Friday, May 4, 2012

Rest Assured 1

Rest assured, until you are empty, Jesus will never fill you; until you are stripped, He will never clothe you; until your self-righteousness is dead, Christ Jesus cannot live within you. There is no hope for you until you turn aside from all your self-confidence and rest in Jesus' Blood Atonement alone. Cease from self, know yourself to be nothing. Look to Calvary for a surer source of strength than yourself. Salvation requires no deep learning, no previous education or preparation, no straining or mental effort. One of the simplest acts of human intellect - to trust Jesus, to lean with your soul upon Him, to make Him all your trust. The Holy Spirit must bring you to rest on Christ alone.

Rest assured of this: Christ died for ungodly; the grace of God is only found in His Precious Blood. Salvation is only presented to humbled, contrite, penitent souls who know and trust the Savior's blood. Serve Him and show the gratitude you owe to Him who has done so much for you. Great sinners need a great Savior. There is no sin, which the blood of Jesus cannot take away. Simple confidence upon the mercy of a good God int he person of His dear Son. You shall never perish in Christ. God with us - Immanuel. Rejoice in Christ Jesus alone, and put no confidence in the flesh. The clock is ticking - time is short - it's time you focused on reality instead of nonsense - get serious about your sins and your soul - Look to Jesus alone for the free forgiveness of your sins. Away with your works, away with your boastings and religious doings, for they are no ground of confidence before a holy God. Trust Christ wholly, reject all confidence of your own, trust Him at this moment.

Give yourself up wholly to Christ Jesus. He that is completely bankrupt is willing to accept the Savior's charity. You have nothing of your own, fall down flat upon the Cross, and take all things freely which are in Christ Jesus. You can never be too confident in the Crucified God, that is, Christ Jesus. Joyous assurance starts at humbly pleading the precious blood that was shed for sinners. Rejoice only in the Substitute. You can't earn your way to Heaven. You think you do your best and then Jesus does the rest. The wrath of God abides on you right now if you think you can help Jesus save your guilty soul. You cannot help earn your way to Heaven, for it has already been earned for you. We have the Gospel, we have the answer, His name is Jesus Christ. The distinguishing mark of a Christian is childlike confidence in the love and blood of Jesus Christ, and the yielding of his affections to Christ who loved him so.

Christ loved me and gave Himself for me. God is looking for a heart of gratitude and love to Jesus in return. We love Him, because He first loved us. God is Love. *Romans 5:8* We are ruled in our inward parts by the bleeding love of the Lamb of God. The love of Christ constraineth us. We believe in Jesus' love, we rejoice in His divine love. Rest upon Christ with childlike, loving confidence. Be always dependent on the Holy Spirit for His strength. Prize Jesus beyond all price. Obey His faintest requests, neglect not His inward leadings. Turn not aside from His words. Real and practical confidence in Jesus. Be patient, not peevish. Be fervent, not lukewarm. Stand at the foot of the Cross and trust to Jesus. The Gospel is very humbling, throw yourself on the mercy of the Judge who died for you.

You can rest assured on this: Faith in God's blood must all your strength and confidence. You can't do it, because Jesus did everything for you. You must humble yourself, and receive His heavenly pardon freely at the foot of the Cross as a needy sinner. Smart aleck, proud, sin-loving people despise the Cross and wind up in Hell where they belong. Hate your sins, love the Savior. Think of God with trembling, tremble at His words, and constantly be alarmed at His presence. Sin burdens your soul; you can't deliver yourself from your sin; without Christ you will bear it forever; only the Savior can take away your sins. Think of Christ now, and as you think, believe in Him, meditate on Him and trust to Him, confidence in Calvary's Lamb is absolutely necessary, never trust in yourself. The Cross is the only means of creating Faith in Jesus, through the power of the Holy Ghost. God works saving faith into us by looking to the Lamb of God. Do not live to sin, do not take pleasure in what cost Jesus His life. Sin is sweet to the atheist.

When a man is washed in the Atoning Blood, he becomes grateful and obedient to Jesus, and he can no longer live to sin. Submit yourself with all your heart to Jesus' gracious way. My soul's delight is to run in His commandments. The Cross leads us from self to Jesus. Nothing will kill 'self' like a sight of the Crucified God. Lift up the Savior and down 'self' must go. High thoughts of Christ are always attended by low thoughts of self. Christ Jesus is the poor man's Riches, the sick man's Medicine, the faint man's Cheer, the weak man's Strength, the ignorant man's Wisdom, and the lost's man Way. Look to the Bleeding Savior, rest alone in Him, if you trust Him, rest assured, you have eternal life.