Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Some Sound Advice

Live for Eternity, but take care of business here in time as well. Be morally right, not politically correct. Thank God for the little things; don't cheat others; look for miracles occurring around you everyday; always tell the truth; always keep your eyes open, and sometimes your mouth shut; don't  complain; tell it like it is; if you hesitate, you will lose; be on the move with the Gospel; and never ever forget where you came from.

You best be thankful.  Just keep celebrating the Gospel and Eternal Life everyday.  Don't be a cheapskate, be content, think positive, don't fuss.  Remain humble, helpful and thankful. Be active, breath fresh air, get out in the sunshine everyday it is shining, take a nap when you can.  Mind your own business. Try not to worry so much, just live by faith.  Learn new things, keep your mind active, stay alert.  When a man chooses to love those who may not love him in return, he risks great pain or great joy.

Seek and come to the knowledge of the Truth:  the Truth is a Person; His name is the Lord Jesus Christ.    Yield up everything to the will of God in Christ, live to His glory, and love Him supremely. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the mind of Christ, to cleanse your mind of lustful, proud, self-righteous, sinful thoughts.  Speak kind words - resist backbiting and gossip.  Let Jesus reign in your heart and mind - spread His gospel and kingdom.  Meditate on the person of Christ and the words of God. Resist temptation and evil in your private life.  Maintain good works; assist the helpless and those in real need for Jesus' sake.  Right the wrongs of the past. Respect the authority here on earth and in heaven.  Be filled with the Spirit of God; ask Him to help you control how you react to being offended and persecuted.  The nearer you live to Christ the better.

Be diligent in your daily activities, prioritize continually, adjust your attitude as required, listen to people sincerely, synergize, sharpen yourself spiritually, exercise thyself unto godliness, show respect for others, stand up for yourself, resist peer pressure and popularity, be happy for the successes of others, don't let bad moods rub off on you.

Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and off men, and beware of religious kooks.  Love God.  Mind your own business.  Love your neighbor and your enemies. Keep on keeping on for Jesus. Don't run folks down behind their back.  With a grateful heart live to honor Jesus; serve Him wholeheartedly. Keep on doing those little mundane things of daily life that matter; make up your bed every morning, always be patient, wait your turn; stay humble or you'll stumble; show yourself friendly; remain calm in the darkest moments; cast your cares on the LORD; develop trust in Jesus; cultivate a thankful spirit; encourage the fallen.  Ask God for more stick-to-it-tive-ness.

Remember to pray, follow Jesus daily, be courteous.  Beware of those people who love animals more than unborn children.  If you want to make a real difference - you will need help from others around you.  Give sound advice to those who will listen.  Hug often.  Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you're going to fail, but keep going forward.  Life is not fair, you will fail often.  Wake up, Wise up, Grow up, Get up, Own up, Shape up, Cheer up, Follow up, Look up.  Take some risks, step up when times are the toughest.  Eat less, exercise more.  Finish the job - get it done. Develop new pure habits, put off the old man.  Make someone smile today.  Insist on excellence,

Do your homework; wash, fold and put away the laundry; take out the trash; wash the dishes; mow and weed eat the yard; brush and floss your teeth, get a haircut, eat more vegetables.

Never back down from bullies.  Spend time praying for people not talking about them.  Never expect something for nothing - pay your own bills, shoulder your responsibilities, carry your part of the load, remember the poor, complete the tasks that God gives you to do today, defraud not, earn your paycheck. Offer to help.  Always be thankful, take personal responsibility for all your actions, don't play the blame game.  Spend and be spent for Jesus' sake. Keep it super simple, laugh a lot, manage a crisis.  Stay married through humility - forgiveness - forbearance.  Keep pressing on for Jesus' sake.  Minimize chaos at home and work.  Love your neighbor.  Ask God for some sanctified common sense. Sin always complicates life, simplify your life.

Be the first to say I'm sorry.  Take good care of borrowed things.  Fight with your sins - not your spouse.  Say yes ma'am, hold the door for ladies, be kind and helpful.  Prayer is spiritually begging for help from God.  Take ownership of your mistakes.  Don't hold grudges, resist bitterness - resentment - revenge.  Skills pay bills.  It's either going to be bosses, bills, burdens and babies; or judges, guards, wardens, and bubbas.  Face reality, and fulfill your responsibilities.

Go with God, find someone to help you through life's trials, respect those around you, seek multiple wise counsels before big decisions.  Improve the workplace - leave your ego at home.  Pay attention, be practical - sensible - reasonable.  Focus on the finished work of Christ.  Honor your parents, make them proud.  Be consistent, considerate, thorough, and dependable.  Know Jesus more - do more for Him. Take special care of your soul.  Always pray in Jesus' name.  Be content with such things as ye have.  Do something for Jesus.  Keep on singing when discouraged.  Call your mother.  Press on.  Notice little things.  Make things better.  Memorize scripture.  Experience the moment.  Show up on time.  Do your part, make a difference, never ever give up.  Lift up the fallen, do right and joy will follow, help the helpless not the clueless.  Take initiative, practice humility.  Be small enough and weak enough for God to use.

Stop blaming others for your problems and failures. Help somebody every chance you get, give more than you take - be a blessing, not a burden.  Keep thyself pure, behave morally in your private life, behave wisely in your public life. Count your many blessings, deny yourself, just quit your meanness.  Be particular, make a list of priorities.  Say please and thank you.  Put on the new man.  Mistakes and failures humble us and help us grow up.  Loyal devotion to Jesus is needful.  Overcome obstacles and stumbling blocks, follow through, finish the job, get up and try again.  More and more gratitude is key.  To Jesus alone belongs all the glory.

Ask God for more character, grace and grit.  Magnify the Cross. Be a blessing to somebody.  Always forgive quickly. Plan ahead, do the math.  Be diligent, have a plan, and a back-up plan just in case the first one doesn't work.  When it doubt play it safe.  Spread the Gospel, be of good cheer.  Recognize accomplishments.  A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.  Lead by example, praise the Lord, love unconditionally.  Value time together, worship daily, expect God to work.  Learn from your mistakes, be kind in word.  Esteem Christ highly - not yourself.