Sunday, August 4, 2024


Just as your body must ingest and digest food to live physically, your Soul must also ingest and digest The Bread of Life to live spiritually. You must believe and receive Christ Jesus as the VICTIM for your personal sins against your Creator. He is absolutely necessary to saving faith, receive Him personally and inwardly. He offered Himself up as a bloody Sacrifice for your human sins. Stop eating from this world's nasty table, The BREAD OF LIFE is the Only Nourishment, Enrichment, and Vitamin that can Satisfy your needy, hungry SOUL. Feast on The True Bread from Heaven Now and Live!

Knowledge is the food which the mind feeds on daily. There is healthy food, and then there is corrupt food. We must ensure the Knowledge being received is sound and truthful. Our thoughts is where we taste and discern the Source and Safety of the Knowledge being relayed to us. We should not let the world's foolishness enter and remain in our thoughts, much less swallowing it down into our hearts. The entrance of God's words and thoughts into our minds and hearts must come to pass by the merciful movements, operations, warnings, quickening, and enlightenments of The Spirit of God. Conversion begins in the thoughts. I must first feel myself a real sinner. We have sinned against God all through our lives without any regret; we must think on this great fact. We are lost without Christ; we must think and be conscious of that truth. God is angry with the wicked and His wrath abides them that neglect and reject His Son. Only the Holy Spirit's working can help realize our sinfulness, guilt, rebellion, and imminent danger. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners: we must think this over soberly. The Lamb of God stood in the sinner's place, and suffered in my place - we must think this fact over. Just hearing these these truths with the outer ear will not be fruitful, but when the inner ear of the soul in our thoughts begins to listen and think; then, we begin to inwardly digest them.

First, there is Appropriation (taking for your own) and Mastication (tasting and chewing) of The Bread of Life for yourself; believe JESUS is the free Bread of Life, taste and chew on this Truth for yourself, perform the personal appropriation of HIM for yourself. Make JESUS your own personal Hope, Confidence, Salvation. Next, there is Receiving and Swallowing Him down into yourself, that is, real possession and enjoyment of HIM within your inward parts. The swallowing down of the Gospill. Take Christ into your own Soul this very moment by the act of Faith in His Precious Blood. This is not doing or producing anything, but only consuming the Gift, The Bread of Life Himself. Be a pauper, a receiver, a beggar, for there is nothing for you to do, to be, to feel, only to RECEIVE HIM. 

Saving faith does not come from you, but rather, it is the inward reception of something freely imparted to you. Never look within yourself, look to Christ, feed on Christ spiritually. When you are starving, you don't go look in the mirror, and look down your throat to satisfy your hunger. Oh no, you go find Bread, lay hold on the Bread, chew and eat it, and your hunger is satisfied. Faith is the act which the poorest, sickest, vilest, weakest, most condemned sinner may perform, no power or possession is required from you. 

Simply receive Christ into yourself by Faith in His Precious Blood. An empty vessel easily receives. Stop all your own deadly doings, and Be willing to receive Jesus Christ as God's Free Gift of Divine Mercy and Salvation for yourself. JESUS has already done it All for you, be wise, throw all of your rotten self-righteousness overboard. Simply receive the Incarnate God spiritually into your heart, and the trust in His Precious Blood that He shed for your sins, Trust in Him alone, and your are saved on the spot. 

Receive JESUS by this process: Trust HIM, the word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth. Contemplate your sins against God, meditate on God's words, and concentrate on JESUS personally, this is to understand HIM. Digest HIM with your heart's desire, prayer, meditation, communion personally and secretly in your own heart. Christ liveth in me, and I in HIM. The Great HIM feeds the little me.

Then there is Assimilation, that which is received descends into the inward parts and is digested and absorbed into the entire heart and soul. Assimilate Christ Himself, so He becomes part of your inward parts. Coming to Christ and receiving Him is always the Best Enrichment for your Soul. There are thousands upon thousands of spiritual health benefits in The Bread of Life, The Gospill, and The Water of Life. 

The Holy Spirit with His Grace begins to break down the words of life, and absorbs the divine BREAD within you, Christ Crucified. Just as the gastric juices and enzymes break down food within your physica body, the Holy Spirit mixes His faith and grace with the Bread of Life within you. Precious Faith, the gift of God, is the gastric juices and enzymes that work in the bowels of the Soul. Receive Christ by Faith, and then that Faith acts upon Him, to extract nutriment and nourishment from His Person, Righteousness, and Blood. Christ must be taken into your thoughts, understanding, and heart; He will build you up and strengthen you, and renew your inward man daily. As Faith dissolves The Bread of God, He is absorbed and nourishes your thoughts, desires, intents, words and actions. You are nourished up in the words of Faith. Christ becomes your inward Life - Christ liveth in me - a vital union with Him inwardly. What you consume can never be taken from you, it becomes part of you, one with you. The Bread of Life dwells in you, and you dwell in The Bread of Life. 

Christ Jesus, The Bread of Life, is most needful for your Soul. You must have Christ in you, or you cannot live. Think about it, If you deny your body food and drink, it will eventually die. If you deny your Soul the living Son of God, you are dead inside while you live here physically in time. You have a natural appetite for meat and drink. Your soul has a natural appetite for sin. But the New Birth from the Holy Spirit activates a new appetite within you for Christ Himself. 

