Saturday, August 3, 2024


The LORD JESUS CHRIST, God manifest in the flesh, appeared to put away my sins forever by the spotless sacrifice of Himself on Calvary's Cross. The Sacrifice is the Lamb of God Himself, the Altar is the Cross, the Atonement is His PRECIOUS BLOOD. He offered Himself for me; He loved me, and gave Himself for me. Now, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me. Human sin is only pardoned through a sinless bloody sacrifice. Adam's sin had to be atoned for by a sinless animal's blood. Substitution is the very core of the Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ stood in my place, and made a bloody Sacrifice of Himself, poured out His own life's blood, and all by Himself purged all my sins forever. 

The GREAT SACRIFICE OF THE LAMB OF GOD: His virgin birth, sinless life, the agony and bloody sweat and betrayal in Gethsemane; the binding of His innocent hands; the false accusations of the Spotless Lamb; the scourging and crown of thorns; the shame and spitting; the nailing to the Tree; the lifting of the Cross; hanging naked publicly; numbered with the transgressor; the reviling and mockery of the howling mob; the trauma and burning fever; the parching thirst; being a made a Curse for my sins; bearing my sins in His own body; becoming Sin itself; forsaken by the Holy Father; laying down His life for me; bleeding His Life away in my place. 

If you are seeking Peace with God today, you will only find Light in the darkness in The Lamb of God at the Cross. This is where Christ Jesus made Himself the Sacrifice for all human sin. Consider Him and trust to His Substitutionary Bloody Death. JEHOVAH made JESUS to be Sin for me, though JESUS never knew any Sin, that I might be made the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in HIM. He poured out His innocent Blood and loved me to death, so I would not face the eternal Vengeance due to my sins against God. I am the LORD'S purchased possession: purchased by His own Blood.

Here's Who you need immediately: The Atonement by the Bloody Sacrifice of the Lamb of God, EMMANUEL HIMSELF. Atonement by the Bloody Death of the Substitute Victim in Whom God is well pleased. How could you ever dare to bring your own righteousness or religiousness, and try to associated your filthy rags with the Son of God's Blood and Righteousness? 

I am cursed with the most loathsome disease within me called SIN. The gracious working of the Holy Spirit in my conscience and heart has enabled me to sense and fathom the enormity and evil of my sins. The Sacrifice for my sins was CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF, not prayers, good works, penance, incense or candles. The Lord Jesus gave up His spirit, soul, and body for sinful me. He poured out His Soul unto Death. He gave up Himself up willingly and freely to the death that the Punishment due to my sins might be taken away forever. 

The very center of the Bible is the Cross; the center of the Cross is the Lamb of God; and the Center of the Lamb of God is His PRECIOUS BLOOD that flowed freely from His own heart for your damnable sins. Don't miss it: The center of the Target, the BULLSEYE, is the ATONEMENT. The central thought is the PRECIOUS BLOOD, the central truth is the GOSPEL, the central Person is CHRIST JESUS. I preach Christ Crucified to save sinners from the wrath to come. He is the Saviour, the Sacrifice, the Substitute, the Atonement, the Surety, the Head, the sinner's Friend, the LORD of Glory, the Prince of Life. JESUS is the Light for the blind, gladness for the despairing, grace for the guilty. All beggars, wretches and condemned criminals are invited to come immediately to the LAMB OF GOD for Rest and Forgiveness.

I trust and glory only in JESUS' Atoning Sacrifice; I always put Him to the front, and Magnify His PRECIOUS BLOOD beyond everything. I only give the Precious Lamb of God the Preeminence. The Holy Father is fully satisfied with Christ; therefore, you should be fully satisfied with Christ too, for only then will the Holy Father be satisfied with you. God the Father is no respecter of persons, especially you; but He does fully Respect His well beloved Son. JESUS kept the Law perfectly all through His life here on Earth. For my sins were laid upon the Son of God by the Holy Father, who offered Himself to Divine Justice the complete Satisfaction, that is PROPITIATION. And now, the Holy Father is able to be eternally Merciful and Just for JESUS' sake. Free pardon, full forgiveness, gracious acceptance into God's favor and family for the worst and vilest sinners. 

