Saturday, October 15, 2011

Matchless Mercy

The atheist and religionist are the mortal enemies of Christ -- he hates Christ's name, person, and Gospel. He seeks the approval and applause of sinful man. But be sure, your sins will soon come home to you and find you out. The natural man works very hard to ruin and lose his soul. Sin is a deadly thing, do not trifle with it. Your love for sin will be your own personal ruin. You refuse Christ and slight His blood, therefore your sin remaineth.

You have willfully and desperately sinned against God, rejected His Son, and broken all of His commandments. You'll reap what you sow, and you'll get what you grow. As a sinner, you deserve nothing but God's wrath, but if you trust in God's Son, you will receive nothing but God's Mercy.

The worst thing that could ever happen to you is to die UNFORGIVEN and stand before the judgment bar of God without the Savior. The frail thread of life will soon snap, you will take your last breath, your heart beat will stop, and in a single instant you will be dead and in hell, beyond all hope, eternally lost without God, and without hope. The best news of all is that Jesus loved you and gave Himself for you. Believe on the divine Substitute.

 Best of all - Christ died for the ungodly, especially you. The best thing to do with your own wisdom and righteousness is to get rid of it once and for all, for it will ruin and damn your soul for sure. It is an awful thing to live without Christ and then die as an enemy of God. The basic need of every man is the forgiveness of his sins against God - the total remission of every sin through faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ. However good you may think you are, you must receive pardon at the Cross. Pride is love for yourself; Humility is the correct estimate of yourself.

Men believe they are in trouble with God, because they have done certain things that are wrong. But your problem is not that you have committed sins, your main problem is that your are IN SINS. You were conceived IN SIN, you were born IN SIN, you have lived IN SIN, and if you don't watch out, you're going to die IN YOUR SINS. You are lost because you are IN SINS (Ephesians 2:1,5; John 8:24; Colossians 2:13). It's not that you sinned here and there, the issue is that you are SIN, and nothing but SIN itself. You're not just dark inside, you are Darkness itself (See Ephesians 5:8).

You choose, approve of, and delight to be IN YOUR SIN. You are altogether deserving of the wrath of God. You are completely IN SINS, and you cannot escape SIN unless a Ransom rescues you from your SINS. Your SINS are your main problem. You are stuck in your sins, and your sins are stuck on you. You were born in Adam (Romans 5:12; I Corinthians 15:22), and you must be born again, translated into Christ Himself by the grace of God. Good works can't save you, and bad works can't damn you. You can't work your way into Christ, and you can't sin yourself out of Christ.

You must be rescued from the Death Ship that is headed straight for the Lake of Fire; you must be rescued by Christ and put into His Life Boat. It's not what you've done, it's what you are - SIN. You are a sinner by nature, and all you can do on your best day is SIN. Whatsoever is not of faith is SIN.

Your sinful impulses and propensities refuse to glorify God your Creator - Jesus Christ. Your evil passions and vile affections of the mind, the lusts of your heart, sinful desires, evil thoughts, the imaginations of the thoughts of the heart, these are the first motions of the carnal mind that lead you to first sin inwardly and then outwardly. These inward motions of sin arise from a corrupt heart and evil nature. These motions of sin within you are irritated, provoked, and increased, through the divine law's prohibition of them.

Ye must be born again. Why? Because you are in a state of nature and unregeneracy, under the guilt, power and dominion of your SINS, and you are neither regenerated or redeemed. You are liable to everlasting punishment for your SINS. Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, was delivered up as a sinless, bloody Sacrifice to atone for your offenses against God, and His precious blood was shed to obtain the forgiveness of your sins freely. Loving gratitude and adoring devotion to the Savior is necessary.

For your sake, Christ Jesus, the Lord of glory stooped and suffered, bled, and died to save your guilty soul from the love of sin and the lake of fire. Let this wonderful message sink down into your ears - Jesus is God, He made the heaven and the earth, without Him was not any thing made that was made. Christ looked down upon sinful men with eyes of love, and condescended to earth to be born as a Jewish baby to rescue worthless rebels from their sins. You had need, and Jesus had love, and He came to earth to bleed for your sins. JEHOVAH became incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He humbled Himself and lived a sinless life here on earth as a Jewish peasant, toiling and suffering day to day, always going about doing good and being kind and compassionate, and then at the last, He was betrayed, denied, and falsely condemned.

 Christ Jesus the Son of God was crucified in your place, He bore your sins in His body on the tree, so you could be immediately and freely forgiven of all your sins, and receive instantaneous salvation through Faith in His Precious Atoning Blood shed on Calvary's Cross for you. This is the wonderfullest thing you'll ever hear with your ears - Christ Jesus, God in the flesh, died in your place, so you could be Ransomed from the love for and damnation of your sins. Make the Blood of the Cross your Atonement. Close with Jesus Christ - Trust *HIM* now, and not yourself at all - and your soul will be safe forever in HIM.