Saturday, November 12, 2011

Settle Out of Court

The Creator God is just and holy, and because of your sins (the rejection of Jesus Christ), you are under the wrath and judgment of the holy Creator God (John 3:36). All men are wretched and vile; you have broken all of God's laws (James 2:10), and you desperately need a Savior, and your Savior must be God Himself - Christ Jesus. If you trust anyone else other than Jesus Christ with your soul, you will inevitably spend Eternity in Hell. There is a burning Hell, and a Just Judgment is coming for you. Hell is not just a place for bad people, but also for religious, moral, upstanding, and respectable people who think they are just as good as Jesus Christ. No one can ever enter Heaven unless they have been Born Again, that is, spiritually made alive by the power of the Spirit of God through the Grace of God (John 3:1-7). You must be removed from the family of Satan, and adopted into the family of God through the mercy of God. All the unbelieving world's mouths will be stopped and become guilty before God (Romans 3:19).

You will be brought to trial before God (Jesus Christ). You will undoubtedly answer to your Maker, for you're a sinner and liable to judgment and punishment. Every sinner deserves to go Hell, and remember, the Lake of Fire lasts forever and ever. Sinful man doesn't like the truth about the final judgment and a place called Hell, because he loves his sin so. But you are ultimately accountable to God. Human nature seeks to resist, reject, mock, twist, deny, duck, or redefine its moral accountability to the Creator. Human nature despises the truth of the final judgment of God. 

Christ Jesus is the offended Creator of the universe (Col 1:16), who became a Jewish man and bled and died on a cruel Cross to redeem sinners through His shed blood (Col 1:14, 20), and who then rose from the dead and ascended on high to be set "far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named." Jesus is coming back to Earth and will judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom. The Real Jesus of the Bible is the mighty God (Isaiah 9:6), the Sinless Man (II Cor 5:21), the Only Savior (John 14:6), the eternal King (I Timothy 1:17), and the LORDS OF LORDS (Revelation 17:14) and the God of gods (Psalm 136:2).

The Righteous - Eternal - Final Judgment of God is the most despised - offensive - repulsive truth of Biblical Christianity to the lost world. But you will be summoned to God's eternal Courtroom at death by none other than Jesus Christ Himself, and you will stand trial at the Great White Throne Judgment. There will no bribery, partiality, plea bargaining, respecter of persons, or spin in Christ's Courtroom. God's pure Verdict of punishment of an everlasting Lake of Fire will be true, right, and just. God is right, you are wrong. God is just, you are guilty. God is very good, and you are very bad. God always does what is right. 

Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. If you reject Jesus Christ your Maker, you will get exactly what you deserve - the everlasting wrath of God. This truth is so offensive to self-righteous people. Hell is deserved by every sinner. Jesus Christ forgives and saves sinners now, but He will judge and condemn sinners at the Great White Throne Judgment. Your Judge is alive right now, He was crucified for you, He rose from the dead for you, and He is now ascended on high and ready to forgive you. The end of a Christless life winds up in a terrifying Courtroom and with a terrible Verdict. Stop playing at religion, you can never be good enough in your own righteousness to meet God and live with Him forever.

The reason Creationism is so vehemently denied by atheists is because it requires a Creator, and a Creator demands accountability. All sinners are accountable to God. God is keeping track of your life this very moment; He is omniscient and omnipresent and is keeping a record of everything you think, say, and do. There will be individualized accountability before God at the White Throne Judgment (Romans 2:6). Sinful man tries to denounce, deny, and downplay the Judgment of his Maker. You will personally have to step up to God's Holy Bench and be judged according to your works. The Books will be opened at the Judgment - the Book of God's Law (Romans 2:15); you have violated God's perfect standard, you are a sinner with a record of offenses against God's infinite character that deserve an infinite sentence; the Book of your Actions (Ecc 12:14).

