Thursday, June 20, 2013

The LORD'S Delight

Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord. *Jeremiah 9:23-24*

Lovingkindness - Judgment - Righteousness - this is what the LORD delights in. Do you? Lost men are always glorying in their wisdom (religious wisdom, human wisdom, education, intellect), in their might (physical, mental, and moral), and in their riches (money, economy). Men are always tempted to strut their knowledge, strengths, and money. Poor puny man struts his stuff around down here on earth, sticking out his chest, throwing back his little empty head, and thinking he's somebody. These three things - wisdom, might, and riches - are what the natural man delights in the most, but they can never take away and forgive sins. Brains, braun, and bucks are what men glory in most. The flesh (human nature, human wisdom, human ability, human power) profiteth nothing. No flesh will ever glory in God's presence. The very best that man can do will never be regarded by God, so that no man may attribute salvation to any thing that comes from himself.

The Lord God desired to have grace and mercy on sinners and show His Lovingkindness to undeserving, ungodly wretches like us, so He brought Judgment on His Precious Son at Calvary. God the Father laid our sins on Jesus; He became Sin for us, and suffered the punishment our sins deserved. *II Corinthians 5:21* It pleased God to bruise Jesus *Isaiah 53:10*, so that we could have God's Righteousness freely by childlike faith *Romans 3:24-25; 10:3-4* in the Precious Blood of the Sinless Crucified and Risen Creator. Christ's Blood and Righteousness is the only thing that satisfies God's divine justice. Christ's Righteousness comes to sinners through the holiness of His nature, the perfect obedience of His life, and by His sufferings and bloody death on Calvary's Cross. This is what JEHOVAH delights in today.

We must first "understand" our condition and need before we can truly KNOW THE LORD. And only the Holy Ghost using God's law can help us understand our sinful and dangerous condition and our need of a sinless Savior. We were all made of one blood by God at our first birth *Acts 17:26*, and we must all be saved by ONE BLOOD at our second birth. *Acts 20:28; I John 1:7; John 3:7*

By nature you are out of order and at war with God; only Christ Himself can make you just and right with God.  The very first thing you need is peace with God; actual peace with God is obtained through the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Reconciliation, forgiveness of sin, favor with God there must be before anything else occurs.  There can be no peace with the Almighty apart from the justification received by faith in the Blood and Righteousness of God Incarnate.  Christ Jesus as the Substitute stood in the sinner's place and bore what God required as the vindication of the divine Law.  Let your troubled soul rest peacefully at the foot of the Cross under Jesus' Atoning Blood.

Now pay close attention and carefully hearken, your soul will only be eternally safe when you trust in God's blood alone that was spilt for 'your' sins. Jesus bore your sins in His own body and then suffered, bled, and died especially for you. You must have a Victim to take your sins' punishment, or you will have to be the victim of divine justice. JEHOVAH in the person of Jesus of Nazareth laid down His life for you.  God's own blood was shed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and it is the only thing that will keep a sinner out of Hell today. Fix your faith genuinely in the Blood of the Lamb of God. *John 1:27*  This is what God says to sinners today: "When I see My Blood, I will pass over you." *Micah 7:18; Hosea 2:19-20*