Friday, October 28, 2011

Don't Lose Your Soul

Luke 12:13-21 – The Rich Man That Lost His Soul

In Luke 12:13-21, there was a man that has some family problems, he was troubled about what his brother would do with the family inheritance. He was concerned and troubled about earthly things, not eternal things. Christ probed his heart and saw his greediness for filthy lucre. What this man needed most was eternal riches, and to have his Eternity secured with Christ. This man had a money mentality, just like the American way. He was desiring a bigger car, a bigger bank account, he wanted to get more, live in worldly ease, and retire comfortably. But he was on the verge of dying very uncomfortably. The heart of the problem is always in your heart: covetousness, greed, lust, and selfishness. Life is not about the things we acquire here in time on earth.

--- The Rich Man's Dilemma ---
Most of us never have to worry about this rich man's problem. He had too much wealth. He thought his riches were something he had gained, not something that God gave him. God gives us everything we have. This man had no thoughts of God or others. There's a big difference in making a living, and having a life. This man was caught up in making a living, and forgot to have a life. He was a very good businessman, but he never did business with God. Don't just make a living, and forget to live for your Maker.

- He made the wrong estimate of his soul.
- He made the wrong distribution of his goods.
- He made the wrong calculation on the time God was going to give him to live here on this earth.

What shall I do? His dilemma was about what do with his earthly possessions.
What shall I do then with Jesus which is called the Christ? Pilate had a real dilemma about what to do with Jesus Christ. Pilate was between the Rock and a hot place.

There are way too many churches and religions today, but the Holy Bible is still the FINAL authority concerning God, your soul, and Eternity. What are you going to do with Jesus Christ? Have all your sins been forgiven by the Creator who was crucified to pay for your sins?

There are some areas where people can be neutral, for instance sports and politics. But there is one area where no one can be neutral. This is it: What shall I do with Christ the living God? Will I receive Him, or neglect and reject Him?

--- The Rich Man's Decision --
The rich man didn't know what to do with all his possessions. He wanted to build bigger and better barns, store it all up, save it all up, and be ready for the future. But this man was selfish. He faced doom, damnation, and eternal despair. He was blinded by the pride of life and self-aggrandizement. The world would call this man a success. But Christ called Him a fool in Luke 12:20. This man was successful and envied by many, but He took no account of God. He had all kinds of plans, but He made no account of God. He lived a godless life.

Luke 12:13 - He thought within himself -- self was the rich man's god. His whole world revolved around himself. The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. He was all caught up with himself. In Luke 12:16, the ground brought forth plentifully, not the rich man. God sends the rain, and sunlight, and He gives the increase and harvest. All good things come down from God above. But the rich man lived as if God didn't exist. He never thanked God or gave God the glory for anything. He acquired and enjoyed God's blessings, but God was not in his thoughts. Most men live as if God doesn't exist, until they get in some trouble and need something to help them out.

This man in Luke 12, He took no account of God, he took no account of others, and he took no account of his soul. Luke 12:19 - Soul...he talked to his soul, but he never committed his soul to the living God, Jesus Christ, for safe keeping. He thought he would be just fine the way he was without God. He thought his soul could be satisfied with earthly things. Jesus warned us in Mark 8:36-37, that we could lose our own soul, and we can foolishly exchange something for our soul. The world, the flesh, and the devil are constantly decoying us away from God and into the snare of sin.

You cannot fill your immortal soul with that which satisfies the body. Worldly prosperity is like salt water: the more you drink, the thirstier you get. This rich man took no account of his soul. This man had everything earth had to offer, but he really had nothing, because he didn't have what Christ offered to him which is the Free Forgiveness of Sins and Eternal Life.

This rich man never took account of Eternity. His desire was to eat, drink, and be merry; this is the world's motto. This earth was his heaven. In Luke 12:19, he desired ease for his soul, but the lost soul is always panting for communion with God. The worldling wants to be at ease here without God. In Hebrews 9:27, the Bible says death and judgment are coming, it is inevitable. We should take account of God, examine our soul, and think soberly about Eternity and prepare to face God. Are we ready to meet God face to face? No man ever thinks that death is going to come as quickly as it does.

A life lived without God is not a life of ease. An eternity without God will be terrible. Eternity without God is not a place of ease. See Luke 16:23. The most important decision in life: What will you do with Jesus which is called Christ? And after we are born again by trusting the finished work of Christ alone the most important question in life: What will we do for Christ?