You did good works only to feel better about yourself, to make yourself look better to others or to feel more confident about yourself. You desired to sound good, look good, feel good, and seem good, if not superior, to other people. The Book of your Words (Matthew 12:36-37) - every word in secret and public uttered in violation to God's holy standard will be brought out as evidence in God's courtroom. The Book of your Secrets (Romans 2:16; Psalm 44:21) - all those sins no one found out that you committed will be brought up before God at the Judgment. God's Courtroom will explode open the secrets and motives of hearts and minds. Everything will be revealed for what it truly was, and no one will have any excuse.

You may have gotten away with your secret sins on earth, but not at the White Throne Judgment. Be sure your sins will find you out. The evidence against you is just and true. You have an ongoing conversation with your conscience every day - the inner voice that tells you the things you are doing are sinful. What you just did was wrong. Your conscience rebukes you, "You shouldn't steal that, think that, say that, watch that." But you say, "Be quiet!" You try to come up with your own standard, and you meet it, and you feel good about yourself. You salve your conscience with your self-made morality.  You try to stifle your conscience, settle it down, and silence it. You create your own standards and feel good about them, and you think you're okay just the way you are. But you will not be judged by your own personal code of morality, but by the standard of God's pure holiness - Jesus Christ Himself (Acts 17:31). You are without excuse! You will have to answer to your Maker. The Book of the Scriptures will also be opened at the Judgment.

But there's Good News - You have an awful record of sin, and you cannot go back and start over; no one can go back. But today you can make Jesus Christ your living Savior and Substitute and start over. Come now to the Cross of Jesus Christ and make a new ending. Your beginning cannot be changed, no matter what you do, but you can come to Jesus Christ by Faith, and your ending can be changed from a never-ending hell, to an ending that is forever in glory with your Crucified and Living Creator. 

Your sins can be expunged, wiped out, deleted forever, but only one way. How can this be? How can a holy God take away the guilt of your sin and the record of all your iniquities? Well, because Jesus Christ bore your sins in His own body, He was punished for those sins in your place, and was put to shame for you; God became a Jewish man and loved His enemies to death.  Your Maker became a human being and came to earth to rescue guilty sinners who rebelled against His authority. The Creator condescended to die for unworthy sinners, especially you. He paid for all your sins with His shed blood on Calvary's Cross. You must give your sins up to Christ, and He will put them away with His Blood. At the Cross, your black record can be wiped clean; your secret deeds can be deleted; your iniquities can be expunged forever through Faith in God's Blood.

Jesus Christ is God Incarnate. Christ Jesus is the Judge of all mankind and His jurisdiction is universal. At the Final Judgment, there will be nowhere for you to run and nowhere to hide. It will be forever too late then. The books will be opened, and you will be judged according to your works (open and secret sins will all be brought to light). The book of conscience, the book of your secrets, the book of idle words, the book of thoughts, the book of deeds, and the Lamb's book of life will be opened. You deserve a fair trial, and you're going to get one. 

My friend, you only have one hope and that is to - Settle Out of Court. While there's time, humble yourself, and go back to the Judge's chamber, and admit to Christ Himself your guilt and sinfulness. You have no hope without Him. There's nothing in yourself to ever help save your soul. Your sins must be forgiven completely by Christ Himself before you die. You deserve the wrath of God. You are currently under God's divine Verdict and on your way to Hell. Ask Christ to save you now. Listen, don't demand a fair trial. The evidence will be overwhelmingly against you. Come clean with your Maker - Admit you're guilty and accept the justness of God's verdict against your sins - you are a sinner and you should be rightly and justly condemned to die an eternal death in the Lake of Fire. 

But be wise, flee to Calvary's Cross where your Creator was crucified for you, claim His merits and blood alone to rescue you from your love of sin, confide only in Christ's bloody death. His resurrection from the dead was for your soul. Take Jesus Himself to be your Payment and your Substitute. On the Cross, Jesus took what your sins deserve. You will either be standing before Christ at the Judgment or behind Him. You don't want to stand trial in Eternity before your Omniscient Creator. Ask Jesus to be your Advocate and Savior.  Your time is running out. Right now, settle out of court with the One Savior who paid your sin's penalty with His own atoning blood.