Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Deception, Fear, Distraction, DelusionManipulation, Intimidation, Suspicion, Doubts, Spells, Deceit, Indoctrination, Propaganda, Division, Falsehoods, Question the words of God, Question God's Goodness and Care, Deny God's words and believe lies, Put your physical needs before your spiritual needs, Change and/or omit th

e words of God, Tend to your body's comfort, not your Soul's Safety; Be your own god and live for the creation, not the Creator; You will not suffer any consequences for your sins in time or eternity; Put your will before God's will, 

Blind minds with many delusions and distractions, Give your soul, spirit, body, life, worship and service to anything but Jesus Christ; Fear man, not God; A little sin won't hurt; Think highly of yourself, not Jesus Christ; There's no use in praying, God will not hear you; Trust anyone but Jesus Christ; Curse God and die; Believe anything but the Truths found in the Holy Bible; Put your faith in anything but the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; Hold grudges; Hard thoughts about God; Low thoughts of Jesus Christ; Agitate the mind with blasphemous unbelieving thoughts, Self-pity, Do your own will, not the will of God; Think and Live independently of God; Lie to the Holy Ghost, Try to save yourself, Catch away the words of God sown in hearts, Follow after vain persons and delusions 

Fiery darts (Persecution, Betrayal, Desertion, Rejection of intimate family and close friends, Poverty, Bitterness, Sickness, Bereavement, Loneliness), Tempting, Accusing, Despondent doubts, Deceive, Allure, Entice, Enticing words of man's wisdom, Ensnare, Defile, Subvert, Evil affected, Corrupted, Spoiled, Seduce, Bewitched, Trouble, Beguile, Entangle, Affected, Hinder, Bondage, Subtilty, Wiles, Devices, Snares, Guile, Cunning craftiness, Deceitful wolves, False prophets in sheep's clothing, 

Vain deceit, Damnable heresies, Doctrines of devils, Bitter envying, strife, Religiousness, Another spirit, Another gospel, Another Jesus, words of falsehood, perverting of the Gospel, Revenge, Wisdom of words, Spirit of error, Spirit of the world, False brethren, Grievous wolves, Seducing spirits, Sleight of men, Tradition of men, Rudiments of the world, Overthrow the faith, Prating, Vain jangling, Flattering words, Fair words, Moved away, Withered, To lie in wait and deceive, Drawn away (Acts 20:30), Carried away (Gal 2:13), Carried about (Eph 4:14), Draw back (Heb 10:38), Led away (II Pet 3:17), Lying vanities, Feigned words, Good words and fair speeches, Grievous words, Lying and corrupt words, Cunningly devised fables, Great swelling words of vanity, Speaking perverse things, Strifes of words, Destitute of the truth, Profane and vain babblings, Oppositions of science, Words to no profit, Vain words, Questions and strifes of words, Malicious words