Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bob Jones Sr Quotes 6

* Nobody but Jesus can do anything for your lost soul.
* God sees every time you sin and step out on Him.
* You do not have to sin, and make a mess of your life.
* An education can never change the heart.
* Head religion will damn you. Carnal religious ambition will blind you.
* You do what you do, because you are what you are. A man always does according to what he is. You think with your heart, not your head.
* If you are ever saved, Christ will have to do it for you.
* Always take God's side.
* What you do in a crisis, reveals what you really are.
* A heathen is someone that has some other god instead of the living God.
* Get your mind off everything but Jesus.
* Human nature always stumbles over the simplicity of the Gospel.
* You can't live by doing, you live by trusting in Jesus Christ.
* Life is not divided between the secular and the sacred.
* God has a will for every life. No man's calling is ever more sacred than another man's calling.
* Man in his raw natural state is a sinner headed for hell.
* The main problem with America is a bankruptcy of Character.
* Don't do the convenient thing, do right.
* I had Hell coming, but Jesus took it for me.
* Believing is seeing.
* The greatest curse to Christianity is dead orthodoxy.
* Selfish people are the most miserable wretches on earth.
* You'll stumble over happiness on the path of God's will for your life.
* You can't fool God, He knows what you're up to.
* You can't do right, until you're made right.
* The more light you have, the greater your sin is before God.
* What does God say about it?
* America has religion without Christ.