Monday, February 10, 2014

Christ Jesus is Everything!

Keep to this one point, and you will do well — “I am nothing: Christ Jesus is Everything.  I am sin: the Lord Jesus Christ is my Righteousness.  I am death: He is my Life.  I am empty in myself, but full in Him; weak in myself, but strong in the LORD.  I look to Immanuel for everything; I trust not in my doings, or feelings, or attainments, but I simply rely on JESUS only.” Keep to the Cross as guilty sinners needing cleansing through the Precious Blood, and find all your Salvation there.  Continue to fight with your sins through the power of the Holy Ghost.  Keep to Christ's Cross for power to subdue your inward and overt sins.

Let's go now to the Cross, simply trust to the Atoning Blood, and give the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, all the Glory.  Think more and more of Jesus and His Cross, spend more time in mediation of His dear person, of His life, death, resurrection, and intercession. Seek more of His life, live more upon Him daily.  Live nearer to Christ; be led of the Spirit; behave yourself wisely and purely.  Keep to the Word of God and the good old way of the Grace and Blood of God.  All vices die beneath the shadow of Calvary's Cross.  If you stay away from the Savior, you will be defeated and undone.  It is either death unto your sin, or sin unto death. Die to your sins, or die because of your sins. Jesus Christ Himself is the whole of Salvation.  Humbly rest on the Savior's love, blood, and power, and say, "I'm a poor sinner, and nothing at all, but Jesus Christ is my All in All."

Always be careful, watchful, and prayerfully dependent upon God the Savior.  Slay sin with the sword of the Spirit, or it will slay you. Wage war on your sins continually through the power and help of the Holy Ghost. God save me from my sins, and from sinning against you. O forgive me Lord Jesus, crucify my sins and give me more Repentance and Faith.  Your sins must perish, or your soul must. O God, nail all my sins to Christ's cross.  You can count on Jesus now and in Eternity.  Resolve as a friend of Christ to love Him at all times.  Desire true holiness and purity within and without.  Believing obedience must be a reality in your Christian walk.

The Lord Jesus Christ has already merited Salvation for us, we must simply trust to Him.  Faith in His Blood is the Bible way to Heaven.  Tell out the Gospel, keep to the Gospel. Hate, detest, abhor, loathe your sins. It's not about what you can do, but about what Jesus is able to do.  I'm still a sinner, but still washed in the blood; still in myself guilty, but no guilt of mine is imputed to me any longer, for all my guilt and sin is laid on my Substitute.  All my doings are defiled, so I rely only on Christ's finished work to rescue me from the wrath of God. Holy Ghost, please mortify and subdue the power of sin in my life.

Carnal human reasoning says, "Where does the answer lie?  I am just living from day to day.  If Salvation is something we can't earn, there must be some other way than this free salvation through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ."  But you see, there is no other way, be wise now sinner friend, and heartily trust Jesus Christ, and no longer trust in yourself at all.  Love and adore Jesus, and you shall hate and avoid your sins.  Submit yourself to the way and will of the Crucified Incarnate God. Only Christ Himself can break the iron yoke of sin within you; no one else can do it.  Take Christ's yoke upon you, and you shall find Rest to your soul.  Christ must get all the glory in the conquest of self.

You must break off your sins, or you must perish by them. Only Christ Himself can set you free from sin's prison house. The bleeding, suffering, dying, risen Incarnate God is all my Hope and Trust. Give Jesus all your talents, powers, faculties, eyes, ears, members, emotions, judgment, affections, your whole manhood, and all that may come of it. Christ Jesus Himself is all my Salvation and all my desire. On the Incarnate God, Immanuel's Atoning Blood, I fix all my hope.  The substitutionary Sacrifice, the complete Atonement of Christ is all my confidence for time and Eternity. I am reconciled to God now only by the Blood of the Lamb of God.

Come unto Jesus now, trust entirely to His Atonement, believe on His blood, rest your soul on His finished work on Calvary, look only to Him, and your soul shall live forever. Rely upon Him alone for all your salvation. Jesus Christ has made a full Atonement to the divine justice of God for all human sin.  Divine Justice (Precious Blood) Sinful Man.  The divine weapon against inward and overt human sin is Jesus Christ's Blood Atonement. Always be prayerfully dependent upon the Holy Spirit. Teach others about the Atoning Sacrifice, free Justification by Faith, imputed Righteousness, the grace of Christ, the love love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost. Keep to the Holy Scriptures, the Scriptures only.  Nail your gospel colors to the mast. Walk very humbly, carefully, watchfully, prayerfully before God. Simple Reliance upon Christ's Atonement and His imputed Righteousness is the main point. I am nothing; and Christ Jesus is Everything.