Friday, August 27, 2010

Two Roads

Wrong roads lead to wrong destinations! Evolution is a road that will come out at a cliff and wind you up in the Lake of Fire. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." (Proverbs 14:12). Evolution may SEEM right, but you'll end up DEAD wrong! Your house doesn't just get better and better and not need maintenance after 10 years. Your house falls apart day by day. There's no such thing as evolution in any part of life. Things fall apart and decay, they don't improve and get better. Wake up now - You will spend Eternity somewhere. Every man can go to Hell in his own way - they do every day, but a real sinner can only be saved from the love of sin God's way - through simple faith in the crucified and living Lord Jesus Christ Himself (John 14:6).

If you are traveling, it is very important to have the right road map. A Chinese map is of little use in the USA. Darwin's road map is of no use in life or in death - it only leads you in circles and then leaves you lost, hopeless, and doomed. The Bible, the divine road map from your Creator, says, "There is a broad road that leads to destruction, and there is a narrow road that leads to eternal life." (Mathew 7:14) Today you are on one of these two roads. You cannot be on both roads at the same time. These two roads end at separate eternal destinations - it's either Heaven or Hell! WHICH ROAD ARE YOU ON RIGHT NOW?

Someday you're going to leave this temporal world you love so much, and you don't know when. That scares you, if you have any sense at all. "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Heaven." (John 3:3) Ye must be born again, because by nature you are completely wrong with God. Only through Christ's redeeming grace and blood can your sins be forgiven and your past, present, and future life be blotted out freely and eternally. God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ died on a cross and suffered the wrath due to your sin, especially for YOU, and then He rose from the dead and lives today to provide His salvation to miserable sinners just like you as a Free Gift (Romans 6:23). God's salvation from sin must be received freely by simple faith in JESUS Himself. Your human goodness is absolute badness in God's sight, because you're trying to impress God without receiving His Son's Righteousness.

Do you want to be free from your evil sin nature? You have a purposeless and vain life without God. Your wretchedness and emptiness keeps you scrambling for temporal satisfaction daily. Only Jesus Christ can fill the aching void in your soul, but the choice is all yours. Jesus said, "Him that cometh to ME I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37) Turn from your sinful Self to Jesus Christ Himself. What you do personally with Jesus Christ in time will determine what He does with you in Eternity. Darwinism is nothing but a devilish deadly detour, and evolution is a terrible dead end for educated barbarians. Excellent dispositions, charitable actions, and devout ceremonies, all that is nothing at all, you can never be saved unless you begin by disclaiming all good works and all human merits, and simply come and rest upon the Lord Jesus, and upon his finished work and righteousness. There is but one way of salvation, one foundation, one Propitiation, and one Gospel both for the businessman and the beggar-man. Come as an empty beggar to Christ's gate, asking only for His alms and mercy.

"But as many as received Him (Jesus Christ), to them gave He power become the sons of God even to them that believe on His name." (John 1:12) Today, why not make the wisest choice and call upon the name of the Lord in truth. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved from the love of sin. Your sole business sinner is this, trusting yourself with Jesus Christ. Surely you know what this means! The old preachers used to call it “recumbency,” a leaning; a leaning with all your weight, so that you have no dependence, but on that upon which you lean — leaning just so on Jesus Christ and His blood, with all the weight of your soul and all the weight of your sins. Trust solely in the Incarnate God who bled and died for sinners. Trust in HIM, and you are saved both now and forever.