Saturday, April 13, 2013

Think Much of Jesus

Think highly of Jesus, muse on His Precious Atoning Blood, and consider Calvary every day.  The Cross doesn't give a sinner a little salvation; the Cross gives a sinful man all of his Salvation freely and immediately. You have a sin problem; your soul is covered with sins from head to toe. Come and see Jesus' gory shoulders bleeding, His great passion, the cruel scorn, the bloody sweat, His five bleeding wounds.  There is abundant mercy for the biggest sinner in the Blood of Jesus.  He is able to freely forgive your sins this moment.  He who only hath immortality died in your place.  Jesus stooped from the glories of Heaven to the sorrows of this world. Jesus came from New Jerusalem where He was Heaven's darling and the chief theme of glory, and He showed up down here in Bethlehem's manger, born among cattle in poverty sore.

How can it be, that God was made flesh, and was given to die for me?  The Almighty came down and dwelt among sinful men, the amazing truth is that He died for my sins.  Jesus spoke the worlds into space; the Earth and all the stars were all created by Immanuel, God with us.  He was God Incarnate who came down to Earth to love me and give Himself for me. Jesus came to earth unasked and undesired to lay down His life for His enemies.  Nobody ever lived a sinless life like Jesus Christ.  Jesus went about doing good on errands of mercy helping the helpless, He had no privacy, crowds were always following Him, He had no place to call home, He slept outdoors at night from time to time, He had no pride of education or wealth, He was always praying for sinners, and continually burdened for sinners.  Jesus yielded Himself up to die for needy sinners.  The bleeding Savior is for guilty sinners, the crucified Creator was for those who deserved to die.  Gaze intently upon the altogether lovely Lamb of God. Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.

I beseech in you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God through Jesus' Precious Blood.  Jesus is the incarnation of God; He is equally divine with God the Father.  Many people want God, but they do not want Jesus.  We need to highly exalt Jesus, give Him the preeminence, and not forget His name when we are praying to God. The world wants to pray to God, but they knowingly and intentionally leave out Jesus' name.  You cannot have access to God without faith in His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and His precious blood.  Make much of the Blood of Jesus when witnessing to lost souls.  His blood is all-sufficient to wash out the sin from the ungodly

The great Substitution of Christ is for the ungodly.  Believe in Jesus now and obtain the free pardon of all your sins.  The Lamb of God is the only hope of a sinner.  Come now, guilty sinner and trust your soul with Jesus.  Hear the glad tidings - Free, full, immediate pardon to all who trust to Jesus.  Jesus is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.  Look to His wounds and stripes for eternal salvation.  There's only one Substitute and Sacrifice for sinners.  Are you one of Jesus' friends?  You are His enemy until you trust Him with your soul.  Simply trust yourself wholly to what God manifest in the flesh did for sinners on Calvary's Cross.  God gave His dear Son, and then Jesus gave Himself to bleed and die for your sins.  If you take Jesus, He will take you.  The Gospel is meant for guilty, hell-deserving wretches.  I am a guilty sinner; therefore, I will have no other Savior but Jesus.  Are you a Christian, with and for Christ, or an anti-christ, without and against Christ?

Christ takes the sinner's sin, and the sinner takes Christ's Righteousness.  You can never make a mistake trusting your soul with Jesus Christ.  If you are fully and wholly a sinner, then Jesus is ready to save you.  Respectable, self-righteous people go straight to Hell when they die.  Rely and depend upon Jesus, hang the whole weight of your soul upon Him.  Come unto Jesus, and He will give you rest from your sin's heavy burden.  The sweetest, unspeakable, precious truth is that the Son of God died for me.  The blessed Gospel fact is that Christ Jesus Himself bore your sins in His own body on the tree.  He took all your sins' punishment.  God in infinite justice determined that human sin must be punished, so He gave His sinless Son to be punished in the sinner's place.  Jesus' atoning blood is heaven's balm and remedy for man's sin; receive Jesus heartily, trust His blood at once.

Believe this glorious fact - Christ gave Himself for your sins.  Jesus really died voluntarily as a Ransom for sinful men just like you. Your sins can be forgiven today, because God Incarnate loved you to death.  Think much of Jesus in the morning, at noon, in the evening, and before you go to bed.  The best mental therapy you can ever receive is to meditate and think upon Jesus.  This is how you testify - tell who Jesus is, tell what He is to you, tell what He has done for you, tell what He will do for any poor sinner, that is all.  Testify everywhere of free salvation through faith in Jesus' Precious Blood.  If you are lost and dead in your sins, you are a citizen of this world; you need to change your citizenship to the better country, New Jerusalem, where Jesus is King.

Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish in their sins, but have Eternal Life.  Trust in His Atoning Blood alone, and your sins will be taken away from your soul forever and ever.  The true way of Salvation is trusting to the crucified, risen, living person of Jesus Christ.  You must come to Jesus who upon the accursed tree has made a full Atonement for all sinners.  Coming to Christ is simply this - the mind and heart resting in His person and atoning Sacrifice.  Complete cleansing from your guilt is available right now through a simple act of trust in Jesus' Precious Blood.  His atoning blood all my sins forgave, and quenched the wrath of an angry God on my behalf.

Substitution - a sinless Life (Jesus) for your sin-full life. By the Precious Blood you must be saved, or you will never be saved at all.  Trust implicitly to God's red, agonizing, sacrificial, sinless, redemptive Blood.  If you are exhausted with failure trying to save yourself, throw the whole weight of your guilty soul on the Savior's precious promises and atoning blood.  You need a head on encounter with the living Son of God.  If you ever run head on into the Lord Jesus Christ, you'll never be the same again.  Your sins' Pardon is waiting for you at the Cross, come and take it from Jesus.  Keep your mind intently fixed upon Jesus' sufferings, substitution, and sin-bearing.

The White Throne Judgment will soon be set, time is flying, life is fleeting, now is the time, death is closing in on you, stop putting off Jesus Christ. You have an immortal soul that shall never die; it is very certain that your soul will soon be launched out into the eternal world to come.  It is a soul that must soon appear before Almighty God for judgment.  A man's going out of this world is never the way he expects, and it is never at the time he expects.  This life is very uncertain, you could suddenly go out of this life any day now. Christ must be in your heart and soul when you die, or you will not get into Heaven.

You cannot escape the Judgment without Jesus as your Advocate. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment, and in your own righteousness, you're not going to make it past the White Throne Judgment.  Salvation is a man coming to God as a sinner, repenting of his sins, and by Faith receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior; that is Conversion.  Have you ever come to Jesus Christ as a sinner?  Will you receive Him right now?  You need to be saved - that is, delivered from the imminent, eternal danger that your sins have brought upon your soul. Don't throw away your chance for Heaven.

Eternal life is freely offered to you now.  Salvation won't cost you a dime; it will only cost you your self-righteous pride; you must be willing to forsake your own righteousness and to receive Christ Jesus Himself, and be saved from the wrath of God, on God's terms.  Trust only in Jesus' sinless blood, and that will do the job; Faith in His Blood will get your soul ready for this life, death, and the Judgment.  First, see your danger, and then see the only Escape.  Are you going to die prepared to meet God, or are you not?  God the Father is ready, Jesus the Son of God is ready, the Holy Ghost is ready, and your Free Pardon is ready.  If you refuse Christ, you will destroy your own soul.  If you reject Christ, you will die in your sins and meet God unprepared.  Trust to Jesus' Atoning Blood, and then say, "From now on Lord Jesus, its what You want, not what I want."