Sunday, September 2, 2012

Simple Reliance 1

Take Christ to be your Atonement, your Justifier, your Salvation, and your All. Find Salvation through childlike faith in His Blood. Simply surrender yourself to be saved by Him. The Good News put simple in a few words is just this - II Corinthians 5:19-21; I Timothy 1:15; John 3:16; I Timothy 2:5-6. Trust Jesus Christ, simply as a child trusts his father's word. The only way is to simply trust Christ's merits, simply to believe that He can and will save you, and trust yourself with Him. Rest your soul simply on the Rock. Rest sincerely with the whole heart upon Christ's finished work. Beseech the Lord to increase your faith in His Blood.

Your trust in the unseen God, your reliance upon His promises, faithfulness, and fidelity is the Bible way. Have no reliance but in Jesus Christ Himself. The natural heart rebels against the simplicity of the Biblical way of Salvation. You are to do nothing but simply accept the Righteousness already finished by the Great Mediator. Leave off your doings, and simply look unto Him who was crucified for sinners, and find all your salvation in His Atoning Blood. If you cannot understand, it because you do not love and trust the Gospel. A proud and sin-loving heart is the root of your difficulty. Believe on Jesus Christ's name, that is, simply from the heart trust your soul with the Crucified Redeemer who is God manifest in the flesh. *I Timothy 3:16* At the end of the day, all that matter is what you did with Jesus Christ - Receive Him or Reject Him.

All men by nature are miserable slaves of their own sins. Salvation is only obtained freely at the Cross, through the Precious Blood; it is to be had for nothing through trusting Jesus Christ alone, of free grace, no merits of yours are wanted, no good things of yours are to be brought. Confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit, depending on the presence and person of Jesus Christ. Helpless dependence upon the living God. More and more dependence on the Holy Ghost. The child's ABCs cannot be plainer than the Gospel. Let your faith hang simply on Jesus. Repair to Calvary, tarry in Gethsemane, live with Jesus, considering Him, meditating on His words, adoring His person, reflecting upon His life, death, resurrection, and intercession. The carnal mind is filled with unbelief, enmity, and disobedience. The mind of Christ is filled with Faith in God, love to Jesus, and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

This is the application of the Remedy - Give up your own way and depend on Jesus, on His kind arms fall. You cannot stand on your own, faint into His arms, that is Faith. Just give up your doing, give up depending upon anything that you are, or do, or ever hope to be, and depend upon the perfect merits, finished work, and Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Your reliance is to be upon nothing but that which is in Christ Jesus. Look only to the Savior's stripes, wounds, and Blood. They are the punishments for your sins. God's wrath spent itself on Christ instead of my soul. Put all your reliance upon Him as crucified and risen for sinners. Rely only upon the atoning blood of God Incarnate. The way to be saved is simply to trust in what the Lamb of God did when He became a Jewish man, and suffered the punishment for all sinners.

Rest everything on the promises of God. Only Believe God. Christ was the sinner's Substitute. The only way New Jerusalem is simply believe with all your heart on Jesus Christ. Rest your soul simply, humbly, confidingly upon the promise, blood, and Spirit of God. The bloody Sacrifice of Christ on Calvary was for sinners just like you. There's no time to waste, your soul is on the line; trust your soul to Jesus now. Jesus laid down His life for us poor sinners. The carnal mind says, "Save yourself, do your best." Jesus took your place, He died on your account. He stepped into your shoes and let the wrath of God be poured out upon Him, so that you might be freely saved. Jesus took your shame, guilt, sin, whipping, nailing, death. He died for you. There's nothing so wonderful as that. He took your place. He died in your stead and on your account, and He willingly came to earth to do just that. He went to the Cross all alone and died for you.

Atonement by Blood is the Bible way. The bloody Gospel saves sinners to the uttermost. With your heart accept Christ to be your personal Sin-Bearer. Simply to trust, and to rely upon the great God and Savior who bled for me. Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. To believe in Jesus, is to simply trust in Jesus, to take God at His word, to take Chris's Atonement, the Satisfaction for human sin, the Savior of sinners. Rest upon the Son of God, who was put to death because your sins were laid on Him. To believe in Jesus simply with a childlike confidence is the way of Salvation.

Simply trusting in the Substitution of Christ for the ungodly. Depend simply upon the merits of Christ and the work of His Spirit. Believe and live, trust Christ now, and your sins are forgiven. Out of His abundant Mercy, God will forgive your sins. Trust in the cleansing Blood of Jesus. Be of good cheer poor sinner, if all your reliance is leaning upon the Mediator, despite all your accusing sins, you are a saved soul. Place your dependence upon the sin-forgiving Incarnate God. Look with your soul's eye to the Crucified and Risen Savior. Simple reliance of my soul upon Him. My soul's only reliance is upon the dying, risen, everliving Savior, who is my Hope, my All. Let your inmost reliance lean upon the Arm which upholds the universe.

Once you are born again, serve the LORD out of gratitude. Tell sinners about Jesus patiently, simply, earnestly, lovingly. Preach the Gospel simply, personally, pointedly. I love Jesus, He is more precious to me than any human tie. I don't know how I'd get along in this life without Him.