Dwell on this thought - The Sacrifice of HIMSELF for your rotten sins. Now, Remember Who JESUS Is: God over All, Blessed Forever, JEHOVAH manifested in human flesh, The Maker of all universes, but He humbled Himself and offered up Himself without spot to God. Behold the infinite Righteousness and Sufferings in His Atoning Sacrifice for the worst and vilest of sinners, even me. The agony and Joy of Victory over sin and Satan was displayed openly at the Cross; JESUS triumphed victoriously over all darkness and sin on the Cross. The ATONEMENT was made by Emmanuel giving up His very self to put away human sins. I trust in the Infinite Savior to put away my sins.

JEHOVAH, The Great I AM, dwelt among us, and suffered, bled, died in my place, and rose from the dead according to the Scriptures. My heart believes in HIM and HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD, and rests in perfect peace. My soul on this Fact lives, my Soul on this MAN relies. The most guilty, heavy laden sinner can enter Eternity and approach JEHOVAH safely through His ATONEMENT. The Lord Jesus Christ once appeared to put away my sins, sanctifying and perfecting me in the sight of God forever. 

Just a Kindly Reminder: You or I cannot add anything to His Perfect ATONEMENT. JESUS has put away my sins finally, totally, eternally THROUGH HIS BLOOD. It is now Impossible to ever find my sins, they can never return to my account, for I am fully clear before the LAW for Jesus' sake, my sins have ceased to be, my sins have been washed away forever in His PRECIOUS BLOOD. I never had to help JESUS out to put away my sins. Nothing of mine is needed, for His ATONEMENT is Perfect in the eyes of the Holy Father. Believe and trust in Jesus now, partake freely of His ATONEMENT. Rest assured, my sins' penalty was fully endured by my REDEEMER. The PRECIOUS BLOOD of Christ is the universal cure, the divine remedy, the cure of all your heart's evil diseases, the wonder drug, the perfect solution, the cure for any soul's ailment. 

But how can I enjoy this forgiveness of sins and blessedness of peace with God? Not by any of your feelings or works. Do not dishonor the perfect finished work, ATONEMENT, of Christ Jesus. The only test is this: Are you finally done with any insane idea of helping to put away your owns sins? Are you willing that JESUS must have the whole, sole, entire Glory of putting your sins away from sight of God? Will you give up confidence in everything but Christ Himself? Will you RELY entirely and heartily upon His BLOOD ATONEMENT? This is the Test.

Be wise: Do not provoke the fierce anger of God by breaking His laws then on top of that, rejecting His dear Son, who loved you to death. In a word, your problem is this: You intentionally will not come to JESUS that ye might have Life. May the Holy Spirit help you come to your sober senses: Trust your Soul into the hands that were nailed to the Cross for your sins. Trust your Soul to the Love of the very Heart that was pierced with a spear to pay for your iniquities and transgressions. 

JESUS is only Savior for your Soul to trust to, and if you deliberately reject HIM, there's ZERO hope for you, and yet, you continue to neglect and reject the only REMEDY for your deadly sin problem. The simplest thing in all the world for you to do today is to trust Christ Himself to save your Soul, yet you Refuse to do this very simple thing. You have death grip on your own righteousness, or your own religious religiousness, or your own darling sins. You live in wicked Unbelief of the most glorious Truth, that God Himself ever revealed to sinful man. 

Your lost soul remains in a dreadful condition without Christ, willfully sitting in darkness, shutting your to the LIGHT, avoiding the Remedy. As long as you remain in your natural sinful state, you are certainly Lost as can be. You should trust in JESUS at once and not delay, yet you've being delaying for months and years. Be wise now: Flee to JESUS for Refuge, Shelter, Rest, and Safety from the wrath that is surely coming upon your sins.