Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stop Lingering

You must be born again, for if you are not born TWICE, you will die twice, both physically (the first death) and spiritually in the lake of fire (the second death). You must be washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for His enemies, or else you will die in your sins. You must come humbly to *HIM* for mercy, and find everything your soul needs in HIM, or you will remain under the wrath of God, condemnation, and will inevitably perish in your iniquity. Your sins being forgiven by Christ Jesus is what matters most. Repent - stop lingering in your darkness, turn your back on your sins, stop walking toward hell, do an about face, repent toward God, and stop flirting with disaster. Make Christ the Priority in your thoughts. Trust Christ with your soul, or else you will lose it. The mission of the unsaved man is to love himself and try and satisfy himself. The Gospel offends human nature, because human nature loves sin, and self-righteousness.

The only Help there is, or ever will be, for any sinner is Christ Jesus Himself. Christ died for sinners, you are a sinner, that means Jesus died for you, that's for sure. Now Jesus said, "I am the Door." When you leave or enter your house, you must go through a door. When you get in or out of your car, you must go through a door. If you go to Wal-Mart or Target, you have to go through a door. If you go to a drugstore or the hospital, you have to go through a door. Doors are the access points to all the important places in your life. And if you want to get into Heaven one day, you must go through the Door of Heaven, His name is Jesus Christ, the living God who loved you and gave Himself for you. The only thing that can Help your guilty soul is to cast yourself down at Jesus' feet, and He will give you a sound mind. You need to get to the Person who can fix your sin problem.

Evolution and darwinism can't ever cover up your sins. God's all-seeing eyes can see right through your body, soul, and spirit right now (Proverbs 15:3). You have a perverse heart, and you need to depend upon Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ's Precious Blood can make you Right inside where no one can see, but God. Every thought of atheism is a vain thought. If you think yourself to be anything more than a mass of sin and helplessness, that is a vain thought.

You will be separated from God forever, if Jesus doesn't save you from the love of your sin. You can get all your sins forgiven right now, if you will simply come to Jesus by faith. As long you live unsaved and unforgiven, you are in a very dangerous condition, that is certain. All real faith is created in the heart by the Holy Ghost and the word of God. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved from the love of sin. Sin will take you farther than you want to go; Sin will keep you longer than you want to stay, and your Sin will cost you far more than you ever wanted to pay. If you are not saved from your sinful state, right now, you are in the Devil's family, you are a child of the Devil and Darkness. That's why you must be Born Again (John 3:7) out of the family of Satan and into the family of God, through simple faith in Jesus' sin-atoning blood.