Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sam P. Jones Quotes 1

* The curse of the world today is selfishness. It curses humanity, blights character, debauches morality, and insults God. Selfishness is the meanest thing in the world. Hell itself is nothing but selfishness on fire.
* Sin is insubordination to God's Law and to right.
* Get away from sin as quickly as you would remove your hand from a hot stove.
* Some people talk about choosing between two evils. When I find two evils, I take neither.
* An aching conscience, a wretched life, and damnation in the end; those are the wages the devil pays.
* God's best gift to a little boy is a good mother. God's greatest gift to a grown man is a good wife.
* Sin is the one thing in this universe that can permanently damage a man, and eternally damn him.
* If you want to be good, say so, and God will help you. If you want to be bad, say so, and the devil will help you.
* Many people today are trying to wash themselves up so that they can come to Christ respectably. Leave your scrub-brush of self-righteousness behind and come to Jesus now.
* Don’t bring your feelings to Christ, just your sins.
* Sin is the transgression of the law; sin is a wrong act, wrong deed, wrong thought, wrong word. Sin is to do what God tells you not to do. Sin is to leave undone the things that God commands you to do. If you violate God’s law, He will hold you responsible, and be sure your sins will find you out.
* Men want pure air and pure water, but not a pure heart.
* When I preach, I try to put the fodder down on the ground where both the giraffes and the billy goats can reach it.
* Never quake and wince and whine in the face of public opinion.
* Every church needs grace, grit, and greenbacks to keep running.
* You can never get higher than the company you keep.
* Believe in the truth of God, in the virtue of the blood of Christ, and in the power of the Holy Ghost with all your heart. 
* Lord God, go with me this day, I am poor and weak and miserable, ignorant and blind. I would not risk myself out of this house and out of my yard today unless You go with me. Take my hand, Father, and lead me, because I know not the way. I haven't got sense enough to go to my front gate and back unless the God of Heaven will go with me.
* Be as pure and virtuous as you would have your daughter to be.
* Drunkenness will blight and wreck your home life, stab your mother and wife to the heart, crush the joy out of your wife’s heart, put prison stripes on your back, and the light of hope will die out of your eyes.
* The highest privilege the Christian has is to take somebody to heaven with him, it takes love and sympathy and sacrifice and brotherly kindness to take a man to heaven with you.
* As soon as you get tired of your sins, you will come to Jesus.
* Do right, live right, love right, die right.
* Sin will damn your soul, whiskey will make you drunk, dishonesty will put you in stripes, murder will put you in the death-chamber, and sin against God will bring you down to hell. Sin will ruin you on earth in time, and burn you in hell in Eternity.
* Brother Sam Jones, that’s my forgiven name.
* You know what is right, that is why you criticize others. Your criticism of your neighbor is a demonstration of the fact that you know what right is, and that you demand that other people do it.
* Only a fool, a stark, raving madman would cast his soul away forever for a few years of lust and foolishness.
* If you will, God will. If you won't, the devil will.
* The shortest cut to wreck and ruin is by the road of gambling.
* God will never listen to a man who has done someone a wrong that he refuses to right.
* Sin, day by day is increasing your momentum on your road to death and hell.
* One of the chief differences between San Francisco and hell is that San Francisco is partly surrounded by water.
* Every Christian should be as jealous of his purity as the little ermine is of his fur.
* A man can't help evil thoughts coming into his mind, but he can prevent them from developing into a purpose.
* The man that only has money and no character is a bankrupt.
* There are few men in this world better than their wives.
* Whiskey is liquid damnation, and beer is your embalming fluid. Whiskey is God’s worst enemy and the devil’s best friend. Whiskey drinking is w-r-o-n-g, wrong continually, and wrong everlastingly.
* It is easier to do your duty than it is to find a lie that will answer for an excuse.
* Sin makes homes unhappy and a place of confusion and heartache. Sin dooms and damns every soul it gets control of.