You must have JESUS to be your own Savior, because you will perish eternally if you do not receive Him. Only the Holy Spirit can make you feel this hunger for Christ and crave HIM. Meat and drink really and actually satisfy physically, for that is what your body requires to live. Your body's need is very real, so the supply must be real as well. When you receive Christ, your heart and soul gets exactly Who it needs. All of your inward necessities are supplied by the person of Christ, and when you receive Him, He satisfies your inward hunger and thirst. Only The Bread of Life can truly and actually satisfy the cravings of your hungry Soul. There is no Satisfaction apart from HIM, be content with HIM, nothing of short of HIM will do you any good. 

Hunger after JESUS more and more, never leave HIM, and never spend your energy or money for that which is not bread, or labor for that which satisfies not. You cannot get rid of your body's hunger pains by talking about eating food; you must actually eat something. Likewise, don't just read about Christ, and think about Christ; your Soul must actually receive Christ, feed on HIM at once, and relieve your Soul's hunger pains. Have mercy on your Soul; feed on CHRIST, THE BREAD OF LIFE. Don't just look at The Bread of Life, sit down and Eat, feast upon HIM at once. 

A hungry person delights in meal time. A hungry man does not have to be dragged to the dinner table; his stomach craves the meal, and takes pleasure in eating. Feed upon JESUS, for in HIM there is delicious sweetness that pervades the entire heart and soul. If you ever receive HIM, you will never lose your appetite for HIM. If ever you do, you are definitely sick inside. As you know, meal time comes several times a day. You should partake of the BREAD OF LIFE very often as well, for you cannot be satisfied with yesterday's meal. Receive HIM again daily, not just at church time. 

Go to JESUS hourly, and be filled with His Love, let HIM be your Portion. Sheep graze all through the day, never cease eating, feed on Him into the night and awake again in the morning to feed again on The Bread of Heaven. The Bread of Life is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Set times for feeding, Desiring His presence, communing with Christ, meditating upon HIM, considering His Finished Work, Receiving His Grace. Snack through the day on HIM: choice thoughts of HIM, remembering choice scriptures, precious promises. Look to HIM, Taste Him, Receive Him, Digest Him, Be Nourished by Him, Let Him be your Portion. JESUS is very sweet to my taste, even His precious name is like drops of Honey on my Soul's tongue. Come now to the KING OF KINGS' table, Feed upon free The Bread of Life Himself and live forever, Live on His precious words, Delight in His Love, Partake of the Living Bread at His Table Continually.

The sole object of my faith is The Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is to literally feed and live off the living Christ, not religious activity or excitement. The just shall LIVE by Faith. The Precious Blood is the Life of my faith and the death of my sins. Saving faith is reliance, to trust, confide in, commit to, entrust with. I place my Trust solely in one glorious Person, The Lord Jesus Christ, who alone can redeem sinners. On the Incarnate Creator, I fix all my hope, the Substitutionary Sacrifice, the full perfect Blood Atonement of Christ is all my Confidence. Feed upon JESUS (His Incarnation, Atonement, Resurrection, Intercession), may your life be hid with Him, may you grow to be like Him, may your very life and conversation be Christ whom You consume by Faith, and He lives within you.

Faith is simply to have done with reliance upon myself, and in anything else, but JESUS, and to rest alone, my undivided confidence in Him, and what He has done for me. For only He is Worthy of all my confidence. I renounce and abjure all confidence in everything else, but the Finished Work of JESUS CHRIST, and come straight to HIM to be reconciled to the Holy Father. 

Renounce your imaginary goodness and deceitful self-righteousness. Faith reclines back upon Christ, giving up entirely to Him, bringing no works, efforts, merits or self-righteousness - Commit your Soul into the hands of Jesus, cast your Soul upon His eternal Merit and the Atoning Blood of the Great Redeemer of Calvary. Just fall back into His loving everlasting arms, trust entirely to HIM, and let Christ save you from your sins. 

From top to bottom, beginning to end, let JESUS be your Savior. If you are helpless, lost, ruined, guilty, undone, then go straight to JESUS for all your Soul's needs. Make His Wounds your only Shelter, make His Blood your only Plea, make His Righteousness your only Refuge, Make Him your only Confidence. I am a wretched mendicant with nothing of my own, undeserving and hell-deserving; I look to Christ for everything my Soul needs here in time and in Eternity. Fresh Faith in the Precious Blood is always safe; have no confidence in the flesh, for the flesh profiteth nothing. 

This is the way to plead plainly: Lord Jesus, here am I, I am emptiness and guiltiness, I am the worst case, a glaring desperate case in need of your tender care. I have no merits at all, only my sins do I bring. My character is as bad as it can be. I plead for Mercy, not reward. I am awful need, I am a horrible sinner. I need your Righteousness, a new heart, a right spirit, a total change and makeover within me. I need everything You can provide me, for I am nothing but sin and misery through and through. Help me simply and only because I am very needy, and my need is Great. Freely pardon my iniquities, for they are more than the hairs of my head, and I have nothing to pay. My innumerable evils have surrounded me, my transgressions hold me captive, so that I am not able to break free, and my heart is in dire distress. There's no rest in my bones because of my sins; they are a heavy burden too heavy for me. My heart stinks and is corrupt because of my foolishness. My heart is filled with a loathsome disease called Sin, and there is no soundness in my soul. I submit my sin-sick Soul to your Precious Blood. No one but You can help me in my sinful condition. Never was there a case worse than mine. I confess, I need your Atonement for my sins. Help Thou me; Have mercy on my Soul. I yield myself completely into your hands, please operate on me. I cleave to Your words. I am hopelessly ruined and cannot help myself at all; I sincerely desire your Help, Pardon and Acceptance for your Name's sake. I admit: I have a very deep problem within me called Sin, which I can never fix. Have pity on me, Lord Jesus, I call upon You now in my distress, I receive You, Please be my Salvation and my Strong Habitation.