Saturday, September 14, 2024


Seek ye First the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness. Seek The King, and His Righteousness. Human nature refuses to seek The King of Righteousness, The Lord Jesus Christ, and goes about to establish its own righteousness, trying to make itself acceptable in the sight of God, and refuses to submit itself to the Righteousness of God. Until a man or woman is born again of the Spirit of God, they in the kingdom of darkness, under the dominion of their own Sin and Satan. 

You must be born into and translated from the kingdom of darkness into The Kingdom of God by the Spirit of God. First of All, you must receive The King and His Righteousness, and the Spirit of God birth you into the Kingdom of by His mighty power. Until you are born again by the Spirit of God, and until God gives you repentance t the acknowledging of the Truth, JESUS CHRIST, you remain a servant and slave to your Sins, and are taken captive by the Devil at his will. (II Timothy 2:25-26) A servant of sin, or a servant of Righteousness, whose servant will you be today? First of all, you must be weaned from all self-love, self-reliance, and self-glorying. Take steady aim, shoot at the center of the Target: Love JESUS Himself, lay hold on HIM with a firm resolute grip from your heart. Now I get it: With all my being and strength, I need to come into Focus on The Lord Jesus Christ. He must increase, but I must decrease.

Rebellious self-righteous human nature refuses to come under the dominion of Christ and give Him all the glory for Salvation. The highest Liberty comes to a Soul when he wears the yoke of Christ, growing in grace, becoming more and more obedient to Christ's divine will. Let JESUS rule in your inward nature; submit to His reign over you; full resignation to His divine will. There is Joy in complete submission to JESUS, Rest is full resignation, and Peace in unconditional surrender. First, submit to Christ's Righteousness (find in Him immediate, free Eternal Life), then submit to His Rule (Yoke), and find in Him Rest and Peace, and it will be very well with your Soul. 

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom, the Highest Wisdom, the Root and Foundational Wisdom. The fear of the Lord is to fear offending God and to fear committing your sins against God, and to depart from your evil. We must submit ourselves to Christ Jesus, and find in Him Righteousness and Eternal Life. Faith in Christ leads to cast all our sins down at the Cross, and the Holy Spirit brings us an inward life of true righteousness. Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ brings us into the Kingdom of God's Dear Son. 

Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. If the Son therefore shall make you Free, ye shall be free indeed. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty. For The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but Righteousness, and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Being then made free, ye became the servants of righteousness. Stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. He that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman.

The Mark is to be Christ's humble, loyal subject in the Kingdom of God. We must yield to His supreme sway and become more and more obedient to His divine rule and reign over us. To enjoy Christ's dominion over us where true Peace, Joy and Freedom exists. We must receive Christ personally, and trust to His great Blood Atonement for our sins, for apart from His Precious Blood, there is no Salvation or true service to God in this life. Once we have entered the Kingdom of God, we will seek to know and love the King, and seek to bring others to know the King of Grace and to enter His Kingdom and Dominion. Let the Peace of God rule in your hearts. A man who lives for Jesus Christ lives most and lives best, far from the dominion of sin. And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free. But now being made Free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit until holiness, and the end everlasting life. 

Seeking the full rule and reign of Christ over our heart, being, and members. This should be the main object in our life in order for us to live a peaceful, well-ordered, fruitful, useful, joyful, honorable life in the sight of God and men. Let the Peace of God rule in your heart. Let the Man Christ Jesus have dominion and reign over you; Hear, Receive, Learn, and Do as the King desires, and the God of Peace shall be with you. Let the Prince of glory's kingdom come within every part of you. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the Law, but under Grace.

The one object of my being is the reign and glory of God, and to please Him. I press toward the Mark for the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. What you are aiming at, that is what you will hit; and whatever you are following, that is where you'll end up; there's no doubt about that. Silly blind souls are easily distracted and decoyed by this world's nonsense, whims, spells, delusions. My master-motive should always be to please God, not myself or men. After we are new creatures in Christ, a newer and higher motive sways us: seek God, not self. For to live for Christ is Abounding Abundant Life, but to live for your own personal vain glory is to be dead while you just wretchedly exist here in this present evil world.

God Almighty is my Maker, Preserver and Redeemer, and He should be the great object of my life; He is the King Eternal who rules and reigns over my nature, my motive's power, and that for which I live. What the LORD aims at, I should be aiming at, and what the LORD desires, I should desire. If my eye is Single, then my whole body shall be full of light.

Be earnest in the glorifying of God, and diligent in the winning of souls to Christ Jesus Himself. For ye are not your own; For ye are bought with a price: therefore Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. My one Desire is to magnify Christ in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. This is not a duty, by my privilege and delight. 

Grace is the gracious working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and lives. Grace causes us to long after Christ and pant after conformity to Him in our daily conversation and conduct, privately and publicly. Even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. My main and only object is to magnify Christ and glorify the Father. Regard and acknowledge God's words, seek the glory of God, pursue the salvation of souls near to me, use scriptural means to enlighten the lost, live to be an example for others to follow. Ready and willing to consecrate every ability and faculty of my mind, body, heart and soul to the grandest Cause, that is, the furtherance of the Gospel. Dedicated to my Deliverer, Consecrated to my Crucified Creator, Loyal to the King Eternal, Offering myself up wholly to the One who Offered up Himself for me: this is the sweetest and happiest place that I can ever be. I will carry the will of God in my heart, and in every action consult with my Father about that Will

My first object is to glorify God. My main object in living is to make Jesus known, win more hearts to God, more souls to Jesus, more minds to the Holy Spirit; the Quickener of born again souls. Yield myself to Christ Jesus with full concentration of mind and heart. To cast away sins I once loved, and focus my glory in the Cross. The greatest Wonder of All is that JESUS would save the most worthless sinner of all - ME. 

The Cross is the sole source and object of my glory. I seek to be more like the Savior in my thoughts, words, actions, and everyday life. I have been born from above, and now I must live from above. Adore the living Christ with living love. Chewing on the bitter husks of religion and self never satisfy the soul. Pray the Lord's work will be lasting in the hearts you deal with each day. If any man thirst, He will surely come to Jesus, and drink of the water of life freely. Pray the Holy Spirit will create this deep thirst in the hearts of those souls you witness to; this thirst is the only thing that will bring a soul to Christ; not our particular words, but our sincere compassion. 

Only the everlasting God can give you everlasting Life through the everlasting Gospel of Christ, not religion with all its performances and observances. Christ Jesus living IN YOU, and His words being engrafted into your very inward nature, nothing short of this will ever save your soul. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can prepare your Soul to safely enter Eternity. With purpose of heart, cleave unto the Lord Jesus Christ. Never trifle with the Gospel: if you are Lost right now, your first object in life must be to understand the Gospel and heartily receive Jesus Christ, simply trusting your Soul into His dear hands.

Cheerfully do the Lord's bidding, count it a delight and privilege to do His will. My one object is to bring sinful men to Christ. My only instructions are the Scriptures; my one subject is Christ; my only Instructor is the Holy Spirit. My one message is Christ Crucified, and my one Glory is the Cross of Christ. I magnify The Lamb of God's Precious Blood beyond everything, and put very special emphasis there. Mark it down, get it down pat: No one but The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, can do helpless sinners any lasting Good in this life.