Saturday, September 14, 2024


I press toward the Mark for the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. For to me to live is Christ: I have no other aim in my brief existence. The first thing in life each day should be to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all we think, say, or do. My main business is to love God, live for Him, deny and lay aside self, and give myself up wholly to the Father for Jesus' sake. To bring souls to Christ is my main endeavor. The most loving and lovable of all beings is The Lord Jesus Christ; We love HIM, because He first loved us. The very height of my Ambition is to live entirely according to the will of God in Christ Jesus. It is the LORD, let Him do what seemeth Him good. Live unto Jesus Christ and His things, not yourself and your stuff.

One Aim only is worthy of my immortal being - trusting in, and living for Jesus Christ. The great end and aim of the Holy Spirit: to draw sinners to Christ and conform the saints to Christ. We are Christ's workmanship, created in Him unto good works. The Mark is to be conformed to Christ's character in my inward parts, to hear Him, to learn from Him to be meek and lowly, to desire to be like Him among the lost, to be conformed to the divine will of God. Set the laser beam of your Love on Jesus always. Professors study doctrines; Disciples learn doctrines, worship the Father, hear and receive the Savior, and practice His good works and complete His errands of mercy. 

What matters the very most 
at the end of each day is this:
how I made The Lord Jesus Christ feel, 
not how I made man feel.

Declutter your mind, heart and life; let not your mind be crammed with nonsense and vanity. Just like a house where a hoarder lives, you cannot move through the house, no liberty at all; because it is filled with unneeded debris. Simply your life, lay aside every weight, lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, keep yourselves from idols, remove the heaps of rubbish, keep thyself pure, keep yourself from idols.

Aim at the Glory of God and being cheerful in everything you think, say, or do. To glorify God is the sole object of all my efforts, the express aim of my being and living. Christ Jesus is the entire object of my Faith, Hope and Charity. This Man shall be the Peace. My brain was made to think and learn about Jesus; my heart made to trust, receive and love Jesus Christ; my Soul was made to commune with my Heavenly Father; and my body was made to yield, serve and magnify the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Sweetly yield to the gentle checkings and drawings of the Holy Spirit. My only fear is my fear of offending God - the Fear of the Lord.

The greatest and sole object of the Gospel of Christ is the glory of God. The highest Glory of the Gospel is The Cross. Aim at the one point of absolute necessity - Ye must be born again of the Spirit of God. Aim at Purity by the Holy Spirit. My earnest aim is to yield my members to the Holy Spirit and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. The goal and aim should always be to perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. My highest ambition is to be sanctified in spirit, soul and body. The dear object of my Faith is a Person, living and divine, the God-man, none other than Emmanuel, God with us. It is a pleasant task each day to render personal service to JESUS, directly and distinctly for Christ Himself, His Cross, and His Cause. My master-passion absorbs my focus and energy - JESUS is His name. One thing should always be upon my heart, and that is to honor the Lord in all that I do.

Above all things, aim at saving souls from the wrath to come and the love of sinning. The drift, the end, the aim is by all means save some. Live for Christ and let Christ's glory be the great object and focus of my being. To glorify Jesus Christ is the dearest object for the saved Soul. The great object is that men may be saved from their sins, purified by faith, conformed to the image of Christ, and become disciples and examples of integrity, honesty, purity, chastity, and righteousness, and be filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

The great object of Jesus' life was to please the Father and lay down His life for the sheep. The most important of all matters is that you Trust your soul with Christ, delight yourself in the LORD, and never trust yourself. The chief end and object of the Savior's life was to glorify His Father's name. Christ Jesus is the sole object of my Faith, upon Him only do I lean

The chief Aim of my heart should not be Self, but willful submission to God and cheerful service to Christ. I am dead to everything but the glory of God, so that Christ is glorified in my mortal body, this is the Mark before me. Laboring with divine ambition to please Jesus Christ in your thoughts, wishes, desires, in everything that is about you. Concentrate all your thoughts, faculties, and energies upon this one design: to be acceptable with Jesus Christ, live for Him alone, please Christ in everything you do, with sincere, humble Ambition. 

Make God's glory the one aim and object of my life. From the first to the last, Jesus set the Father always before Him as the object of His life here on earth. The object of Christ and the design of the Gospel is the saving of sinners, to justify the unrighteous and ransom the ungodly. Christ Jesus is the great object of my being, my whole energy and strength. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he; therefore the more thoughts of Jesus I have, the better off I will be. Glorifying and worshiping God, persuading and winning sinners to Christ, cheering and encouraging the saints to keep on for Jesus: this is my noble aim.

Honor the Lord Jesus Christ, or you will have completely missed the end and object of your being and existence here on earth. Never let a day pass by without doing something specially with one object of pleasing Christ in it. The whole object of the Gospel is to bring sinners nigh to God in Christ Jesus, and put down every rival. The chief object of saving Faith is Christ Jesus and His Most Precious Blood. This one thing I do, to aim to be more like Jesus Christ day by day. My master-impulse is the constraining love of Christ, my master-aim is my Father's glory, my master-power is the Holy Spirit Himself.

The Christian's sole aim in life is to live for God's glory and Christ's magnification. I am altogether Christ's and my object is to praise, bless and magnify God. The worldling's first and last aim is to make money and blow it on nonsense. Yearn over perishing souls, care for the glory of God, rest in the Lord, and serve the Lord, that is my main Business. 

Stay my Soul upon the LORD, that is my sole concern. To wait only upon God, for my expectation is from Him. The honor of Jesus is my chief concern from day to day, only let Jesus Christ be magnified, and this world has small significance to me. I am as eager for souls as worldly misers are for filthy lucre. Stay eager to do what God bids me, only as the Holy Spirit enables me. Cling to Jesus with a firm personal grasp, yearn to be more like Him, and desire to live His life day to day.