Saturday, September 28, 2024


There are only two spiritual families here in the earth: the family of God the Father, and the family of Satan. You are in one of these families at this very moment. You must be born into the family and kingdom of God, through faith in the Son of God, and by the power of the Spirit of God. Until your Soul is rescued/translated out of Satan's kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of God's dear Son, you are by nature blinded and held prisoner in the family of Satan, and you are by nature a child of the devil. If you don't believe me, see Acts 26:18; Colossians 1:13, and other Bible verses below. 

You can't go to heaven when you die, unless you've had three fathers: (1) your physical father, (2) your father the devil, and (3) God the Father. It doesn't matter what your last name is here in time, what really matters is this: What family does your Soul belong to, right now?

Only The Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit can rescue your helpless Soul from the god of this world, Satan, for he is your evil father whether you like it or not, and you are being held captive by sins' shackles and cold bars of unbelief in his dark kingdom. 

Now carefully consider: There's only two groups here in the earth: the just and unjust, the saved and the lost, the quick and the dead, the wheat and the tares, the sheep and the goats, the just and the wicked, the righteous and the wicked, the evil and the good, the blessed and the cursed, the beloved and the workers of iniquity, the living and the dead, light and darkness, the congregation of the righteous and the congregation of the dead, the saints and the sinners, the freemen and prisoners, the redeemed and the captives, the servants of righteousness and the servants of sin. 

If you're not in Christ (The Prince of Life, The Prince of Peace), you are currently in Satan (the prince of this world, the prince of the power of the air), and taken captive by him at his will. Be wise: Give The Lord Jesus Christ your heart's best attention, He offered up Himself for all your sins against God, give total assent to His Gospel, and then trust HIM alone to your Sin Bearer for your immortal Soul. Fling all your righteousness to the wind, and Trust only to His perfect Righteousness to cover your naked Soul in the sight of The Almighty in the great day of His Wrath and Judgment to come.

The Family of God:
  • Children of God (Matthew 5:9; Romans 8:16)
  • Children of your Father (Matthew 5:45)
  • Children of the kingdom (Matthew 8:12)
  • Children of the Highest (Luke 6:34)
  • Children of Light (John 12:36; Ephesians 5:8)
  • Children of the living God (Romans 9:26)
  • Children of God by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26)
  • Children of promise (Galatians 4:28)
  • Children of the day (I Thessalonians 5:5)
The Family of Satan:
  • Children of the wicked one (Matthew 13:38)
  • Child of hell (Matthew 23:15)
  • Ye are of your father the devil (John 8:44)
  • Thou child of the devil (Acts 13:10)
  • Children of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2; 5:6; Colossians 3:6)
  • Children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3)
  • Children of the devil (I John 3:10)