Sunday, September 11, 2011

Now Hear This!

Now hear this - Sin is a little three-letter word, but it contains all the evil that ever was. Sin is a bad word today. Nobody believes anything is a sin anymore. Sin is not a mistake, it is a deliberate crime against God Himself. Sin is transgression and rebellion against God your Maker. Sin is the violation of the law of right, the commission of all manner of wrong. Sin is in every man, we have all committed sin against God, we are all defiled with sin. Sin requires punishment, and brings condemnation upon every man. Christ Jesus came into the world to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself on Calvary's Cross. All have sinned, the wages of sin is death, the soul that sinneth, it shall die. The sinner must die for his sins, or an innocent Substitute must die in his place. God so loved you that He sent His only-begotten Son to bear your sins and pay the penalty for your sins.

All the wrong-doing of mankind is put into one lump, all heaped together, and called *SIN*. All the omissions, all the commissions, and all the tendencies to rebel against the person of God are all piled together and then called SIN. Sin is the evil nature within us that makes us obnoxious to God. Sin is loathsome to God; God is so pure that He cannot bear impurity. The very thought of injustice is abhorrent to God. God cannot look upon iniquity without hating it. Sin is completely contrary to God's divine nature. God's wrath rages against sin. Sin exposes every one of us to the just and righteous wrath of God. Wherever there is sin, there must be a divine eternal penalty.

God will not allow His righteous law to be violated with impunity. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The wages of sin is death. Where there is sin, there must be punishment. Every man's conscience knows there is a coming Judgment and a dreadful Hell reserved for unforgiven sinners. The terrible sound of Judgment to come is ever ringing in the conscience of the unconverted man. Sin is so terrible an evil, that God Himself had to leave His eternal throne and appear here on earth as a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth and shed His own blood to put away sin. Guilty man in his natural sinful state cannot dwell with a holy God. If you are not pardoned by Christ's Precious Blood, you must be separated from God forever. Nothing you can do, can bring reconciliation with God.

Your sins must be put away by Christ, or you are lost forever. You are guilty, you have condemned yourself by rejecting Christ. The weight of sin and its guilt lies on your conscience now. The wrath of God abides on every unsaved sinner (John 3:36). Sinner, Christ Jesus came into the world to save you -- to put away your sins. God Himself appeared in human form in the person of Jesus of Nazareth to save you from the love of sin. The sinner is called to come to Judgment, but the sinner's Substitute appeared on our behalf to suffer the punishment to due our sins. Sin can never be put away except by Sacrifice. Christ gave Himself, His whole self for our sins. He loved me, and gave Himself for me. Jesus gave His body, His soul, His own blood for me. He gave HIMSELF. Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree. He offered Himself as a Sacrifice for human sin. God Incarnate bled to death for undeserving sinners. Lay hold of this Great Truth - God in human flesh has died for you. God loved you so that He was nailed to a tree to pay for your sins.

Now hear this - Man's sin has made this world obnoxious to JEHOVAH, and God cannot deal with man apart from Christ's Sin-Atoning Bloody Sacrifice. God is infinitely merciful, but He is also infinitely Just. This poor guilty world had gone down into awful ruin. But God was rich in mercy toward sinners and sent His dear Son down to earth to save sinners. Christ came to put away sin's punishment by being punished for you. Divine equity cannot punish the same sin twice. If you trust Christ and His payment for your sin, you cannot be punished. Your sins must be transferred to the head of the Scapegoat of Calvary, the divinely appointed Substitute for sinners. When Christ puts away your sins, you will love Christ, and by loving Christ, you must hate your sin. To love sin and to love Christ at the same time is impossible. Fall down at Jesus' dear feet, trust His most precious blood, believe on His name. You cannot make peace with God, only Christ can do that for you. Let Christ Jesus save your soul today from the love and penalty of sin.

God fully displayed His compassion, pity, and love toward His enemies at Calvary (Romans 5:6-9). Christ put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself alone - nothing else is required. You must not add anything to Christ's perfect Sacrifice. Your merits are not required, because you have none to offer whatsoever. A sinner has no merit, a sinner is only guilty and undone. You must take nothing from Christ's Bloody Sacrifice, and you must add nothing to it. The very thought of adding anything to Christ's Finished Work is blasphemy. Believe that He has done all that is required, rest and be happy in Him. Christ gave His life and shed His Blood for you. He poured out His soul unto death for guilty men. Christ took the punishment of your sins. Now hear this - take this fact to be true, and rest your whole soul on the Atoning Blood of God's Son, and you are saved now. *John 3:16-19* Believe in Christ, that is, trust HIM wholly, not yourself at all. Trust Him now, trust Him altogether and alone. Rest on Him, believe that He died for you, and you are ransomed from the evil of sin.