Thursday, December 24, 2015

Where is He?

The incarnation of the invisible Creator is one of the greatest miracles in human history, but you rarely hear it mentioned in Christian circles today.  Celebrate in your heart that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; the Creator God became a Jewish baby in Bethlehem-Judah named Jesus of Nazareth, so that He could make a sinless Blood Atonement for human sin.

The birth of Immanuel, God with us, was revealed to lowly Jewish shepherds and to the Gentile wise men that came from the east.  The shepherds were poor and unlearned men, but they believed the angels' message long, long ago.  The shepherd hearkened and hastened to Bethlehem to see the newborn King of Israel.  The Pharisees, the scribes, the chief priests (the religious crowd) were not aware that the prophecy of Jesus' birth was actually being fulfilled that night.  The wise men were looking for Jesus; they believed that the Christ of God had been born, and that He was born a King.  The unwise Pharisees did not.  The people who sincerely desire to know Jesus have always been a small crowd.  As then, sinful mankind is still careless and thoughtless when it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Is it nothing to you that Jesus was virgin born, lived a sinless life, suffered and bled to death as the Atonement for human sin (especially yours), and then rose from the dead the third day?  Jesus is still despised and rejected of men.

The Lord Jesus Christ came from Heaven to save you from the love and practice of your sins.  He came to redeem you from Satan and sin's power after you had gone astray.  Your soul will soon pass into another world called Eternity, and it will surely be lost forever except the Holy Spirit give to you His divine light.  The wise men saw His star.  Just like the star that shined in the sky that night, you need heavenly light, or you will never find Christ Jesus for yourself.  The Gospel star shines brightly today and points needy souls to Jesus today.  The wise men saw His star and followed it until they actually met Christ personally. They went to Jerusalem, and then Bethlehem, and then to Jesus' house, and then fell down at the feet of Jesus Himself.  Lay hold on Jesus and eternal life for yourself by personal and actual faith in His Blood.  They didn't worship the star, they wanted to find the One who created all the stars.  Nothing else or no one else but Jesus Himself, the King of the Jews, could satisfy the wise men.  No star or heavenly sign can my soul's desire fill, for Jesus, my Lord, my King divine, my soul is thirsting still.

Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me; He is all my Salvation and all my Desire.  The wise men came to Jesus (a young child), they worshipped Him, and they gave to Him gifts out of their treasures.  *Matthew 2:8-11* They saw Jesus with their own eyes. They were looking at the Incarnate God who made the heaven and the earth.  They didn't worship Mary at all.  Look to Jesus now, think of Jesus with fixed and continuous thought; keep Him before your mind's eye; consider and admire His birth, life, and bloody death; for your Salvation the Word was made flesh; His conception was of the Holy Ghost; He is God and man in one person; JEHOVAH became a Jewish baby for your sake; He is the spotless Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world; He is the sinless Substitute for sinners; He is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him; He will save any contrite sinner who relies completely on Him; God became a Jewish man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth; He who made the heaven and the earth was born of a Jewish virgin; He who was sinless became Sin for me that I might be made the Righteousness of God in Him.

When you obtain the knowledge of your ignorance of Christ Jesus, you are getting every so close to the doorstep of Mercy.  If you ever actually realize you are blind spiritually, then you may be made to see.  If you want to find the Savior and have all your sins forgiven and be reconciled to God through the Blood of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh; then you are starting to get closer to the door of Mercy which is always unlocked.  You will never know Christ Jesus in truth until the Holy Spirit teaches Him to you.  Salvation and the New Birth must be given to you from above.  You need to be taught, guided and regenerated by the Holy Spirit.  Diligently and eagerly enquire for help from the Holy Spirit, ask Him to illuminate, lead and quicken your dark, lost soul. Ask for more and more heavenly light as you seek out Jesus in God's words.  Your own fallen intellect and unaided human reason can never help you find the Savior.  Stop trifling with religion, and now with intense earnestness trust to the Precious Blood of Christ. After you know Jesus in truth, worship Him by giving Him yourself, your body and life, your tongue and hands, your heart and mind, your talents and substance.  The love of Christ should constrain us to do so.  When a man begins to love Christ, he will soon be finding some way and means to prove his love and gratitude for the Savior by some good work.

Where is He?  The only reason you have not found Christ Jesus is because you have never sincerely and importunately sought Him. Jesus is the heavenly Physician who can heal your soul of all it spiritual diseases. The Forgiveness of Sins is something that nothing in this world can buy; only Jesus' Blood could purchase the forgiveness of your sins; that is called Redemption.  The day you are born again into the kingdom of God is a day you'll remember all through your life. With simplicity and sincerity, simply ask for the free forgiveness of sins through His Precious Blood, and ye shall receive it; Seek Jesus, and ye shall find Him; Knock on His door, and it shall be opened unto you.  On bended knees before an open Bible, say, "Holy Spirit, I need Your help, teach Thou me, show me my sins, help Thou mine unbelief, help me to understand, awaken my conscience, quicken my spirit, reveal to me the Savior found in the Scriptures, give me faith to believe on Him, I must have Jesus as my own Sin-Bearer, I mean to have Him, my soul is very hungry and needy, I will not be satisfied until Jesus saves my soul, I need Life, I can't stand my sins any longer, I long to be saved by Jesus now."  

Be a wise man here in 2015, 
and be looking earnestly for His Second Coming.