Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What do you underscore?

We tend to speak one way and live another.  The hardest thing to do is to coordinate what we say with what we do.  We praise God, and then curse and slander men.  The hardest job in this world is to be a consistent, practical, reasonable, sensible Christian.  It's much easier to talk than to do.  It's easy to talk pious and not be pious.  When a man starts talking really pious, that is a cover-up process.  Religious arrogancy stinks in the nostrils of God.  Do you practice self-control, self-restraint - resisting and denying your sinful thoughts, words, and impulses?  The Holy Bible plus the Holy Spirit equals steady moral character.

The real test of your spiritual life is what you underscore.  One of the surest signs that you're a Pharisee is when you underscore a nonessential and fail to underscore an essential.  A Pharisee (religious narcissist) will underscore his denomination or his dress code all the time.  The Pharisee is a rigid religionist with a grandiose notion of self-worth; he lays religious burdens on men's shoulders which are grievous to be borne. The Pharisee does works to be seen of men for they seek men's approval and applause.  The Pharisee is a very cold technical conviction-ite.  He will backbite and slander those that don't follow his nonessential convictions.  A conviction-ite is an arrogant religionist who tries to play god in other people's lives by manipulating them with superstition, fear, guilt and his do's and don'ts.  The religionist has a proud heart and a high look and he thinks he's superior to others spiritually.

Human nature tends to talk and not do.  A man that expects to get to heaven by any of his self-righteousness is a lost hypocrite.  Do you talk better publicly than you live privately?  The Pharisees were whited sepulchers full of dead men's bones.  They looked good, they talked pious, but they were rotten and corrupt inside.  Don't put on, don't strut, don't talk better publicly than you live privately.  Life is not divided from the secular and sacred; live the same way Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as you did on Sunday.  A crooked man kowtows to those over him, and is unkind to those that are subject to him.

Are you as good as you claim to be?  Be not deceived, God is not mocked:  God knows all about you; you can't fool Him at all.  Do you talk better than you live?  Sin is an evil thing that will damn your soul to hell.  America has forsaken God and the Bible and is now morally bankrupt. The religions of today speak of a Jesus that is not in the Bible, a Jesus that is trimmed down to suit this sinful age. Repent, Come clean with God, get right with Him, and by the grace of God live clean for Jesus' sake.