Sunday, August 11, 2024


Dodgy, sketchy, double-tongued, shrewd, slick, cockamamie, double-dealing, cunning

Manipulate, delude, concoct, finagle, mislead, dupe, flatter, hoodoo, hoodwink, snow, hustle, gaslight, gyp, skimming, stinting, beguile, coax

Hollow sham, distract, gimmick, bunk, charlatan, setup, spell, spiel, plot, dissimulation, malarkey, disinformation, wiles, pitch, trick, scheme, falsehood, rigmarole, bunkum, nonsense, folly, fraud, sleight, duplicity, hoax, scam, racket, trumpery, what's the catch, cock and bull story, rip-off, guile, poppy cock, dupery, swindle, vanities and lies, wiles, craftiness, trickery, monkey business

Phony, pretender, hypocrite, huckster, dissembler, counterfeit, phoney, quack, ingrate, flim flammer, windbag, double-crosser, windjammer, slickster, impostor, con, con artist, con man, shyster, grift, crook, moocher, faker, finagler, conniver, wangler, farce, cheat, wheeler-dealer