Saturday, September 14, 2024


I press toward the Mark for the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. What is your great Aim in this life? The motive is the Eye of the Soul. What do you have an Eye to? What/Who are you living for each day that God wakes you up? What is the principal Aim with you? Is your heart engaged to seek the LORD and and set to please Him? The main object and chief Aim should be to please the Father. Get your Aim and Desire set on Christ. Get your heart fixed on HIM, do not be fickle. Be wise: Focus on and Aim at God's glory. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the LORD, and not unto men.

A Marksman cannot hit a target if he is aiming at something else, neither will a man's ambition please God, unless his ambition is fixed on Christ with heavenward thoughts and desire. The one main object of my Hope and Peace is Jesus Christ Himself: Who He is, what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do. My chief Aim is to bring sinners to Christ: persuade them to trust Christ, and to esteem Him highly, and to rejoice and glory always in Him. Keep on swimming upstream through the debris.

The center of the Target, the Bullseye, where Faith aims and fixes itself is this: The Precious Blood, The Cross, The Atonement, The Substitutionary Finished Work of God manifest in the flesh. True Faith never loses it Aim - True Faith is fixed on the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God alone. The only way a Soul can ever come out of the cold brutal winter of Sin it is enduring, and enter into the warm Spring of Life and Salvation is through Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

What are you pursuing today, mammon or your Maker? The Lord's service is the principal thing in life: we must labor in connection with Him, in His yoke, by laying all our talents and faculties at His feet, and spending and being spent for Him. This is the highest and noblest thing in your life that can be achieved is this: if you spend All for God, and win Christ, that will be glorious gain, your highest profit, and your best success that could ever be obtained in this life. Worship God in spirit and truth, enjoy Christian fellowship, and be useful in promoting and expanding the cause and kingdom of Christ.

The truly born again Soul lives unto God, and his object in life is the Glory of God, and the good of fellow Souls near him. This is the priceless Prize which is set before the saved Soul, and toward this Prize we should run: Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. The great Provider of the Saving Grace of God and Purifying Faith is Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God, no one else can help us down here below. The great object of the Holy Spirit is your immediate conversion to Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. JESUS is the craving, yearning, and sighing of my Soul; I hunger for Him, and to be more like Him.

This world is trying its dead-level best to coax you with their hoax, and they have a brand new hoax every week to try to ensnare you. The chief end of this world is to gain and hoard money and enjoy carnal pleasures while they can. The Christian must be earnestly focused on Christ Himself and get heavenly guidance and instructions from Him and become useful in His kingdom and vineyard. The one aim and design of the Gospel is that souls may be saved by Emmanuel's Words, Blood, Love, and Spirit. JESUS should be the main thought of my day, the chief delight and object of my affection. The very Best Person should have the very best of my thoughts and affections.

The very noble cause of Christ, the will of God the Father, and what the LORD desires, is far above the aims of lost, carnal men. The end and object of my being, the beautiful object of my desire is Christ Jesus the Lord. The fact and object of my Faith which has been given to me from above is Christ's glorious Finished Work -- His Blood and Righteousness. He offered Himself for me. Therefore, the one great Mark of my heart is to glorify Christ in the little and big things of my life, and do my very best to extol His dear name and exalt His precious Cross in whatsoever I do. Jesus' end and object was to please the Father, to do His will, to finish His work, and bring us to God through His passion performed and finished at Calvary.

Let us give all our thoughts and care to this one object: How can I please the Father? How can I be pure in my heart for Jesus' sake? How can I win sinners to Christ? Am I concerned about lost souls? How can I comfort, cheer, and encourage others? How can I live here today as Christ would live? How will this deed please and honor the LORD? What is leading me? What/Who am I pursuing with my heart, faculties and energy? 

The highest pursuit in this life is Christ; Follow in His steps. The service of Christ deserves my very best consideration, concentration, action and endeavor. The chief aim and choicest object of Faith is Christ Jesus Himself. My chief business today is to stay in heart communion with Christ and seek lost sinners the best way I can.