This rich man's dilemma was that he didn't know what to do. His sin and pride had blinded and confounded him. He made the decision for the earthly. This was the rich man's desires: He thought that life was all about being secure, successful, comfortable, carnal satisfaction, and remaining healthy, so he could continue to enjoy his sin. He had everything this world can provide, but he still wasn't satisfied and secure. True peace is knowing your sins are forgiven by Christ's blood, and knowing Christ personally. This man was not enjoying life, he was only facing and dreading death. His desire was for the earthly and the temporal. See II Peter 3:9. The Lord's desire for him was that he would not perish. This man needed to be born again before he died. Many people desire to go to heaven, but most wait till it is too late. Life is more than just possessions: life is more about Eternity, and where we will spend it.

The world looks at this man and says, "this man died when he had everything going for him," "what a tragedy, he died before he could enjoy all that he worked for all his life!" The greatest tragedy was not all that he left behind, but all that he had to face when he died. This man had to endure a hopeless eternity without God. This man lived and died in his sins without God.

What is it to be rich toward God? It is knowing Christ as your Savior from the love of sin. Christ Jesus left heaven and became poor that we might be made rich in trusting Him.

* Dilemma - What will I do with Jesus?
* Decision - Your decision will determine your destiny.
* Destiny - Will it be heaven or hell for you?

The question is not, Are you living a good life? or Are you doing your best? or Are you sincere in your religion? Oh no, the question is, "Have you personally trusted Christ Himself as your personal Savior from your personal sins against God?"

Many people had the opportunity in the Bible and didn't respond to the Gospel. Paul preached the Gospel to Felix, and his response was, "come tell me again in a convenient season." Paul preached the Gospel to King Agrippa, and his response was, "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." The rich man in Luke 12 had everything the world offered, but he lacked that which Christ offered to him: the free gift of eternal life from God. Most people want a good comfortable earthly life, but not eternal life. The rich man was facing death and didn't know his eternal destiny for sure.

II Corinthians 6:2 - Now is the day of salvation. Today is the best day to trust Christ, tomorrow is not promised to you. Death is sure, it is coming to everyone of us; death comes too quickly, none of us have as much time as we wish we had, time is hastening on. Remember, no man has more time that he thinks he does. You have a decision to make: Who will you trust, serve, and live for? Self or Christ? Holy Spirit, help us to understand the importance of life, the importance of the soul, the importance of Eternity. Don't make the wrong decision, please trust Christ alone today.

Lean your sinful soul on Christ now, cast your sinful self upon Him. Lean the whole weight of your soul upon Christ's Cross. Rest wholly on the Rock of Ages. The leaving of the soul in the pierced hands of Jesus is the very essence of faith. Faith is receiving Christ into your emptiness. Faith is receiving Christ Jesus with your understanding, will, and heart. Submit to Christ's Righteousness, take Him to be your all in all, and agree to be nothing at all. Take Christ as He is, take Him now, just as you are. Trust Christ, and you are saved immediately. Rely only on what He did, and you are redeemed by His eternal blood. Just leave off trusting any ceremonies, doctrines, or works. Trust Christ alone, you are commanded by God to do it. Turn to Christ and Christ only. Turn your eye from yourself to the bleeding Savior. To trust Christ is to believe.

Only the working of the Holy Spirit can make you sense your sinfulness and danger, He uses the law of God to condemn your self-righteousness, He makes you conscious of your lost and ruined state. The Holy Ghost helps you realize you cannot save yourself by all your doings and feelings. Through His workings you finally realize you cannot help yourself, you have nothing of your own to offer God, you cannot escape your guilt, you must take Christ or perish, you are driven up into a corner, shut up to faith alone, the only way to escape the wrath of God is by the Righteousness of Another (Romans 10:3-4). The work of Christ redeems us, the work of the Spirit regenerates us. Come and humbly trust Christ to save you. Trust Christ now, and you are saved; disobey this simple command, and do what you will, and you will be damned. Trust Christ now and all your sins are gone, not one will be left on your soul. All your past, present, and future sins will cease to be.

The Heavenly Remedy for sin is a simple one. It is not a mixture of your works and Christ's, it is just this -- resting in the blood of Jesus Christ. Eternal safety is found only in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the Cross, His hands and feet were nailed to the tree, His heart was pierced by the spear, His soul was full of wrath and agony. Behold the Lamb of God! Believe on Him now. Trust Christ and His works - His life was given for yours. Jesus bled for your sins. The thirsty are welcome to the Cross today, but those that think they are 'good' are sent away empty. Your main business is to trust Christ, rest on Him, depend on His works, rely wholly on what Christ has done for you when He bled on Calvary's tree. Deo Gratias!