my sole and only hope. Heaven lies within this thought - Jesus loves me. Only God is to be worshipped, and God is to be worshipped in His own way. Love the right and seek after holiness - this is the essence of Repentance. Treasure up in your heart what God has spoken in the Bible. The essence of godliness is to walk humbly with God. Study the word of God, read, search, meditate on God's words. Bible reading and heeding is the metal that makes a Christian. The essence of Faith is to have done with self, and in receiving freely from Christ. Yield yourself to Christ, struggle not. To God Himself in Christ, you must come personally. It is time to seek the Lord. This is the pith of your necessity, your soul must seek after God. Learn from Jesus; learn of Jesus. He who doesn't personally believe in Jesus is a lost man.

Saving faith and hearty penitence is imperative. Loose morals is the atheist's main problem. Break up your fallow ground. Look to what you have neglected. Atonement by Blood, preaching of the Cross, Substitution, the Just for the unjust. The deadliest sin is rejecting Christ. The Creator, the Giver, the Keeper. Faith in Christ Jesus is the essence of true godliness. Faith is getting out of self and trusting Jesus alone. Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. The first step toward purity is penitence. Purity is peace, holiness is happiness. God in human flesh must save your soul, the blood of the Son of God must wash away your sins. Christ is All. Morality is a clean outside, holiness is being clean within for the glory of God. Jesus will keep the feet of His saints. The atheist is desperately set on destroying himself. Own that you are guilty. Trust the Lord Jesus Christ now. Get alone with Christ. Christ in you gives the hope of glory.