Saturday, May 5, 2012

Rest Assured 3

The Holy Spirit must first make you feel your guilt, danger, nakedness, and filthiness. If the Holy Spirit doesn't move in your soul, you are hopeless. human merit, but mercy; not human goodness, but guilt. Sinful men that feel their sins, and mourn over their iniquity will seek the Savior. All the fitness God requires of you is to feel your need of God's Son. You have had unchaste thoughts and committed unclean acts, and rebelled against God. You have loved this world, not the world to come. You have neglected Christ's great salvation from sin. Your heart is hard, your soul is blind, know your great guilt, and discover the sinfulness of sin. Nothing but the Lord's mercies have kept you out of hell up till now.

To believe on Christ is to let Him be for you what you can never be for yourself, that is, an Atonement for your sins by His shed blood; a Righteousness for your covering by His good works. Believe on Him, give yourself up to HIm, be saved according to His will and way. Just be nothing, so Christ may be Everything. The New Birth, imputed Righteousness, and being washed in the Blood is an absolute necessity. Stop indulging in the flesh, and pampering your sins. A sinner can only be saved by simply resting on the merits of Christ. The carnal mind loves human merit. You will never take Christ to be your All, until the Holy Spirit convinces you that you are nothing at all. You must learn to depend on Christ for all things, and on self for nothing. You must understand the rottenness and emptiness of all human merit.

You can only be accepted by God in in the Redeemer's Righteousness and saved by His Blood. It is not your doings, but what Christ has done for you. Jesus must do all for you. You're just too proud to take a free salvation. God's Justice avenged sin upon the Substitute of Calvary. Jesus poured out His blood as a Sacrifice for human sin. Simple faith in Christ alone is the great way of salvation. I believe that Jesus came into the world to save sinners, I have trusted my soul into His hands to save me, It is done, I am saved, my sins are gone, my iniquities are all forgiven - forever, fully, freely.

Human nature loves a hard way of salvation, and because the way of grace and blood is so easy, the carnal mind cannot bear it. Human nature is so proud, that it will not be saved by divine charity. To come to Christ as a bankrupt sinner and trust Him to save us, to have done with saving ourselves, and to let Jesus do it all - oh that is so humbling. O God, by Jesus' agony and blood, by His cross and passion, by His precious death, burial and resurrection, have mercy upon my soul. Not in yourself, but in Jesus is your help found. Look to Jesus, He bled for you, one look to Him will save you. Faith in the living Savior will make you a living soul. The Gospel is obnoxious to human pride and so hateful to your lusts. Self-righteous human nature is constantly trying to invent another plan of salvation.

Faith means to trust in Christ implicitly. Faith is just this - to cast yourself unreservedly on Christ. The Gospel is a simple thing - God has ordered it this way just to take down your pride, and to show you that He is God, and that His Son is the only way, and that besides Jesus Christ, there is none else. A sinner must only believe in the Crucified God for free pardon, and at once the sinners receive salvation in full through God's own blood. Lord God, you have said that Christ died to save sinners, I am a sinner, save me for Jesus' sake - that is Faith. Divine justice had to be satisfied, either the sinner must die or else someone must die for him. God has a debt against you, and He will never remit that debt till it is paid. Christ paid sin's debt, and poor guilty sinner goes free. The only way of salvation is by Blood. Blood, Blood, Blood, and nothing else. Hear the way of salvation - Incarnation, Atonement, Substitution, Redemption, Justification, Faith, Worship.

The way of salvation is is not hard to comprehend, it is not some great mystery, it is simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. *Acts 16:31* Trust Christ with your soul, and He will save it. Grieve over your sins, repent of your iniquities, turn unto the living God, trust to His Son alone, your works cannot help save you. Remember, you are an enemy to God without Christ. Find refuge in the Cross, rely upon the power of the Spirit, depend on Christ's Righteousness. If you trust in your works at all, you're lost as sure as you live. Place all your faith on the man Christ Jesus - on His Godhead, on His manhood, on His Blood and Righteousness, and you are delivered from your sins. Faith alone in Christ's finished work saves the soul. Salvation can never be by human merit, it must be by God's grace and mercy and blood.