Monday, June 3, 2013

Self or the Savior?

A policeman cannot love law enforcement and drug lords at the same time.  Likewise, a Christian cannot love God and the sins that hurt God at the same time.  The carnal mind cannot stop offending such a kind and good God who died for human sin.  The natural man is delusional in this world's system, because he is fond of vice, ensnared by lust, and naturally bent towards evil and darkness.  The flesh, evil human nature, has an aversion to God Himself, that is, the flesh dislikes, dreads, hostile towards, opposed to, and has no use for a absolutely pure and Holy Being.  There is within the heart of man an unwillingness to receive and glorify Christ Jesus.

Lust of the flesh - Fleshly lusts which war against the soul.  Lusting after one's own unchaste desires, unclean thoughts, cruel words and selfish actions.  This is the desire to gratify the carnal mind.  Sin degrades the soul and destroys the body.  Self-centeredness, self-sufficiency, independent living apart from God.  What serves my own purposes?  Evil, self-serving cravings lead to misery.  People that love sin say, "this is the way God made me." Man wants to be his own god, define what's right and wrong, do as it pleases, and live with no moral restrictions.  The unsatisfying pursuit of evil leaves the atheist empty.  Committing sin only brings more evil desires.  The lust of the flesh is desire to please of the outward senses and imagination, and the longing to gratify pride and vanity.  The carnal mind has an aversion to true goodness and divine light, and it has a love for evil, and a hatred of God. 

Lust of the eyes - The enticement of the eyes.  Covetous, lascivious looks, eyes which are full of adultery.  The eyes of man are never satisfied.  I must have that.  I want something that replaces God.  Sin only results in dissatisfaction.  Billboards and commercials, I need that to be satisfied.  I just have to drive it, travel there, invest in it, drink it, eat it, see it, wear it, live in it, experience it.  When you have all that this world can offer, it will only leave you emptier than you were at the beginning. A vain pursuit to own, enjoy, and experience anything but Jesus Christ. What are you craving, chasing after, and clinging to in this life?  If you woke up and your house was on fire, what would you grab on the way out the door?  Things that really matter are irreplaceable.  Stop chasing after the promised delusions of this world.  A chasing after worldly things that rust, rot, wither, decay, wear out, or go out of style.  

Pride of life - This type of person is a braggart.  He exaggerates to improve his image.  He will lie on his resume to get a job.  His appearance and reputation in man's eyes is paramount. He will tell perfect strangers about his accomplishments. His favorite topic of discussion is himself.  He hungers for self-promotion and self-glory. He priority is worldly ambition for honor and high titles; he longs to be a well-connected mover and shaker.  The lust for luxury, the vain mind craves the pomp and title of a vain-glorious life.  Materialistic, carnal ambition to keep up with others.  Greed for money, desire for fame, enslaved by love of self.  Thirsting after position, human acceptance and worldly applause. Public opinion is the carnal mind's highest priority. Self-centered, vain lying to deceive others so they will think more of them.  The delusions of this world are feeding you a lie that will only leave you wanting something more, and will eventually damn you in the end.  The choices are eternal joy or eternal judgment.  The wayside soil is the devil, the thorny soil is the world, and the rocky soil is the flesh.

Every man's heart is alienated from the life of God in Christ Jesus.  The only thing you consistently do is sin against God.  There is a deadly worm at the core of your heart called Sin, and only the Blood of Jesus Christ can kill that worm. As long as you remain in your sins, you belong to Satan, and are taken captive by him at his will.  God is no respecter of persons. Death is stalking you every day. Sin leads to a cruelty that is devoid of conscience. You need to be delivered from the power of darkness by the power of the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the divine Conqueror of human hearts, and His unfailing love subdues our sins.

You are in spiritual darkness, your mind is blinded by Satan, you cannot see (understand) the truths of the Gospel.  Human thoughts and carnal reasoning will lead you down a dark path.  Men love darkness because their deeds are evil.  The eyes of your understanding must be enlightened by the word of God and the Spirit of God.  The Holy Spirit is the great Cultivator of the human heart, and the great Planter of the word of God in the human heart.

By nature, you are an unregenerate child of wrath and influenced by Satan, the prince of the power of the air.  Only the Holy Ghost can reveal to you your sinful and helpless condition, and only the Spirit of God can lead you to the foot of Calvary's Cross and reveal to you the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus the LORD.  In yourself, you are hopeless and totally unable to help save yourself from sin.  You have no power over your lusts without Christ as your Savior.

The evil nature within you has an affinity (natural liking, fondness, bent, appetite, inclination, tendency) toward the things that displease God.  You have no feeling toward God, you are past feeling as long as you continue to love your sins.  Stop trampling the blood of Jesus under your feet.  You may fool men, but you can't fool God.  Just say no to yourself, and trust Jesus' blood, and follow Him daily in your behavior.

Sin is when a human heart chooses to go its own way, and not God's way.  The Bible best describes what your heart is like - wicked and bent toward evil.  Never trust in human potential. Your main problem is that you have forgotten God and rejected Christ.  It's not karma where you pay and pay and pay, and then you're forgiven because of yourself.  You are a sinner, not a god, and you do not have a speck of divinity within you, because you are filled with sin to the brim.  Jesus was not just a good teacher; He was God manifest in the flesh who came here to Earth to bear and pay for your sins.  Jesus was sinless; He was absolutely pure in thought, word and deed.  Only Jesus can change a heart of hate into a heart of love.

Christ Jesus is the only way to obtain Eternal Life; Christ Jesus is Eternal Life, simply receive Christ Himself by faith into your inward parts and you have life eternal on the spot.  Reincarnation is a damnable lie.  Truth only comes from the God of the Holy Bible; truth is real, not relative. Sin is real, and perfection for a sinner is impossible.  The only Remedy for your sin problem is the atoning blood of God Incarnate.  On the Cross, Jesus, the sinless Son of God, gave Himself to die for you as a Substitute; He bore your sins, and then He became Sin, so you could be forgiven freely and be made the Righteousness of God in Christ. Jesus took full brunt of God's justice for your sins, so you could be ransomed.

Leave off following after you own lusts, and turn to seek and follow after Jesus.  Except ye repent, and trust to Jesus, ye shall perish in your sins.  Flee to the Lamb of God, come and kneel by faith at the foot of the Cross, and plead for God's mercy through Jesus' innocent Blood.  Every sinner, every sinner, must be saved by God's Blood shed by Jesus Himself on Golgotha's tree.  God was manifest in the flesh, and He provided the Precious Blood Atonement that can take away your sins.  The evil of man, the divine justice, bleeding love, and free forgiveness converged at Calvary in the man Christ Jesus.

The only answer to your dissatisfaction is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, in trusting, loving and following Him, and being jealous for His glory. When you come to religion, you come to a place; but when you come to Christ, you must come to a Person. Fix your gaze upon the Lamb of God of Calvary. God Incarnate, Christ Jesus, can change what you are, and what you want to do.  Only Jesus is big enough to save and change your life. Outside of the Blood, Righteousness, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no other hope for sinful mankind. Forsake sin and self, and turn with purpose of heart to God manifest in the flesh, implicitly trusting to His Precious Blood.  Give glory to God by yielding to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.  The Cross destroys hypocrisy, self-righteousness and formalism.  Sin never satisfied, but Jesus always does.