Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good News Indeed

Sin always results in personal shame and guilt, and a fear of apprehension. You may fool yourself, but you can't fool God. You might think you're getting away with your sin, but you're not. People know about you, and God knows ALL about you. You're afraid that people might find out what you're all about. Sin brings personal guilt, public discovery, and divine exposure.

 If you're a lost sinner, when you face God at the Judgment, every sinful thought that ever flashed through your mind, every sinful word you ever uttered, every sinful place you've ever been, every sinful penny you've earned or spent, every secret sin you have forgotten - all these things will be blazoned across the screen of Eternity for the whole universe to see. Everyone will see what you're really all about. The only way to escape the Judgment to come is simple faith in the Precious Blood of God's dear Son.

The way of transgressors is hard. A sinner never has any rest. There is misery for the sins you have committed, for the time you have wasted, for the money you have misspent, for the people you have mistreated, for the heartaches you've caused others. Sin is misery. You better ask Jesus to make your peace with God for you through His Blood. Don't let your wicked pride lead you to reject Christ and land you in Hell Fire. Unbelief, neglect, and delay will only end up in Damnation. Sin results in misery, sorrow, heartaches, tears, regret, eternal separation from God, and eternal destruction.

There is a dark barrier between you and God right now, it is called your Sin. You need God, you need His love, His presence, His promises, and His Son in your heart and body. But your Sins bar God from you and you from God. Atheists are a miserable, misguided crew serving sin, Satan, and this evil world. Every atheist is hell bound. Unforgiven sin will take you to a Devil's Hell. You are on the very brink of Eternity every day. You are hanging on by the brittle uncertainty of your life and at any minute that thread could be snapped in two. If you are lost, you are spiritually dead, that is, separated from the life of God - Christ Jesus.

The road to hell is paved with human merit, reasoning, speculation, intellect, religion, pride, and delusions. Man's wisdom is useless and vain. But open your eyes, look this way - Behold The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world! Jesus all by Himself made a full Atonement for our sins. This is what that means - We have all sinned, and we are guilty, the law of God demands punishment for our sins which we have knowingly committed. Men do wrong, and they must be punished. A sin against a good and holy God deserves eternal death as its punishment. But God is rich in mercy, and Jesus Christ came into this world to bare the consequences of human sin in His own body on the tree. 

Heaven paid the ransom price with God's Blood on Calvary's Cross. And now by the simple act of believing, and receiving Jesus HImself to be your Substitute and Sin-Bearer, you can be pardoned freely and immediately. Jesus bore all your guilt and punishment and was unto God a perfect, sinless blood Sacrifice instead of you. The God of the Bible, your Creator, only pardons sin by *Blood Atonement*. Christ Jesus in my place suffered the deadly penalty of my sins - His Precious Blood now pacifies the divine wrath of God and my guilty conscience, and nothing else will. Come to the Savior's Blood by childlike faith, and let Him cleanse you and forgive you of all your sins. Humbly yield to the Savior and let Him have His way with you.

The wages of sin is death - eternal death - the second death. In Eternity without God, you will be beyond hope, beyond help, and you will keep on dying and dying and dying, in the flaming torments of the Lake of Fire, so long as God shall continue on His throne - forever and EVER. There is only one escape from this awful condemnation. You cannot save yourself. You've sinned against God, you cannot help forgive your own sins. You are lost, hopeless, and helpless, standing on the brink of Hell. Your sins are pulling you down. Your sins are all against you, the world is taunting you, Satan is tugging at you. If you don't watch it, you'll be damned, doomed, cursed, and condemned for all Eternity.

But God, in exchange for all our sins, He gave us a Substitute to take our place (II Corinthians 5:21; I Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13; Isaiah 53:6). His name is Jesus of Nazareth, God manifest in the flesh. Christ Jesus is our Substitute, our Sin-Bearer, our Scapegoat. He took all the blame and punishment for our sins. The holiness, justice, vengeance, and wrath of God were all satisfied in Christ's Blood Atonement. Jesus provided for us a Satisfaction (Atonement) for our bitter sins. His Blood and Righteousness has satisfied all the claims of God.

 The execution of God's Judgment on our sins was levied on Jesus on Calvary's Cross. Because of Jesus' shed Blood, there is Free Forgiveness of sins, there is Reconciliation by the Blood of Jesus, there is Eternal Salvation by the Grace of God, there is Full Justification by faith in Jesus, there is Regeneration by the work of the Holy Ghost. Only Jesus Christ can satisfy God, you can never satisfy God's justice and holiness. God so loved wicked sinners that He gave them a perfect Savior. God gave us the Bleeding Substitute, and the Substitute provided the Eternal Satisfaction for us. God gave us the Savior - the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

You are now standing between the wages of sin, and the Gift of God. You must decide! God calls upon every soul to decide, and decide you must. God offers you the Precious Blood of His Son. Right now, you may settle your salvation forever. Come to Jesus now, leave your sins and self-righteousness behind, close with Jesus' Blood, and your all sins (past-present-futre) will be freely and instantly forgiven on the spot.