Monday, September 5, 2011

Simple Faith (3)

The Lord Jesus Christ is the sum of all truth (John 14:6). All poor sinners are invited to come to Christ Jesus by simple faith in His atoning blood, and be saved from the wrath to come by Grace alone. Men will not come to Christ, because their evil deeds will be exposed. Prior to the New Birth, all their so-called good works are evil.  They do wicked things, and they don't want them to be exposed. They love darkness rather than light.  They choose immorality over immortality.  Unbelief and the rejection of Christ comes from a love of sin.  Human nature loves all the wrong things. The carnal mind hates and despises Jesus Christ for no good reason. The natural man thinks and does evil stuff, and they don't want to quit it. They will not come to Jesus Christ, that they might have eternal life. Without an Advocate, all your sinfulness will be exposed at the White Throne Judgment.  All your darkest secrets will be laid bare. You love the hellish trinity (the world, the flesh, and the devil), not the heavenly Trinity (God, Son, and Holy Ghost).

Trust in the Ransom of the Savior's blood. Hope in the Father's mercy, the Son's blood, and the Spirit's power. Come to God through the merits of the Risen Savior. Put your faith in Jesus Christ, and have an ardent love towards Him. Only the Holy Ghost can help you sense your sinfulness and danger, feel your need of a Savior, seek Christ, and lay hold upon Him.

Your evil companions admire your sinful behavior, and you don't feel shame. You like your dark and dirty ways.  You are ugly and sinful within, but Jesus is beautiful and good. Have nothing but Jesus for your soul's reliance. You say, I am king, I do what I want in the dark, I call the shots, no one should criticize my sins. Your only hope is grace and mercy. You are a welfare case spiritually forever; you need much help from above. Your heart-life, thought-life, money life, and moral life must be exposed to the Light.  Come to Christ now. There is nobody else to believe in, and nobody else for you to trust. Fall out of love with your sin, and into love with the Crucified and Risen Savior. Childlike confidence in God manifest in the flesh, your implicit reliance upon Him is commanded. Cast your despairing spirit upon the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus and fix your implicit trust in Him, who lived and died for His enemies, to work a Righteousness for poor sinners.  Jesus is enough. You need a new affection for Christ Crucified. The impure thoughts, the dirty deeds, the backbiting words, the lack of kindness, the selfishness, the pride and arrogancy, the lack of gratitude of inward purity - these all condemn you.

This is the Gospel - Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved (from the love of sin). It is Christ, and Christ alone, who is the Sinner's Savior. Take Him to be your Savior now. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. H-A-T-H spells 'got it.' He that believeth on the Son is a saved sinner, everlasting life can never die, and can never be taken away. Believe in Jesus and you have free pardon, peace, eternal life, God, and Heaven. The essence of the Gospel lies in giving up all self-confidence, all attempts to save yourself by your own merit, and a simple reliance upon Jesus Christ's finished work to save your soul from the love of sin.

A banker will keep your money safe. You turn your money over to the banker for safekeeping. Act in the same way with your soul. Only Jesus can keep your soul safe. Make Christ your Banker, deposit your soul with Him as soon as possible. Turn your whole being over to Him for safekeeping. The Gospel is the preaching of a full, free, present, everlasting pardon to sinners through Jesus Christ's (God manifest in the flesh) atoning blood. The Gospel is absolutely Free; nothing is to be done in order to obtain it. No merits need be brought in order to obtain God's gratis Salvation. There is free pardon for the guiltiest wretch through Jesus Christ's shed blood. You can be fully pardoned and freely forgiven, because of what Jesus did for you on the Cross.

Genuine Repentance says this, Jesus has been so loving and gracious to me in making me his child forever. I am so ashamed I didn't love Him before. My mind is changed toward Him now. I grieve to think how I have sinned against such a good God, and now He has freely forgiven me. I want to be His dear child, faithful servant, loyal friend - I want to do His will, and not my own.

Naturally every man's heart is impure, he cannot make it pure by his own strength, or by anything that he can do. Man is pure in his own eyes, and in the esteem of others, yet they are not cleansed from their inward filthiness, for they are inwardly full of all manner of iniquity. There is a conscience in every man, that accuses or excuses, unless it is seared by sin, but the conscience is naturally evil and defiled and doesn't perform aright; and it takes no notice of and it not concerned about sin, and has no remorse for it, or it takes notice of little things, and lets greater sins pass. The defiled conscience speaks peace when destruction is at hand. You say, "Everyone says this religion is right, and that religion is right, that confuses me. Maybe something else could be right besides the Gospel of Christ." Man naturally wants to work to gain his own righteousness to justify himself before God, and reject and refuse Christ's perfect Righteousness. When sin is burdening your soul, Christ Crucified is your true delight.

Place your complete dependence upon Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Humble confidence, a good courage in the blood of Christ. Seek Christ first, have simple faith in Him. The root of all of real conversion is simple reliance in the Lord Jesus Christ. Away with counterfeits; real faith lives on Jesus only. Rest on Jesus solely, build on Jesus wholly, earnest prayer to Christ for everything. Lean upon Christ alone, let Him be your soul's only dependence. Jesus Christ is the one great Substitute for sinners, upon whom you must rely. Absolute dependence upon Christ's Righteousness, not yours. A recumbency on Him, reclining all your being on His Atonement, that is, simple dependence upon the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ.

You need free and perfect Pardon on the spot. Simple faith in the precious blood saves us. Simple reliance upon His great Redemption and Atonement. This is the good news about Jesus the Savior of sinners - Christ is able to save the guilty, He is able grant free salvation from the uttermost to the guttermost. Look to Jesus by simple faith, and He will work His miracle of grace and mercy within you. True and simple faith in God alone always gives a good courage to do right.  Faith is confidence towards God, have no confidence in the flesh.  Truly trust in your Crucified and Risen Creator - Christ Jesus the Lord .

Faith is the mouth that feeds the soul. The beauty of the Lord is Christ Himself. We are absolutely safe forever through Christ's Sacrifice and Atonement. Flee away to Christ, lay hold upon Him by a simple faith. The Law is like the plow that turns over the ant bed - the Law causes us to know our inward corruptions. Simple faith in Jesus Christ will save any man from the love of sin. The inevitable fruit of faith in Christ is purity and inward godliness. Simple faith in His precious name and blood is key. Atonement by Precious Blood, Redemption by Substitution, Salvation by Grace. The way to assurance is through the door of simple faith in God Incarnate's Precious Blood. To believe is to trust in Christ alone. Faith is the milk, assurance is the cream. Assurance comes by faith in Christ alone. Simple faith relies entirely upon Jesus Christ. A single eye and simple reliance in His five bleeding wounds.