Sunday, February 16, 2014

Publishing Glad Tidings

The only Cure for your sinful habits is the Precious Blood - the Blood of Jesus Christ is the life of Faith, and the death of sin.  The Gospel is the sure remedy for your sin problem.  A man that is sick in body may be intending to take some medicine that a doctor has prescribed for him, but if he leaves the medicine in the bottle, he will never be benefited merely by his intentions to take it.  You see, the sick man must take the pill and choose to swallow the pill before the medicine will begin to help him within.  Likewise, you must take and receive the Remedy (God Incarnate's Precious Blood) that God has prescribed for the sin that plagues you within every day.  The matchless Medicine for sin-sick souls is God Incarnate's Precious Blood.  Religion will not tell you this.

Your great Creator became the Savior of the whole world at Calvary's Cross; His name was Jesus of Nazareth. He laid aside His majesty, so He could become a man like us and shed His precious blood to save us from our sins' curse and punishment.  The living God, the invisible JEHOVAH, revealed Himself to us in the person of His only begotten Son. *John 14:9; John 10:30* Now, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior for sinners.  How can ye escape the damnation of Hell?  Answer:  Simple childlike faith in the Precious Blood of God Incarnate.  If you have never trusted to Christ's Precious Blood, there is no life in you. *John 6:53*

This is life eternal - Christ Jesus is the one and only Mediator between God and sinful man, and if you want to find God in this life, you must find Him in the person and blood of Jesus of Nazareth - God manifest in the flesh.  There is no other way to know the true and living God. *Acts 4:12*  You will find Jesus by believing on His name, by trusting to His Precious Blood, and resting in His Righteousness.  You need Faith, not works; Faith is a miracle, a gift from God that enables you to truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is the faith of Christ. *Romans 3:22; Galatians 2:16; 3:22; Philippians 3:9*  Salvation is not by your doing; Salvation is only by trusting, receiving, and believing on the Son of God.  Listen closely - Precious Faith in the Precious Blood that was shed by the Precious Savior.  Jesus alone is able to bestow His Righteousness upon the guilty.

You are lost in sin, divine Grace must save you, or you will be lost forever.  Eternal punishment will fall upon you unless you repent of your love for sinning, and then believe on Jesus who shed His atoning blood for you.  Please place your faith and trust in that Blood that can rescue you from the wrath to come.  Only the Holy Spirit can apply Christ's Precious Blood to your guilty soul.  Believe on the Crucified Creator, trust to the Risen Redeemer.

The free forgiveness of sins is the craving of every lost man's heart.  Death, Eternity, Judgment and Hell should not be played with.  You are a sinner (lawbreaker, criminal) by nature and practice, a willful sinner, who clings to his sins and own self-righteousness with an evil tenacity.  Only the grace of God can cause you to let go of your sins and lay hold on Christ.  The evil nature within you has deadly propensities, vile tendencies, and unclean inclinations, and those sins have brought your soul into captivity.  Your soul's eternal destiny is no small matter, and your soul's Salvation is no trifle.

One of the main reasons men neglect and reject Christ is because they are indulging in some secret uncleanness, or because they want to be accepted by this world.  Sinful man by nature does not love God; he avoids the Bible, the Gospel, and Christ Jesus.  By nature, the sinner stands out very proudly against God, and will not obey God's voice which is found in the Scriptures.  Human nature loves sinful hilarity and desires to be accepted by this wicked world instead of Jesus.

Christ Jesus the Lord died to save sinners, and now He justifies the ungodly freely by grace through faith in His Precious Blood.  Now understand - The Gospel is only intended for lawbreakers, the undeserving, the guilty, the ungodly, that means you.  The Gospel is not a reward for those who think they are good and respectable in God's sight. Come to Christ as a sinner, for He came to seek and save sinners:  humbly ask Jesus for His forgiveness from your sin's curse.

Be wise now - deposit your soul into Christ's divine Bank for safekeeping, or you will surely lose it.  The vital part of true faith is to practically and really believe on Christ Jesus by resting your eternal destiny upon His Blood and Promises.  If you are troubled, alarmed, distressed concerning your sins, and conscious of your guiltiness, come now to the Cross for Mercy.  The love and blood of a sinless man has made pardon possible for a guilty sinner like you.  Sin is your greatest enemy, and religion will  always lead you way from simple faith in Jesus Himself.  Come now to Jesus through a living faith in His Blood. Take fast hold on Jesus Himself.

O God, Jesus came to save the guilty, I am so guilty, I plead guilty, I know that I am sinner, I sense my guilt, right now I cast my defenseless soul on your promise to save sinners, have mercy on my soul, save me from the sins which I have committed against You, give me the faith to truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, I receive the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart by faith in His blood, I need Him more than anything, change my wicked heart, renew me within by your Holy Spirit,  I trust to Jesus' Precious Blood alone.  God be merciful to me a sinner now for Jesus' sake.  Thank you Lord!

After you are born again, if there is ever any real spiritual fruit from your life, it all must be ascribed to the Spirit of Christ's work in your life.  Give all the glory to Jesus, for to Him all the glory belongs.  I have no goodness to boast of, for I have been saved freely through what Jesus has done on my behalf.  Come and enter into His wounds, find safety in Him, live in Him, live with Him, live off Him, live for Him, live to Him.  My soul has been living off Jesus ever since I was born again.  Life seeks more life, and Grace seeks more grace.  Come now and worship God manifest in the flesh, and be filled with His light, love, kindness, and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.