Sunday, June 23, 2013

Should I, or Shouldn't I?

Many things are doubtful in this life, but we must make the word of God, the Spirit of God, our conscience, and God-given common sense to be our guide. We always hear people ask, "Is it sin, or is it not?" If it is doubtful, it is dirty. You would never use a plate, or glass, or silverware if you doubted that is was clean. If its doubtful, you always find a clean one to eat or drink with. Here are some questions you can ask yourself concerning questionable things and activities in your life:

* Does it tend to enslave me? (I Cor 6:12)
* Does it bring glory to God? (I Cor 10:31)
* Would I be ashamed if it was known publicly to all my family, friends, church, and co-workers?
* Can you pray about or praise God about what you are doing?
* Does God approve of what I am doing?
* Could I do it in the middle of a church service?
* Is this habit agreeable to the will of God and does it promote holiness of heart and life?  
* Is this in line with Scripture? Does it promote godliness and will it make me a better Christian?
* Is it a stumblingblock to others (saved or lost people)? (Romans 14:13)
* Does it bring peace with others?
* Will this be, all round, the best thing that I can do for the glory of God?
* Is this right? Is this something a Christian should be involved with?
* Does it have the appearance of evil? I Thess 5:22
* Does it please the Lord? (I John 3:22; Colossians 1:10)
* Will it grieve the Holy Ghost? (Eph 4:30)
* Is this person helping me drawing closer to God?
* Should I be involved with this person or activity?
* How can I glorify God in all this?
* Will this hurt my testimony for Christ?
* Is God pleased with what I am doing?
* Will I regret doing this on my death bed?
* Does it keep me away from prayer or church? (Heb 10:25)
* Does it make Christian work more difficult?
* Does it strengthen my flesh over my will and mind?
* Does it remove my desire to serve God and minister to others?
* Does it make Heaven and Christ's Coming more real to me?
* Does it make me more thankful and lead me to give God all the glory?
* Can I do it in Christ's name and give God thanks for it?
* Is this a weight or hindrance to me? (Heb 12:1) 
* Would I like to be found by the Lord Himself doing it? (Gen 16:13; Prov 5:21; 15:3; Psa 90:8)
* Is it profitable (I Tim 4:8), expedient (I Cor 6:12; 10:23), and edifying to my brother (Rom 14:19)?
* Will this help me be a better witness and help my service for God to be more effective?
* Am I fully persuaded that it is right?
* Can I do this as unto the Lord?
* Will it hinder my witness, prayer life or keep me from my Bible reading and study?
* Does my conscience bother me before or after I do it? (Acts 24:16)
* Do I make excuses for it and try to justify it?
* Will it help the body of Christ? (II Cor 10:8)
* Will it bring forth fruit at the Judgment Seat of Christ?
* Will it strengthen me to face other temptations? (I Cor 10:13)
* Is it characteristic of the world or Christ? (Philippians 1:27)
* Does it cater to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life? (I John 2:16; Gal 5:16)
* Does it dim my vision of the Bleeding Savior? (Gal 6:14)
* Will I be ashamed at His coming if I am still doing this?

Give sincere consideration to these questions. Look always to the Bleeding Savior, consider Him, stay down at Jesus' feet, strive against your sins, and give God glory with your body, soul, and spirit for Jesus' sake. Trust Him, keep to Him, live for Him. Always Remember - He loved you and gave 'Himself' for you.

I died for you, please live for Me. -God