Sunday, November 13, 2011

Misery or Joy?

Sin always leads to Misery. Obedience to Christ Himself always leads to Joy. Now understand - Divine Mercy is always seeking for misery, not self-righteousness. Divine Pity is continually searching for the spiritual pauper, not the rich. Mercy never looks for merit; mercy only delights to visit misery. Miserable paupers will seek after Christ Jesus who is very pitiful and of tender mercy. The wise pleader only appeals to God's mercy. It is wisest and safest to appeal to mercy; a sinner always needs mercy. To be rescued from the love and power of sin is the greatest of mercies. Jesus charges nothing whatsoever for His services, He does everything for helpless sinners gratis. This is the true glory and sweetness of the Gospel. Only the Holy Spirit can make you feel your inward misery and poverty. Christ Jesus will deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath *no* helper.

Sin promises pleasure, but it only leads to misery. Do you have enough merit to find favor with God? What gives you acceptance with God? We are saved by a Righteousness from God, not a self-righteousness for God. Faith in God's Blood is the main plain thing. How can a sinful man be reconciled to a holy God? Justification is an instantaneous irreversible event that happens the moment a sinner simply trusts in Jesus' Precious Blood. Salvation is not a process. To be made right in the eyes of the Law is done by Jesus. Justification is the opposite of condemnation. We are rebels towards God, condemned by our sin and unbelief.

How can a holy God justify an ungodly man? Does your acceptance with God involves any of your works? Human nature has a notion that salvation involves a process in which you continue to do some good things and quit doing a lot of the bad things you've been doing, and that somehow or another you will finally reach the point where you can say, I am accepted with God. Human nature thinks that a good God will reward good people for doing their best. If I am a good person that does his best, I will be OK. But God justifies the wicked only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. JEHOVAH is the God who justifies the wicked for Jesus' sake.

You must come to terms with the Gospel of the Grace of God which offers free salvation and full forgiveness only to wicked sinners. God forgives all of our sin, wipes our record absolutely clean, past-present-future, and credits to our sinful account all of the Righteousness of His Dear Son, Jesus Christ. How can God justify the wicked? Well, this all happens at the Cross. God executed His Justice on sin when He punished Jesus Christ in our place. Sin is a misery from which I can only be saved by divine mercy. We have no claim upon the LORD by way of our own merit; our only appeal is to His free grace and compassion which is in Christ Jesus. Keep your gaze on the Cross, look only to Christ Jesus for everything. Show your misery and despair to the Lord of mercy.

Consider Christ Crucified - Christ is my Righteousness, I am His sin. He took on Himself all my sins, and He put on me all His Righteousness. Jesus became what He was not (Sin), so that I could become what I was not (Righteousness). Christ took the place of the sinner, so that the sinner could be accepted before God. Unless you are justified, you are condemned right now. There is no neutral zone. Your bad outweighs your good, because you are completely bad. You are in a predicament, you are sinful up to the brim in the sight of God, there is no good in you at all. You have defied God's authority all of your life. You have erred from God's path, and went your own way. On your very best day, you miss the mark, that is called Sin. You can't work your way back to God. God must first show you yourself, and then He will show you the Savior. You are miserable, guilty, proud, and stuck on yourself. Human nature always gauges itself on those other people around it. You have warped thinking and a wandering heart.

Moral gravitation is your main problem - the natural moral movement of all human nature without Jesus Christ is always down. The law of gravity always takes you down, every time. Gravity is an absolute, things drop down, not up. Every man is morally evil, and in need of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Moral collapse is a fact. What the world calls progress today, the Bible calls degeneration. It's either back to the Bible, or back to the jungle. The majority of educated people believe that the more immorality, sex perversion, and filth you tolerate, the more progress you are making. The God-less world thinks, the more filth and sin you can put up with, the more mature you are.

The power of evil habits will keep you from returning to God. Every Christ rejecter has developed some vile habits that keeps them from coming to Jesus Christ. As long as you love your sin, you will never accept Jesus Christ. The secret darling sin that keeps you from accepting Christ will inevitably damn your soul. Maybe the thing that is keeping you from getting saved is you are trying to live a good life. You may have some evil companions that keep you from coming to Christ. The cords of evil habits will bind you hand and foot. His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. Some people reject Jesus Christ, because of their job. The thing that keeps you from Christ, that'll fix you. An evil habit can get a hold of you mentally and physically, and if you stay in it, and stay in it, pretty soon it's got you. Habits can get a hold of you, where you can't stop, your vile habits will build up momentum, and then after a while, you are out of control. Christ died for the *ungodly*, not for good people.

Sin will slowly get a hold of you, so that you can't and won't believe on Christ. The longer you wait to get right with God, the more sin will take hold of you and harden your heart. Religious professionals will also keep you from believing the Gospel. Bad associations will also make fun of you if you try to come to Jesus Christ. Worldly ridicule may damn your soul to Hell. Whatever you are doing in secret that keeps you from Christ, that will damn you for sure. The worldling says, "I'm going to get right one day when I get ready, after I sow my wild oats." Human nature goes downhill all the way every day. If you go to Hell, you are solely responsible, for you have disregarded multiple warnings. Sin = Misery; and Christ Himself = Joy. Christ Jesus' Precious Blood is every sinner's only hope. Renounce your sins and self-righteousness, and trust the sin-atoning Lamb of God now to save you from the love of sin, and the damnation of Hell.

To whom can a guilty sinner turn? That's easy, Only the Lamb of God. Place your faith personally and completely on the Son of God (Acts 16:31). Commit your sinful soul permanently to Him now. Do not let any supposed goodness in yourself keep you from the Savior. Only really bad people (sinners) that forsake their own righteousness and trust Christ's Righteousness can go to Heaven. You can't jump the Mississippi River, and you can't make it to Heaven in your own efforts. Don't presume that you will have more time at a later date to make your choice to trust Jesus Christ. Delay is deadly. Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am sinful and guilty through and through, I trust you to be my Sin-Bearer, please save me by your Blood and Grace, and please control me by your Holy Spirit. Praise God for His goodness, mercy, and faithfulness.

Finally, Sin only results in Misery, and obedience to Christ Jesus always results in Joy. Which will you choose today, Misery or Joy?